Got a Keurig for Christmas



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I bought my hubby one for I could use it......LOL

    nah for serious he wanted it, but I did buy the reusable filter so I could use my usual ground coffee and it works great.

    I don't set no limits really but I only usually have 1 cup coffee in the am. and a tea at night (and usually I use bags so don't need the machine for it) I use unsweetened almond milk and splenda in mine so even if I had more than my 2 a day they are practically guilt free anyway.

  • cyndigre
    cyndigre Posts: 31 Member
    I got one too:) It must have been the popular gift this year. I love mine and I pretty much just drink plain coffee so I guess I will do ok!
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I got a Keurig for Christmas, too! I only use it for coffee and I usually add some almond milk & stevia. I just bought a carton of hazelnut coconut milk creamer (20 cal/T) which I'll try for the first time tomorrow.
  • I don't own one, although I would love to, but I do have access to one at work. I use it to make green tea. I'm totally addicted to it! I make a cup, add ice and nothing else and enjoy!!!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I bought one for myself as a reward for 15 lbs of weight loss...I use is all the time, but with my own coffee grounds since the K-cups are expensive and not very "green". Mine came with the reusable filter (keurig one) and I didn't like it, so I bought a solofil one (its red, got it at bed, bath, beyond and its cheaper than the Keurig one) and its much better and only one piece to deal with. I use caramel coffee so I can use less creamer. I generally only have 1 cup of coffee in the morning, unless I'm off the next day, then I'll have 2 or 3.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I love my Keurig, it is an awesome asset to my coffee counter LOL :drinker:
    I love coffee and save my calories for it. I would give up bread before I give up my coffee. So glad that you got one too!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm going to get me a Keruig one day. The look awesome. Not a big fan off coffee, but they have tea and hot chocolate. And maybe they even have cool coffee flavors, like mochas and white chocolate. Not sure if they do, but it sure does sound good.
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    I got married last summer and our Keurig was hands-down my favorite wedding gift. I have found that it has a positive effect on my caloric intake, not a negative one like you are talking about. A 6-calorie flavored cup of coffee like Golden French Toast or Spicy Eggnog has waaaaaaay less calories than the 16 oz. latte I used to stop and get on my way to work. Even when I splurge and make a chai tea latte on the Keurig (SO GOOD!), the 70 calories for that are considerably less than my old latte. Not only is my waistline happy, but so is my wallet!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Love my keurig! We have had it for about 9 months so far. I only do coffee in the morning about 3 days a week (fri-sun) and the occasional hot chocolate or chai.

    For those who have said the hot chocolate ruined machines - you are supposed to run a second cup of water (with no k-cup) after you make one of them. I think otherwise the sugar can gunk up the nozzle. I believe it says that on the hot chocolate k-cup boxes?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I got mine last Christmas, and I love it! I limit myself to two cups in the mornings and one at night. I like the hazelnut coffee, I use Equal, and fat free half and half. So worth it!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    We have one as well. I only use it to make hot water for my tea, which I drink plain so it actually helps me with my weight loss.
  • We have a large Keurig at home, and I have a single cup version for work. I will buy k-cups for the flavored coffees, but as a whole we use a Solofill cup as a reusable filter for our own ground coffee. I will also use the hot water alone for my teas as well.

    The funny thing is my husband was a "grumbling" convert. He loved his old coffee pot. One day I picked him up an inexpensive little coffee pot so he can make a full pot when he gets up at the buttcrack of dawn - he used it. Once.

    Then when our Keurig started having problems (it was about 18 months old and used HEAVILY), I called the company, ran through the trouble steps. It was out of warranty but they replaced it free anyway and I didn't even have to complain LOL! (yay).

    O-M-G did my husband WHINE the whole time we had to use the "regular" coffee pot. He kept asking "did they ship it yet?" LOL!!!
  • azuria518
    azuria518 Posts: 48 Member
    I just received one for Christmas. By far my favorite object EVER! I only ever drink water or coffee black with sweetener. I'm so in love. I so need to stop buying K cups, lol.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    The hot chocolate issue is due to a clogged part in the machine (forgot what it is called). Usually all you have to do to fix it is clean that piece out and it is good to go. So, if your machine starts having trouble, google it. I know I found a ton of information on how to fix it while doing research before I purchased it.

    I got mom one for Christmas. I usually just drink hot tea, but mom likes the flavored coffees and the like with it. I figure I will use some of the flavored stuff when I want to, limit it to one per day, and only when I have the extra calories. It would be a treat and not an everyday thing for me.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    If you register it on their keurig site, you can get 2 free boxes of coffee when you order two! I paid $36 for 4 boxes of 24 count boxes! I love mine!!! Going to get the resuable filter next. :drinker:

    I love mine and I love the club too, most times I only drink one cup and day and I can cut back on orders that way too. I need go to Dunkin Doughnuts and pick up a few boxes of thier K-cups!!
  • I have a Keurig too! Pretty popular. I really like mine. I drink my coffee black, so no added calories there. I do like their hot chocolate and have some occasionally-I just log it in my calories as a snack. They are pretty calorie dense though at like 120 cals for 1 cup, so maybe after I'm out of the ones I have I will buy the lower calorie hot chocolate packs like someone on here was saying they use.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    If you register it on their keurig site, you can get 2 free boxes of coffee when you order two! I paid $36 for 4 boxes of 24 count boxes! I love mine!!! Going to get the resuable filter next. :drinker:

    I love mine and I love the club too, most times I only drink one cup and day and I can cut back on orders that way too. I need go to Dunkin Doughnuts and pick up a few boxes of thier K-cups!!
    You can get those at Walmart!!
  • tryn2bfit4me
    tryn2bfit4me Posts: 2 Member
    I wanted one of these but stopped myself because i wasn't sure how it works! does it have to be hooked into a water line or is it something you just put water in like the regular coffee pot? I'm not huge on hot chocolate but LOVE LOVE coffee & green tea!!

  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    I wanted one of these but stopped myself because i wasn't sure how it works! does it have to be hooked into a water line or is it something you just put water in like the regular coffee pot? I'm not huge on hot chocolate but LOVE LOVE coffee & green tea!!


    YES! It will change your coffee-drinking life! If you get one with a water reservoir, it only needs to be filled every 5-6 times you brew a cup of coffee.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I wanted one of these but stopped myself because i wasn't sure how it works! does it have to be hooked into a water line or is it something you just put water in like the regular coffee pot? I'm not huge on hot chocolate but LOVE LOVE coffee & green tea!!

    Definitely. Mine has a tank that holds water (manual says you're supposed to use filtered so we fill it from our Brita pitcher in the fridge). No water line needed.