30 Day Shred with NO results?

I just finished Day 9 of Level 3 of 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels, tomorrow is my last day.

I weigh the same as when I started (although I gained a tad from Christmas, if I hadn't gained that I would have lost 1-2 lbs).

I see no difference in my legs or abs, measurement or shape wise. I GUESS my arms feel a tad bit stronger, but I see no muscles or difference.

I was working out with 5 lb weights in the beginning and the last few days I have been combining 5 and 2 lb weights so I can do the moves better (got them for Christmas), but I feel this video didn't do much for me... except burn me some calories.

I had my husband do it with me and watch me... I was sweating, I was trying very hard. I was doing the exercises right he made sure of it.

So I don't get it? Anyone else find this happening to them?

EDIT: And no that's not all I was doing, I run 3-5 times a week for 45+ minutes, plus the exercise bike, treadmill. And I have stayed under my calories except Christmas.

EDIT AGAIN: I only missed 2 days of Level 1 while on the semi with my husband and 1 of Level 2 when I was to sore and I made all of those up, Not going to miss any of 3.


  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    Did you take any measurements? When I did the shred I only lost 0.5 kgr which is about a lb, but I lost many inches and got in better shape, changes started to be visible after I finished it, (it's said that it takes a while to notice some changes), and then the weight started to go down faster. I don't know, it was like while I was doing it I couldn't lose, but just after I finished it, the weight started to come off easily, water retention maybe?
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    That's really odd.. I never hear of anyone not getting results from the 30 day shred.. I've never finished the whole thing (Starting up again once I have my living room back from this xmas tree!!!).. But you always hear such success stories from that video!.. Maybe your stuck at a plateau. I know I definitely am-I've weighed the same thing for 3 weeks now even though I've been working out 5-6 days a week for an hour a day.
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    I noticed more inches lost than weight when I did it, but I still lost pounds. Question, since your diary is locked - what did you eat while you were doing 30DS?
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    did you follow the meal plan?
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't lose when I diet and excercise. It's frusrating :-/ For some reason I only lose when I am just dieting. I am guessing because I am gaining muscle because I do tend to see a difference in how my clothes fit.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    This is baffling, but I agree with others that maybe you have reached a plateau. Is it what you are eating? We can't see your diary so maybe as someone mentioned you need to follow an eating plan. ????
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    When I did Shred I gained 3 lbs but lost a bra size and a pants size. My knee hurt less too. But that was only the first few weeks of Shred. Later on, I didn't notice any changes.

    Maybe it's time to move on from Shred to a more challenging workout. After all, a lot of Jillian's stuff is geared for beginners and those who are truly out of shape to become more fit. You're in great shape, much better than me! The intensity of your workouts on your daily feed is more than mine.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    I just finished Day 9 of Level 3 of 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels, tomorrow is my last day.

    I weigh the same as when I started (although I gained a tad from Christmas, if I hadn't gained that I would have lost 1-2 lbs).

    I see no difference in my legs or abs, measurement or shape wise. I GUESS my arms feel a tad bit stronger, but I see no muscles or difference.

    I was working out with 5 lb weights in the beginning and the last few days I have been combining 5 and 2 lb weights so I can do the moves better (got them for Christmas), but I feel this video didn't do much for me... except burn me some calories.

    I had my husband do it with me and watch me... I was sweating, I was trying very hard. I was doing the exercises right he made sure of it.

    So I don't get it? Anyone else find this happening to them?

    EDIT: And no that's not all I was doing, I run 3-5 times a week for 45+ minutes, plus the exercise bike, treadmill. And I have stayed under my calories except Christmas.

    EDIT AGAIN: I only missed 2 days of Level 1 while on the semi with my husband and 1 of Level 2 when I was to sore and I made all of those up, Not going to miss any of 3.

    I have done the shred numerous times because of all of the rave reviews and results everyone gets from and I never get any results. I keep thinking, maybe this time it will work, but it never does. I measure and my thighs actually get bigger each time! They are not small to begin with so this always makes me so mad. I will say that I did get much stronger because I could do all the moves with ease now. I actually love plank exercises now because of the shred. When I started, I couldn't last 30 seconds, now I can hang out in plank for a long time! I also combined it with running and cycling.
  • sbb4406
    Today will be my last day of Level 2 and I haven't noticed any results so far. I doubt level 3 will be miraculous enough to compensate for what hasn't happened with levels 1 and 2, so I guess I'm in the same boat. lol
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    You should be more conscious of your body fat %. You mentioned that you felt stronger which obviously means you've gain some muscle mass. It is possible to stay the same weight, but your body composition changes. Next time keep track of your bf%.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Did you take any measurements? When I did the shred I only lost 0.5 kgr which is about a lb, but I lost many inches and got in better shape, changes started to be visible after I finished it, (it's said that it takes a while to notice some changes), and then the weight started to go down faster. I don't know, it was like while I was doing it I couldn't lose, but just after I finished it, the weight started to come off easily, water retention maybe?

    Yes measurements are the same take or minus .5.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I noticed more inches lost than weight when I did it, but I still lost pounds. Question, since your diary is locked - what did you eat while you were doing 30DS?

    Same stuff I have been eating since starting to lose weight over a year ago and since I lost 100 lbs with my diet.. I'd figure it's ok.. except Christmas as I said.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    This is baffling, but I agree with others that maybe you have reached a plateau. Is it what you are eating? We can't see your diary so maybe as someone mentioned you need to follow an eating plan. ????

    Again I lost over a 100 lbs with what I am eating.. it can't be that. I have only gotten healthier if anything.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks guys, nice to know others are finding this to, as for my body percent I wish I knew it, but I don't have the money for a new device right now and not sure how else to tell.

    And maybe your right about I need more "challenging" workouts. I did find some of them way easy that I thought they should be.

    Happy New Years guys and thanks so much for your answers!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Me, me. I did it 30 days straight and lost 1lb, no inches :( did manage 1% bodyfat though
  • GoinOrganic
    GoinOrganic Posts: 86 Member
    In reading through the replies to your concern, I agree with what others are saying, and wanted to mention some reminders that I'm sure you already know.

    1) Muscle weighs more than fat, and building muscle WILL result in less inches, and eventually weight.
    2) The more muscle we have, the better we can BURN the fat... so building muscle is sometimes MORE important than the cardio; especially as we get over 40.
    3) Our bodies, how we see our bodies, how we relate to our bodies is NOT just about size or shape... it goes to our CORE as a person... the overall condition of our body is connected to the "I AM" of who we are, and how we accept that DOES have bearing on our outer appearance.
    4) QUALITY of food makes a difference. Some examples are: Grass fed beef is easier for our bodies to digest and assimilate than grain fed beef, less chemicals and 'crap' in food is less stressful on our bodies, so we again assimilate the food easier.
    5) Food Sensitivity/Allergy: many many people are sensitive to foods, but don't go into anaphylactic shock when they eat them. These sensitivities can also impact weight loss/gain and MANY autoimmune disorders. There are easy ways to desensitize the body, so it no longer reacts to foods/ exposure to chemicals and airborne allergens/ sensitivities, which in turn allows us to absorb nutrient better, hence allowing ALL of our body functions to be working more optimally.
    6) pH/acid balance: This is my personal #1 belief to better health and sustained balance (including weight) for our bodies
    7) For each of us, weight loss/gain is a catalyst to our LIFE process, so with each new struggle, we learn about ourselves, our surroundings, and then we reach a new level of personal awareness. I see each of these challenges as an opportunity to grow from the INSIDE out, knowing/trusting that someday the 'inside me' will match the 'outside me'.

    I hope this encourages you (and any who read this) to hang in (as you have done so beautifully thus far) and reach for the 'deeper' you, and she WILL come shining through...