I'm here for my third time, and I need a lot of help- 100+lb

This is my third time joining MFP. I was here in 2010 under the screenname ForYourEntertainment, and I had lost about 15 lbs, which is where my problem starts. I will lose 15-20 pounds every time I try to lose weight, and then it will stop. I have tried to keep going, but when I stop seeing results I get discouraged. It has not been ruled out that I have PCOS or a thyroid issue. It also doesn't help that my husband doesn't want to eat healthy, and I can't always make meals just for me. It's very hard to see him eating chips and other junk while I snack on cucumbers or some other veggie/fruit, but I guess it's time to just suck it up and deal with it.

I am now sitting at over 300lbs, and I need to be at 170lbs to be the ideal weight for my height. It just seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and to make matters worse, there aren't a whole lot of exercises I can do because of the added weight. I have done the 30 Day Shred in the past, but gave up after a week. I can do it, but it very hard for me.

I am looking for some simple ways to exercise from someone who has started around my weight and has lost a significant amount. I was thinking of walking, because I live on 16 acres, and there is plenty of land for me to walk on, but it is getting cold here. I do not have access to a gym, so it would have to be something I can do at home.

I need any and all advice from someone who has been in my situation and lost a lot of weight. I have no one else to ask, and I need to lose this weight. I am 29-years-old, and I want to feel (and look) awesome at the end of October for my birthday/anniversary.

Oh, and I drink a ton of water- at least half of my weight on a daily basis.


  • kodijhill
    kodijhill Posts: 116 Member
    where do you live and walking on your land would be great just walk the fence line walking on something besides concrete is actually more beneficial trust me it will work you hard and just dress warm you will peel the layers off while you walk plus sweating is good for you also you can get some home dvds or an inside trampoline. if your husband doesnt want to eat healthy fine but i make my own food for myself while i cook for my husband and father so its not that difficult and you can eat what he eats but in moderation a few chips not a handful. and dont think of eat healthy as a diet its a lifestyle change and in no time you will get it down trust me i live with 2 men and they eat anything and everything and i just have to try and stay focused and think of my goals and how awesome i will look. i also live in the middle of no where and the nearest gym is 20 miles and in this economy thats to much gas money so i work out on my treadmill do videos and a few times a week they have zumba class here locally try to find one of those and you will definetly lose weight doing zumba even the dvds are good. keep your chin up im here for you i struggle day to day i dont have acess like most people who are losing wiehgt do i live in the country its really hard to find stuff to do. also if you have stairs go up and down them a bunch girl i can give you a ton of things to do i wieght 282 so im up there with you :tongue:
  • joaniehuffman
    I have been on many diets. I have been doing "Take Shape for Life" for the past three years. I started at about 300 lbs.I had lost 80 in about 9 months. The first three months I followed their plan faithfully, then I started cheating, and have been yo-yoing every since. I am at the point I am going to get serious. This is stupid, losing 20 and putting it back on.

    As far as exercising is concerned, I have several "The Biggest Loser" dvd's that I alternate. I have both walking and fitness dvd's that I alternate. The dvd's require very little equipment and can be done in your home. I would love to be your buddy.

  • countrygirl812
    Thank you guys. @Kodi, I live in Indiana. Zumba is also out of the question. When I say I live in the middle of nowhere I mean it, lol. The only thing I got going for me is the land I can walk on. It may get boring, but it will get the job done I suppose. I need to find my shred dvd. We moved backed in August, and I'm not sure where it went. I may have to get it through Netflix again. I live in a brick ranch, so no stairs.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I started at 377 lbs and am now down 80. I will admit I rarely exercise because I'm on oxygen and have fibromylgia. Those are just excuses though because there are things I could do. But in spite of rarely exercising I have lost weight.

    Some good at home exercises are Walk at Home with Leslie Sansone and I will also queue up 15-20 minutes of music videos and just dance. My goal for 2012 is more exercise not so much for weight loss as I need to increase my stamina and tone up. If you have an ipod or something similar put on some good music or even an audio book and walk that land!

    Best of luck and friend me if you are looking for support!