Where do you even begin?

How did you start?
where did you begin?
how did you make it work this time?

I'm joining the 2012 new year new you lose weight get fit quit stuffing my face movement. after a year of on again off again dieting and weight loss.

I need help.


  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    You start today. Take it one day at a time. Find a group of MFP friends that will help and encourage you. Do it for yourself, no one else. You can do it!!!!
  • You work hard, because it will be hard. You count every calorie that crosses your lips, get up and get moving. If your are already active, you have to find a way to do more. If you mess up, you kick yourself once & get back to it. But most importantly..you love yourself, have confidence that you are capable of anything & add friends. They make it easier! Glad to see you joining us in the new year!
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    You start here, you log everything and then you make changes to what you eat. You need to log it to know what it is and then change it. It has to be a life change, not a diet... Good luck. Feel free to add me if you'd like friends. My diary is open and I try to be supportive
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Every Day you show up. Log your food. No matter what. Just keep showing up :).

    You can do it!!!!!!
  • You start today. Take it one day at a time. Find a group of MFP friends that will help and encourage you. Do it for yourself, no one else. You can do it!!!!

  • I'm there with ya!! Just starting out and finding that there's a lot of change involved... but we can do it!!!
  • Change your mind set, food is fuel for your body, its good for you, it is not for comfort. everything in moderation and when you feel like diving into cheese cake call a buddy
  • Amary06
    Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
    I struggle with knowing what or how to eat. How to not stuff myself until I'm sick. How to figure out what serving size that is or this is. I know I can do it, I want to do it..I need to do it. But really, I don't even know where to start. I'll be great for a few days but than BAM I just don't. I throw it all to the wayside and say, we'll I'll just start again monday..
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I joined one night late at night. It was too late to make any changes for that day, but I logged my calories just to see. Then the next day I logged everything, but ate basically the same as I would have, only maybe fewer calories. As the days went on, I added friends, and started looking at their diaries to see how they eat. Then I started eating better, asking questions, learning more. I eat much better than I did when I started, but it's all a learning process. I am still learning and changing how and what I do. I must be doing something right though, I'm down 40 lbs. It's a work in progress and it's one day at a time. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    You start today. Take it one day at a time. Find a group of MFP friends that will help and encourage you. Do it for yourself, no one else. You can do it!!!!



    I don't think I'd be along as far as I am if I hadn't gotten involved here. I joined challenges and made friends that are a huge encouragement to me and they keep me accountable. I log in every day (at 105 days today!) and everything I eat and all my exercise is entered so I can clearly see what is and isn't working. You absolutely can do this!
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Right there with ya honey!
    You do it one decision at a time.....
  • With one step, one weight, one day
    Last year I started after trying for ages, I fell, raised, and never really got anything going. I started at 290, and now, only one year later, am at 215. I'm not there yet, but that one step, that one decision, got me from obese to overweight, and damn close to being ideal weight
    It isn't easy, it isn't a walk in the park, it is hell. But remember, it's your future, it's worth it
    (if you ant any additional inspiration, here is my half-way post (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/429444-halfway-done-with-pics)).
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Just begin. That's the hard part.

    Make just a couple of simple but effective changes. Make them non-negotiable until they are established as habits.
    Once you've nailed down those habits, add a couple more.
    Habit is everything. It will carry you when motivation is weak, and motivation will sometimes be weak.

    Honesty is a virtue that will also serve your fitness efforts well. Log everything honestly, always.
    If you are not honest with yourself and your support system, you will not learn, and you will not grow. You will only make room for excuses and statements like "that didn't work for me" when in reality you didn't give it a real chance to work.

    Become a student of food. Learn what foods fill you efficiently (in terms of calories).
    Eating healthful foods does not have to be expensive. Just do it.
    The closer the food is to nature, the better it will serve you. There is no Alfredo tree or Cheetos berry.
    Drink lots of water. It will help nearly every system in your body function better.

    Follow your plan 95% of the time and the other 5% won't do lasting damage. Celebrations and feasts happen. It's culture, and it's life. Don't prepare for a better life later by denying yourself life. Partake from time to time. Plan for it, get some extra exercise, etc. When you do eat in a way that's outside of your 95% plan, get right back on track with your regular program the next day at the latest. Never take the attitude, "I'll get back on track next week."

    It doesn't matter how much weight you have to lose.
    The only pound that matters is the next one.

    In the beginning just commit to exercise, of any kind, of any intensity, of any duration.
    Just commit and follow through. If it means stepping on the treadmill and getting back off after 5 minutes, do it.
    Sometimes just getting through the gym door is the hard part. Once you're there, you're golden.

    Did I mention the value of habit?
  • Amary06
    Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
    this is made me smile. So honest. I'm going to give it my best shot. I think that every other time I've tried before I've never been honest with myself. I lie to myself a lot. I appreciate your honesty.