Hi :)

Hi everybody! I'm Iris, I'm about 5'4" and I weigh 165 lbs. I'd like to lose 40 pounds in the next few months and get myself down to 125 lbs. Any support would be really helpful :) I've struggled with my weight since I was a little kid - I was always the chubby girl. My mother is Italian, so pasta and other carbs are a way of life in my household. But now that I'm starting to develop my acting career I'm trying to make a real effort at losing weight. I tried Nutrisystem, juice cleanses, etc. but have always failed. I think what I really need is a strong support system, and I'd be happy to offer my support to anyone who needs it!


  • sammibob
    hi Iris, feel free to add me, my biggest weaknesses are pasta smothered in cheese and pizza... both washed down with red wine.. oh dear! :)
  • krisntraining
    krisntraining Posts: 226 Member
    You both have come to the right place for support! I started ealier this year and have not yet lost what I wanted but I stopped the gain! Now it's time to lose those extra pounds! Let's have an awesome 2012!
  • lizzy00125
    Hey. I am kinda new too. I downloaded the app in August but didn't really start the dieting and counting until the beginning of December. I am 5'4 and was 140 when I started here and my current weight is 133. I would also like to get down to the 125 area. I am excited to lose the weight and glad to do it with a support system. It is hard to do when you are the only one trying to lose. There is currently no one in my life that is trying to lose weight which makes it harder on me when I go out to eat with them. Here's to some loss in 2012.
  • lizzy00125
    hi Iris, feel free to add me, my biggest weaknesses are pasta smothered in cheese and pizza... both washed down with red wine.. oh dear! :)

    haha I am with you on the cheese and pasta. Cutting down on the pasta has been the hardest thing for me.
  • wildiriss
    wildiriss Posts: 47 Member
    Oh, pasta....it's such a love/hate relationship. Thanks guys!