The Over 300 Club



  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome Eric!!!! As Laura has probably already told you, this is a great group to be a part of . I truly understand where you are coming from. I also have a family history of heart disease as well as obesity. I'm in my late 30's and finally have decided to take control of my life and not leave it up to my families' history! 41 pounds is awesome, Eric!!!:flowerforyou: We are going to make this journey, "through Christ, who strengthens us"!!!!!:smile:
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Caite you are off to a great start.
    Welcome big_e you we love it here. You have lost so much already .
    loala I hear you my husband has been the same weight since we got married 155 pounds and does not move. His job is also very physcal but it piss me oof since I have been up and down the scale from 180 to 250 to above 300 to I know it is allot of what I eat and no excise but It kills me that he was out of work for about 2 year and did not gain a pound.
    But what does amze me is I was upset with myself for going off a little not getting out and walking like I said in one post I got strep throat and he is like don't worry you look great agh!
    he has no clue how much I weigh.
    Well I am trying to get back on track I am going to go walk now and try to get through.I am thinking I have a self destruct button. I am doing good for sometime and then I go off. But I have to thank all of you because you here make me think that step by step on this road I too and make it .
    Blazin have a wonderful trip home. Enjoy your time with your dad.
  • loula1076
    loula1076 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome Big_E!! Glad you've come to join us. We have to stick together. This group is superfantastic. Hope you stick around!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome Big_e!:drinker:

    MPJS- I know what you mean about the self destruct button I think mine starts as soon as I hit 20 lbs lost. FOr the past couple years I would start and be going so well then I get to about 20 lbs lost and plateau and then after a week or two fo no scale movement I hit the self destruct button. We can help each other keep our fingers off that button!:flowerforyou:

    Laura- you do not have to go in naked you can wear a bathing suit or something and I do suggest a really big towel I love my big beach towels.:bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is Friday!!!!:drinker:
  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing!! Laura and Eric and everyone else welcome to the group. You are going to love this thread!! We have so much support here. I totally agree with Amy and MPJS! I have this self destruct button too!! For the last 5 years or so I've lost the same 20 lbs over and over and over. And enough is Enough!!

    I’ve have decided this time it’s different. This time I see the light at the end of the tunnel and there is no turning back. Sure there will be days that I’ll fall but I will dust myself off and continue. These last weeks have been great. I have tons of energy and I’ve been eating right & taking care of me. Its funny, every time I’ve ever had a dream, I have dreamed myself heavy. This week I had a dream and I was thin. I was THIN!! It felt like it was God’s way of telling me this is what’s to come. I’m so thankful to all of you, my friends and the added support at home. I have faith I can do this…. I know We all can do this!! :smile:

    Take care,
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello team! Welcome Eric GLAD TO HAVE YOU!!! MPJS, you have lost more weight! Way to go! Off track is not an option - its a temporary thing - its over - its in the past. Here we all are, heading the right direction! Aurora, what a wonderful dream! A friend at church told me she dreamed of me thinner! That was so cool! Also, isn't it cool that you feel so much better after losing just 12 lbs!? Our bodies are so amazing. Laura, wow, GREAT JOB! on all that exercise!

    Hey, Sourthernbelle - I was thinking of what you said the other day, about no one noticing your weight loss. You know, a friend at church told me that someone ELSE asked her if I was losing weight. My friend said, yes, and you should tell her you noticed! I think sometimes people just don't know how to approach us. For a lot of reasons, I guess.

    Well, its been a long day, and I am gonna get some sleep. I'll check in tomorrow!
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't checked in, been crazy busy trying to get everything packed and the house in order before we leave. I don't want my bro-in-law walking into a disaster zone since he's doing us a HUGE favour! We leave this afternoon when hubby finishes work for our 13 1/2 hr drive. I am soooooooo dreading the drive but am excited to finally go home!

    My weigh-in this week wasn't that great, I only lost 1 lb but a pound is a pound is a pound. I'd much rather seen 1 lost then 1 gained. My weigh-in was 1 day after TOM stopped. I'm hopeing I was still holding water and next week my numbers will be nicer to me. I also know I haven't eaten as well as I should this week, I've been busy but it's my own fault, I didn't prepare ahead of time like I usually do and it bit me in the bum. So here's to a better week this week.

    I am soo glad mom has a pool and I can get some excercise in swimming. Should help with my knee also. I tripped over a cord lastnight while cleaning and came straight down on my knee. It's looking nice and purple and a bit sore this morning.

    Congrats to everyone on their weightloss this week, and welcome to our newest members, you are going to love it here!. If I don't get a chance to check in I'll see you all in 2 weeks!

    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Jenny, I was reading back, over the past few posts so I would be in the loop. I missed yours before! Bringing him doughnuts..... hmmmmm...... a truly inspired bit of wickedness. I like it! :laugh:

    So, weighed in today - lost two more lbs. Well, more like 1.7 lbs, but mfp rounds it up, so I'm ok with that. :tongue: Next week, I should be less hectic at work and better able to focus on exercise. Its funny what a creature of habit I am, I love how I feel when I do exercise consistently, but its not a habit for me yet, and when things get crazy, it seems to be the first thing to go. You would think I would get off the computer a little earlier and get to bed earlier so I could get up earlier and EXERCISE! Sheesh! Thats my goal for next week. "Early to bed and early to rise helps Kristi to exercise!"
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Blazin a pound is a pound congrats!!!:drinker: Hope you have a safe trip and enjoy your family while you are there.:flowerforyou:

    Well I hope to get in the pool some this weekend too. They have been shut down at my complex because some idiots destroyed the hot tubs and they had to totally resurface them which took a couple of weeks. They had just finished updating them to the new filters and drains to be in compliance with the new laws for safety here in NV and then the idiots had to go and mess it all up. I want ot go get in as soon as I get up tomorrow so I can have the pool to myself for a little exercise and relaxation. I have been so on edge this week and I need to destress.

    I bought the Bullet express from the infomercials and I can't wait to try it this weekend I have to pick it up from the post office. I have had the Bullet for 3 years and it was the best purchase I ever made. It makes smoothies in a snap frozen fruit and all. We got a free one when we bought it and it's still in the box since the first one we opened is still going strong. SO I can't wait to try the Express. I am going to the Sunflower market to get a bunch of fresh veggies to make a salad for the week. I usually put in raw zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, English cukes, and whatever else I find. I might add some radish now that I have the express. I always hated chopping the little buggers. I top it all with fat free Italian or my own homemade with Olive oil, and it marinates and tastes yummy. I do not add lettuce because it gets soggy where the other veggies hold up and just get kind of pickled.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Howdy, folks. I'd like to be in the club, if you'll have me. I was at my all-time high of 344.8 a week ago yesterday. I have a bad habit of relying on that number on the scale, so I've made a pact with myself that this go round I'm only weighing in every two weeks. I lost 23 pounds with MFP last year, but when the weightloss stalled for three months, I didn't have the strength to keep at it. So I put it all back on, plus 10 more pounds.

    I don't know if this will be my success or not, but I do know that I am going to try as hard as I can. I also know that I'm not getting anywhere but heavier by ignoring the problem.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Bonkers welcome to the group. We have a lot of really great people here. I can relate to your story I've been there and done that over and over. Here's to making better choices!!

    Great Job to everyone that has been dropping and Still K- Great Job on the 2lbs... You keep rockin Girl!
    Blazin- Have a safe and fun trip.
    Has anyone talk to Cindy... I miss her and all that exercise. We'll I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!
    Take care,
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    Welome Bonkers! This is a really great group, you'll love it here :)

    I weighed in this morning and lost 2 lbs... which is pretty much what I expected after skipping exercising most of the week. I tried to hurry up and walk 5 miles thursday to make up for it but I guess it didn't work :laugh:
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Welcome bonkers You will see so much support from this group . Also the have a way of making you feel so safe which I love (No one laughs at you here)
    Stillkirsti I know you are so right I have a hard time of getting over myself and me mistakes But thanks for noticing I did drop to more I guess this is the week for 2lb you me and jenny YEAH !
    blazin congrats on the 1pound and have a great trip see you soon.
    exercise Wow I walk but I also wear a perdometer The american heart *kitten* say's that if you walk 10,000 or more steps a day gives you a healty life they say most people do 6,000 You do have to work or walk for it but you do it all day and it's a great I also try just walking
    well congrats on all the loss's
    I knwo I miss Cindy too hope she is well
    everyone have a great night
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    HI Team ! Awww thanks for missing me- :smile: I hope everyone has been doing well. Congratulations to everyone who lost this week ! :smile: I have been going full steam with my walking ,biking and swimming . Today I'll have 4 miles in and about 2.5 hours of swimming. I am noticing that I am going down sizes fast. I'm down to a size 24 from a size 28 when I started. I am thrilled with this ! What plans do you guys have for the weekend? I am watching the little boy I watch during the work week for a few hours tomorrow. I hope to take the kids to put put this weekend. I know we'll see alot of the pool and I want to get a long bike ride in on Sunday. I can not imagine doing any of this a few short months ago. Summer is going strong here in West Texas. :smile: Ok team, I'm going to go make a turkey bacon blt -yummy- ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    thanks so much for the support stillkristi. :) It is much appreciated and definitely made me smile :D

    Today was a big day, we celebrated mine and my husband's upcoming birthdays. We ended up going to olive garden, and I ate a lot, but I drank water and had no dessert. then my hubby wanted to go to dairy queen and i didn't get anything there either. I just really didn't want anything, except water, I was so thirsty today!

    I think I did good, even though I was over for calories today. It was a day to let loose just a tiny bit. I did a ton of walking around the mall and a few other stores, I am definitely feeling it.

    I'm excited about weighing monday, I'm going to keep up with eating right and exercise over the weekend. Have a fantastic weekend everyone, I'm so glad I found this site and this group, you guys inspire me!


  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I walked today, almost 3 miles (and I live in the Appalachians, so it's ALL hills.)! I did almost 3 miles in 70 minutes. I was soooooo proud of myself, because it was also warm and really humid today. I did this on top of riding my horse this morning. (Yes, they built a horse capable of carrying me!) :laugh:

    So I feel pretty pumped. I'm also 87 cals under my cals today, and that counts the walking, not the riding.

    Y'all have a good night!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hey guys! Just have some exciting news...when Eric and I first posted, we didn't really have titles for each other, so I called him "My Eric" and he called me "My Laura"...well we are officially a couple now...woohoo! Working on weight loss together is awesome and he's so great...and I know we're going to reach our goals...together...!!!
  • Tyravis
    Tyravis Posts: 37
    Hey guys just checking in. :smile: Big welcome to all newbie's . I just recently lost a few more pounds.Im so excited, My wife and i started eating more fruits.I had heard that if you eat pine apple after a meal it helps you digest better. I think its working, I also believe that more fruits and fresh veges can help.

    Well everybody have a great weekend.:flowerforyou:
  • JessicaMorris
    I didnt look to see when this was posted but IM IN ALSO...Im 353 and ready to lose over 100 of it...anybody can add me..I just need some encouragement..I dont have any support from family or other friends because those who are overweight arent ready to change it and those that are skinny dont see that im frusterated when they think their fat.....they really dont know what it feels like
  • JessicaMorris
    I didnt look to see when this was posted but IM IN ALSO...Im 353 and ready to lose over 100 of it...anybody can add me..I just need some encouragement..I dont have any support from family or other friends because those who are overweight arent ready to change it and those that are skinny dont see that im frusterated when they think their fat.....they really dont know what it feels like
    To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe