Work it out...

I say this in any situation when I mean "get it done." I started going to the gym a few months ago but Im a nursing student in and began my first semester proved to be too much along with time at the gym. This year my load is no easier, but will be lighter and I WILL work it out, literally and get back into the gym.

I def dont believe in the quick fix to health and fitness, and I dont wanna be super skinny. I want to be healthy, happy, and proud of myself.

I lost 40 pounds in two months a couple of years ago walking everyday in a PE class, walked about 60 miles that summer. This can be done and I hope that not only do I work it out and get to my goals, but I wish everyone else on here the same.

I saw a quote today that said "I have the will power, I just need to train it!" and I believe that we can, and WILL!

Luck to everyone!


  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Great plan! I'm a nursing student as well. Good luck on your goals.
  • cjane85
    cjane85 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! and good luck in school! its no easy feat but well worth it in the end!