Eeeep - help me!

After a week or so without full access (and sometimes with none) to MFP and the community, I feel lassitude and apathy setting in. I haven't been in control of my food (guest and/or eating out) and so my logging has been sporadic and probably inaccurate. I feel like I'm losing my grip on it, when I had been so well on track for the 6 weeks before.

I need a prod, a kick up the bum, some inspirational words - anything.... help me.

I want this to be the time I succeed, not give up after 5kgs lost and then gain double that back, like all the other times!


  • hereiskristina
    New day, new start. Just get back on your horse and ride again!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    After a week or so without full access (and sometimes with none) to MFP and the community, I feel lassitude and apathy setting in. I haven't been in control of my food (guest and/or eating out) and so my logging has been sporadic and probably inaccurate. I feel like I'm losing my grip on it, when I had been so well on track for the 6 weeks before.

    I need a prod, a kick up the bum, some inspirational words - anything.... help me.

    I want this to be the time I succeed, not give up after 5kgs lost and then gain double that back, like all the other times!
    You are either motivated or not.
    If you always go out looking for external motivation, nothing will ever change.

    It's either internal or your fail. That's life.

    To internalize your goals, associate pain with failure and pleasure with success. It's just that simple.
    Do this and you'll never, ever again have any issues with motivation.
    You will be internally driven, and nothing will stop you.

    Good luck!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Do you really want to do this again? Do you REALLY want to spend another birthday feeling anything less than your full potential? Your profile spells out all the reasons why you shouldn't make any more excuses. Before you become an actress in training you have to be yourself in training. You won't be yourself until you lose the weight you want to lose. So why fail now when you already started?

    It's harsh but it's the truth.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    You can do it, look how far you've come already! Don't worry about past days, start fresh! Tomorrow is a brand new year, you're going to do awesome!
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    You have the power to change it for yourself. You CAN do it!
  • h0m36r0wn
    Every passing second you make a decision - either in the right direction or the wrong. What is past is past - don't dwell on the past, you can't change it... make the right decision now and forward! Don't let the roller coaster take you for a ride - you're in control if/when you want to be!!
  • posiej
    posiej Posts: 3
    Put all that behind you, don't think about it, move forward with an I can do attitude! If you where able to be in control for 6 weeks you can be in control for tomorrow, the day after and the day after!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I am always willing to lend a kick in the *kitten*! ;) So if you need encouraging friends,feel free to add me. You can do it! Allow yourself no excuses. Huge hug! Sometimes just writing out the words can be therapeutic enough to get over the 'woe is me' attitude.
  • Ceebee37
    Only you can do this and take responsibilty for the challange. Excuses of why it's not happening, or working are just that, excuses.
    You need to re evaluate your goals. Think of how far you have come and wouldn't it be a shame to give up now.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    It's my opinion that you cannot make a major life change like eating healthy and exercising by yourself. Because quite frankly it sucks at first, it is uncomfortable and inconvenient and sometimes it threatens the ones we love. I mean the physical "doing" part is you, but most people, almost all people need to believe they have the ability and be encouraged. And it takes others to do that part of it I am convinced. I don't know you at all, but I am convinced that because you reached out the way you just did, you have the ability to accept help and encouragement from others and that is so awesome. See some people resent it when they are offered help, and feel they are being scolded, especially regarding diet or exercise. So kudos to you being open to help.

    Secondly, I have been in a place where I could not think of one single solitary reason for being healthy. I know what that is like. But you just have to find that reason. Dig deep inside and decide what that reason is. For some it is fear of having health problems. For some they just want to be hot and sexy. A lot of people "do it to be there more for their kids". There is no right or wrong answer really. But if you don't have that reason clearly in focus you won't be motivated. Hey the reason could be that you have a great group of friends on here and you don't want to let them down. Sometimes that has helped me.

    Lastly, listen to people, and really believe them and trust them when they tell you, ***you can do it**. Really take that in and believe it. Perhaps you don't believe that now, I don't know.

    Feel free to add me if you wish, people generally say that I can motivate them so it's up to you.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    Hey, just want to say thank you so much to all who replied. Your words mean a lot and just being on here for a while again has given me the boost I needed.

    Just took advantage of a brief break in the incessant rain to go for a very satisfying run - starting to feel on top of it again.

    You are all fantastic and while I know only I can do this (and I'm perfectly willing to - please forgive my little whinge!), it REALLY helps to have this community to feel accountable to.
