New Year - New Me

I joined MFP earlier this month in a jump start effort for the new and improved ME. The weight is slowly coming off and I have never been more thrilled. My problem is... I need encouragement however I can get it to make sure I keep going! And tips... I love to read people's success stories and hear their little tips on what they did to get to where they are now! :)

I started a blog this month to document my triumphs and struggles during this life changing journey. You can view it at:

Best and warm wishes for a wonderful 2012!!!


  • suzie1011
    hi im signing up too for additional help to keep me on straight n narrow. i cant believe how much weight ive out on thjis last 18 months, and it needs to shift off this year.
    i need to find my mojo again and get in shape
    cant afford boot camp so this is the next best thing