NYE home alone?



  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    I never really party, so it is just another night home alone for me :(

    Same here bro :-)

    I like living alone, but gets boring at times .
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I am home alone and wouldn't want to be anywhere else tonight. I never did get the whole new year's thing - its crowded and expensive and for me, its never been worth the hype. I'm having a glass of wine and watching 30 Rock on Netflix and will be sound asleep when 2012 rolls in. Happy New Year everybody!

    Exactly. Just got back from dinner with friends- but declined the invite to stay late. I'm home with the dog, who is not really into all the surrounding fire crackers and was REALLY glad to see me!
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    Dang migraine keeping me home. The wallet and my BAC are happy. Me, not so much as I lay here wearing sunglasses.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    oh i love staying home! there's nothing like a good movie/book, comfy PJs and a pint of ice cream :) i went out yesterday though, but this is what i'm gonna do tonight :)
  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 210 Member
    Staying in, enjoying a glass of wine and watching a movie. Won't drink and drive and don't want to risk the one's who do. We're just enjoying a quiet evening. :drinker:
  • diloed
    diloed Posts: 15 Member
    I'm single and the few other singles around weren't going out since it's cold and raining so I am snuggled up with the cat and netflix. Don't have to worry about driving because I'm only a few blocks from the bars but the crappy weather just made it all not worth it.
  • Bandstrh
    Bandstrh Posts: 23 Member
    Dang migraine keeping me home. The wallet and my BAC are happy. Me, not so much as I lay here wearing sunglasses.

    Been there! I've found that the Tylenol Muscle and Body Ache Meds work for my migraines. That's my first go to, if that doesn't work I go to the Meds my doctor prescribe. Hope you're feeling better!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Spending the evening at home with four handsome men. But they are all currently trying to help Link rescue Zelda so this mother may have to go out for a 'last run of the year'. Good thing we don't have cable or I'd be tempted to stay on the couch and watch that Big Bang marathon. :)
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Portlandia is on Netflix now! Just an FYI for those of you looking for something good
  • I'm also home on NYE, I have two small children and my husband worked at 4:00am this morning and my parents are heading home at 5:00am. Don't drink, just wanting the hockey game with a glass a water. Go Team Canada!

    Happy New Year to all you MFP users!
  • grantsmom08
    grantsmom08 Posts: 82 Member
    Big Bang Theory is awesome! I am at home with my 3 year old who just fell asleep after watching Dolphin Tale :)
    The alone theory is silly...it is finding confidence in ourselves and believing that one day, the one will find their way to us..
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Just got back from the movies with my dad, but spending the rest of the night probably playing Skyrim. It's too bad, since we agreed to spend the night together, so I turned down a few get-together s with some friends instead. Now he doesn't really want to do anything, and it's too late to reconnect.

    Oh well, I might play some cards later closer to midnight. Happy NYE everyone :)
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Home alone by choice... with hot plans to be asleep well before midnight and up early for a run tomorrow morning. At age 39, I've done the New Year's thang many a time, so no need to do it again (even though I live within a literal stone's throw of a dozen bars and restaurants!).

    Off to fall asleep in front of a Law & Order repeat, or something equally exotic... :wink:

    Happy New Year, everyone!
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    New Year's Day is my birthday and NYE is usually when I drink to celebrate it, but since my friends that I am the Designated Driver for all year are all jerks and wouldn't volunteer to drive me one night ... here I am! Oh well! Think of the calories I am saving, lol.
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    I'm staying in with my baby girl, while her daddy is at work until 2:30-ish. So, I'm going to relax and watch the Biggest loser, and I'm actually going to burn my last 105 cals to total 1000 cals burned for today. :)
  • Boys are with my parents tonight so I'm enjoying a quiet house alone.
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    Dang migraine keeping me home. The wallet and my BAC are happy. Me, not so much as I lay here wearing sunglasses.

    Been there! I've found that the Tylenol Muscle and Body Ache Meds work for my migraines. That's my first go to, if that doesn't work I go to the Meds my doctor prescribe. Hope you're feeling better!

    Thank you and Happy New Year!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Well, the kids are teenagers, so one has moved out and the other is at a slumber party one of her friends is having. And my wonderful husband is working overnight at the Sheriff's Office dealing with all the drunks, so I'm at home with the furbabies by myself. I don't like to go out without the hubby because he's my designated driver and being 6'3" and 295# makes him a force to be reckoned with so nobody messes with me. :laugh: I'll admit, though, that in the 5 years he's worked at the Sheriff's Office, he's worked every New Years Eve and I'm getting pretty sick of it! I've put him on notice that next year, when I will have moved to Tampa for my masters program, that he will take off and take me out. I don't mind being stuck at home alone while we live in the sticks with nothing to really do except party in a cow field, but once I'm in a real city with real parties, I will be going out and wearing my heels! Can't wear them here because they'd get stuck in the mud in the cow field. LMAO
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Big Bang Theory is awesome! I am at home with my 3 year old who just fell asleep after watching Dolphin Tale :)
    The alone theory is silly...it is finding confidence in ourselves and believing that one day, the one will find their way to us..

    I love that movie! I actually went to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium over the summer and saw Winter in person. Such an inspiration! I hope to do some volunteer time there when I get moved to Tampa. Maybe I'll break it out and watch it tomorrow. Watching New Years Rockin' Eve tonight. :wink:
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Husband takes a page from Ben Franklin: 'Early to bed, early to rise....' even on NYE. Always has. My teens are out reveling at friends' house parties. And I'm here talking to all of you!

    It's all good because overcrowded restaurants and bars mean less service. We'll treat ourselves to a nice evening out after all the crowds have moved on to other things.