Anyone had gall bladder surgery? Please respond or bump for

Hi I'm Zara. I'm having gall bladder surgery hopefully via key hole on 20th Jan. Has anyone had theirs out open or keyhole and what was the op like, how were you afterwards? How did u feel for the days after it and how do u feel now health wise after its gone has it made a big difference? Would love as many views as possible so that I can see peoples experiences... So bump please. Thanks in advance! Zara x


  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    I had mine out (keyhole) and little if no is surgery and you are sore, but I feel one thousand percent better.....
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    I did have gall bladder surgery about 8 years ago. I am sure its the same method you are talking about.. via small incision. Suregery is easy, simple, quick :) I will say that for some reason, it took me a longer time to "recoup" than I thought it would. It really kicked my butt. I work from home...and thought I would be back to working in a few days. Nope.

    However, I have known others to have this same surgery--and the majority of them are feeling fine.. and back to work in a few days. They are doing desk jobs.. no type of manual labor.. but, they are able to work.

    Hope you aren't worried --- it will all be fine :) And YES... I do feel sooo much better. Have not had ANY problems with my stomach since!! (except size... which is a different issue.. LOL!)

    Good Luck
  • Hi Zara, just wanted to say that hope it goes well for you and recovery is quick. Keyhole is a lot less invasive and full recovery is normally a week to two, from what i researched about it, is that you have to still be carefully with eating fatty foods afterwards.

    I've the op hanging over my head since Sept 2010 but have just about been able to control the gall bladder attacks by learning what triggers it and avoiding those foods (mostly pastries and too much fatty foods).

    xVC (Una)
  • HKSteph
    HKSteph Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Zara,

    I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago via keyhole surgery and it was fine. I was in hospital for two-three days afterwards but the pain level was not bad at all and I was thinking why are you keeping me in hospital for so long?? For the first few days it was very hard to sit up on my own as I basically couldn't use my abs at all and that took a few weeks to clear but all in all recovery time is great for keyhole surgery. If you've been having the stomaches that usually accompany gallstones then the pain form this will be nothing to you!

    I hope that helps, I know everyone is different but if I'm anything to go by it was an inconvenience more than anything else. Good luck with it!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i had mine out just over a year ago. was good. really bloated afterward. they pump your stomache full of air. was down for a few days. as for feeling better....i had 132+ stones in mine and it fell apart while they were removing it. yuppers i felt super afterwards. would have had it out earlier if the darn doctors would have DX me correctly in the first place. i was even checked into the hospital after an ER visit about the pain (an attack). they were more concerned about it being my heart. i had a stress test and all. was released the next day when the pain went away and the test were good. it should have come out that night. oh well, it's out now and i feel 100% better.

    good luck to you
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I guess I must have been lucky! I had 16 or so stones, removed it after years on a waiting list. It all went well and I was sent home from hospital the next day. I remember not being allowed to drive or pit washing on th line for a few weeks incase I stretched those muscles, but I went back to work a couple of days later. Eating fatty foods was interesting for the next few months following - it was a strange feeling, no pain but cramps and bloat. Beats the pain from an attack anyway!

    Good luck with your surgery. Rest assured its performed many, many times over in hospitals all around the world (in Australia it's done something like 80a day on average!)
  • Corien_W
    Corien_W Posts: 2 Member
    I had mine out in '94 via laparoscopy. The procedure was relatively new then but went very well. Very little post-op pain & what I had was easily managed with a day or two of low-dose painkillers. I was shocked to find I couldn't finish my 1st shower a few days later w/o sitting down; no pain, but tremendous fatigue at 4 days post-op. But I was cleared to return to work a week post-surgery and felt just fine by then. A colleague had open surgery a short while later and was out of work 6 weeks, most spent in a lot of pain & fatigue, with a drain. Ugh! Following surgery I was told there'd be no special diet required, no after-care except getting the stitches out (very easy). For the most part, I have no lasting issues except a few 1/2" scars. I do seem to have more trouble with heartburn, & pain if I have more than 1 alcoholic drink, but I don't believe either is related to my gallbladder, more likely pancreatitis that led to my g/b being removed. But the surgery itself was a godsend; it was a difference of night and day for me! The post-op discomfort didn't hold a candle to the pre-op pain. Good luck with your procedure, hope it goes as well or better for you! :flowerforyou:
  • I had mine done by laser surgery (which I am assuming is what you are talking about when you say key hole)in 2008...I had my surgery on a Tuesday and was back to work on Thursday. I didn't feel 100% for probably a week -- the worst part was the gas or bloating afterward from being filled up with air. It was the best thing I ever did -- feel great -- have had no more issues!
  • I had gall stones. My first attack (which feels like you are having a heart attack, brings you right to your knees and you can't breath) was a few weeks post C-section. Since I was nursing at the time my primary Dr wanted me to wait until I was done and follow a No fat/low fat diet. I follwed Dr's orders and my next attack was in the middle of the night. I called the office the next day and asked for a surgical consult.

    The surgeon had a different view (of course) but she reccommended I wait until I was 12 weeks post C-sec. I had the my gall bladder removed via laporoscopic (I think this is what you would consider "key hole" Recoverey was a bit uncomfortable but nothing compared to a C-Sec.

    After- All I can advise is to be very careful when consuming fats until you know how your digestive system is going to work. I have spoke with many people who have had theirs out and they all have diff foods that trigger terrible cramps and wattery stools. So if you want to try something fatty, do it when your at home.

    Good luck to you and you will feel so much better when its over:happy:
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I had keyhole surgery in Jan (last year) Pretty much the same the only thing was that my belly button dressing wasn't put on properly and I got an infection but nothing that some antibiotics didn't clear up. Keep your wounds dry. I still find it uncomfortable eating fatty foods and try to stay away from it as much as possible.

    I also gain weight easy so I REALLY make sure I don't eat fatty foods. It was hard at first but soooo worth it. My friend also got it done. She finds no problem with the fatty foods but boy has she gained a lot of weight! (I just don't tell her that of course)

    Good luck, any pain after is worth it, because those attack pains are unbearable
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I had mine out in 2004 about a month before my wedding. Although I woke up pretty sore and the first couple of days were that way within a week I was pretty much back to my normal self. Good luck!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I had mine out in 2004 about a month before my wedding. Although I woke up pretty sore and the first couple of days were that way within a week I was pretty much back to my normal self. Good luck!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Thankyou so much for your replies everyone. Was great to see such a good response. I've been hospitalised 4 times in 6 months with the attacks, and I'm on morphine to manage the pain. I had to wait 6 weeks after infection to have it removed and its kept getting infected. The pain is horrendous, so the sensible part of me should realise this should be a walk in the park in comparison. Think I've felt ill for so long and cooped up in the house and anxiety is getting the better of me. I have chronic fatigue and pain syndrome so I worry about that getting worse too... After youur responses though I feel much more confident and as if this is gonna get much better soon... I don't mind not eating fatty stuff afterwards. I've lost over 4 stone and want to loose 4 or 5 more... Here's to 2012. I will just make sure I take it easy moving about and food wise after. Thanks very much hopefully my anxiety will calm down now. Zara xx
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 458 Member
    I had mine out about 2 and a half weeks ago. It was an emergency surgery. I was very sick. I had some complications and got really lucky because once in there they thought they might have to open me up instead of the easy way. That would have been harder to recover from.

    I am still recovering two weeks later. Recovery time seems to really depend on the person it seems. They say 2-3 days. It hasn't been that way for me. I am back to walking now but I still take a pain pill after. I was told not to lift 20 pounds or more for 6 weeks. Which is making it hard to take care of the two year old.

    I was really worried about eating after. People kept telling me horrible stories about food. Even lettuce. It seems to be different for everyone. A doctor friend said to just stay close to a bathroom until you figure out what bothers you. I don't eat a lot of high fat stuff on a normal basis so I am doing good so far with the food part.

    After reading your replies I am now worried about the weight gain. I hadn't heard of that side affect.

    Good luck with your surgery. I have to say I am glad I have mine out. The pain was so bad before. I spent a day in the hospital on pain pills until I could get the surgery.

    Honestly my biggest issue is just trying to take it easy while recovering. I was doing good working out and taking it easy isn't something I do well.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I had mine out about 2 and a half weeks ago. It was an emergency surgery. I was very sick. I had some complications and got really lucky because once in there they thought they might have to open me up instead of the easy way. That would have been harder to recover from.

    I am still recovering two weeks later. Recovery time seems to really depend on the person it seems. They say 2-3 days. It hasn't been that way for me. I am back to walking now but I still take a pain pill after. I was told not to lift 20 pounds or more for 6 weeks. Which is making it hard to take care of the two year old.

    I was really worried about eating after. People kept telling me horrible stories about food. Even lettuce. It seems to be different for everyone. A doctor friend said to just stay close to a bathroom until you figure out what bothers you. I don't eat a lot of high fat stuff on a normal basis so I am doing good so far with the food part.

    After reading your replies I am now worried about the weight gain. I hadn't heard of that side affect.

    Good luck with your surgery. I have to say I am glad I have mine out. The pain was so bad before. I spent a day in the hospital on pain pills until I could get the surgery.

    Honestly my biggest issue is just trying to take it easy while recovering. I was doing good working out and taking it easy isn't something I do well.
    The weight gain response worries me also. Hoping its not the case for me. I will be keeping to a low cal diet anyway. I have had this for 2 years in and off. Inbetween bad spells I've lost over 4 stone and become bery active. Due to the blood pressure dropping too low as I get tired as a result of the gall bladder issues, I'm not allowed to work until I've had the op and recovered. The boredom and feeling so chronically ill is driving me crazy. I'm still scared of the op, but this is no life at the moment, I'm just existing. Weill be so glad when its over and I can exercise! Hope u recover soon honey! x
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Hi I'm Zara. I'm having gall bladder surgery hopefully via key hole on 20th Jan. Has anyone had theirs out open or keyhole and what was the op like, how were you afterwards? How did u feel for the days after it and how do u feel now health wise after its gone has it made a big difference? Would love as many views as possible so that I can see peoples experiences... So bump please. Thanks in advance! Zara x

    Hi Zara, I had my gallbladder out a year and a half ago in an emergency surgery. I was very sick at the time and so that compounded with the pain from the surgery made me recovery very painful but after about 3 weeks I was pretty much back to normal.

    The biggest issue I had afterwards was keeping weight on, everything went straight through me. I had to take a supplement called cholacol (spelling?) for about six months until my digestive tract adjusted.

    Best of luck with your surgery! Get well soon! If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  • I had my Gall Bladder out Via Keyhole. I was sore afterwards but I felt so much better once it was out. I was sick to my stomach the whole time I had my gallbladder. Mine wasn't functioning right. I forget what percentage it was functioning at. I was also in a lot of pain before mine came out.
  • dpowell58
    dpowell58 Posts: 23 Member
    I had mine out about 5 years ago, laproscopy, and had it done day stay so I was had the surgery in the morning and went home that afternoon. I rested a lot the first couple of days and then I was fine. Very little pain, no bloating (which I had expected). Hope yours goes as well.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I haven't had surgery for that but I do know a couple friends had that done and they felt 1000x better shortly after the procedure. Good luck <3
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I had mine laparoscopically as outpatient left that same day and had little problems. My big incision(she had to cut a little bigger due to size of my gallbladder) itches a lot still and its been over a year. I had more issues with shoulder pain from the air the blow in to move and see around while doing the op. That hurt worse than any of the incisions(4, 3 small and the one is just over and inch) though on day 2-4 I had what felt like sore muscles form sit ups. The percocet didn't touch the shoulder pain at all it just didn't help so stopped them after the first day. The withdrawal from percocet from when I had the gall bladder attack was worse than the entire recovery so I wanted off them pain pills as fast as possible. It worked out and I didn't have any withdrawals the 2nd time. I hate to take meds of any sort I'm not even one to take tylenol or ibuprofen.

    The newer op with it coming out with no incisions seems awesome but still I hear a lot of people have more issue with the shoulders from the air as I imagine they still need that. Plus throat irritation and the thought it came out through your throat/mouth afterwards EEWW My best friend had infection start up in her belly button incision she is prone to staph infections though and catches them easily.