Blue Team WEEK 2



  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Rach: Hope things get better, both with your health and your relationship. Don't know why relationships have to be so hard sometimes and am sorry you've hit a hard patch when you're already low due to the cold.

    Let's see, I'm on glass 7 of water and I bonded with the treadmill for 50 minutes today on my lunch hour. Feel like my insides are flooded today with all this water, but know I've got to get back into the water groove.

    Going to see a movie tomorrow - and not an animated one for a change :laugh:. I just know my hubby will get popcorn and I'm sure my hand will sneak into the tub once or twice. Anyone have any suggestions for snacks that might be better options?
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Rach: I hope you are feeling a little better. Don't let it go too long though like i did, i am paying the price and now i am on 4 different prescriptions to try and kick this damn thing.

    On the bright side the pressure is finally starting to let up, hopefully i will be able to workout again by the weekend. This will not be a pretty weigh in this week.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Well, I already blew the exercise thing. Actually I did walk for, like, 10 minutes, but that's all. What is the latest you allow yourself to exercise? I usually say 8:30-ish. Is that too early?

    Hmm. And water - I'm not doing so good either. The pool is opening in a week and I just wish . . .

    :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :indifferent: :glasses: :embarassed: :frown: :smokin: :devil: :sick: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :cry: :brokenheart: :sad: :bigsmile: :blushing: :huh: :yawn:

    Well, those smilies basically sum up my day.:laugh:

    Hope you all are doing good with your goals!!!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I am so tired from my days that it doesn't matter what time I exercise. I've done it at 10pm, taken a shower and gone straight to bed before. I might do that tonight with the free exercise DVD I got in my box of Special K Red Berries today. Didn't realize it was in there, just wanted the cheap box for when I want dessert!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hey guys. :flowerforyou: I haven't been able to post much because my computer at work is being weird and not letting me get to the Community part of the site. I just started reading the posts (backwards) and stopped when I got to Rach's post. :mad:

    Rach - First of all, I hope you feel better!!!!! Second of all, you are a good person. No, a GREAT person. Look at how beautiful you are and listen to your awesome voice. And, look at you being our fearless leader (:wink:). Words hurt. And, I'm sorry you had that experience. I know sometimes it feels like you just give and give and give... and they take and take and take... and, even though it makes you happy to be making them happy, you have needs, too!!!! :explode:

    I tell ya. Sometimes... I want to beat some sense into these darn guys who have something good and treat it like poo. :grumble: Including my own and many, many others!! I wonder how many calories I'd burn...... :indifferent:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I ran 1 1/2 miles in 20 minutes tonight. My first 1/2 mile I did in 6 minutes. So I definately got my exercise in for the day.
    I am on cup 5 of my water :drinker: for the day, which is better than what I have been doing. :smile:

    Rach - I hope that you are feeling better and that things smooth out with you and your bf!!!!

    I have been going through a similar situation with my fiance. We work together so that causes a ton of fights. I know that once we graduate that we won't be working together and that our relationship will be so much better but it is so difficult. I can't see myself without him but he doesn't apprecate anything I do for him at work. Outside of work we never fight.

    Keep a smile on your face Rach :bigsmile:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I ran 1 1/2 miles in 20 minutes tonight. My first 1/2 mile I did in 6 minutes. So I definately got my exercise in for the day.
    I am on cup 5 of my water :drinker: for the day, which is better than what I have been doing. :smile:

    Rach - I hope that you are feeling better and that things smooth out with you and your bf!!!!

    I have been going through a similar situation with my fiance. We work together so that causes a ton of fights. I know that once we graduate that we won't be working together and that our relationship will be so much better but it is so difficult. I can't see myself without him but he doesn't apprecate anything I do for him at work. Outside of work we never fight.

    Keep a smile on your face Rach :bigsmile:

    That is great!!!! Congrats. :drinker:

    And, I hope things get better with your bf, too!!!! You know what I think it is?! They're all PMSing... all of them... :angry: :wink: :laugh:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I ran 1 1/2 miles in 20 minutes tonight. My first 1/2 mile I did in 6 minutes. So I definately got my exercise in for the day.
    I am on cup 5 of my water :drinker: for the day, which is better than what I have been doing. :smile:

    Rach - I hope that you are feeling better and that things smooth out with you and your bf!!!!

    I have been going through a similar situation with my fiance. We work together so that causes a ton of fights. I know that once we graduate that we won't be working together and that our relationship will be so much better but it is so difficult. I can't see myself without him but he doesn't apprecate anything I do for him at work. Outside of work we never fight.

    Keep a smile on your face Rach :bigsmile:

    That is great!!!! Congrats. :drinker:

    And, I hope things get better with your bf, too!!!! You know what I think it is?! They're all PMSing... all of them... :angry: :wink: :laugh:

    I agree that they are all PMSing!!!
    Well tomorrow should be alot better with the fiance it is our 4 year anniversary and we are going out to celebrate but I am extremely nervous about overdoing it on my calories!!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I ran 1 1/2 miles in 20 minutes tonight. My first 1/2 mile I did in 6 minutes. So I definately got my exercise in for the day.
    I am on cup 5 of my water :drinker: for the day, which is better than what I have been doing. :smile:

    Rach - I hope that you are feeling better and that things smooth out with you and your bf!!!!

    I have been going through a similar situation with my fiance. We work together so that causes a ton of fights. I know that once we graduate that we won't be working together and that our relationship will be so much better but it is so difficult. I can't see myself without him but he doesn't apprecate anything I do for him at work. Outside of work we never fight.

    Keep a smile on your face Rach :bigsmile:

    Happy Anniversary! I think that if you allow yourself 2-3 days a year to be a little lax on your calories, it's no harm, no foul. Relax and enjoy your celebration as long as there isn't one every single month (or week!) and you'll be fine. Sometimes it actually does our body good to shock it a little with some different foods we may not have been eating and a little too many calories once in a blue moon. It usually makes me be extra careful for the rest of my week so maybe that's why it does me good. It's no excuse to eat your weight in cheesecake but it's certainly OK to have a few bites of it! You get what I'm saying... E-N-J-O-Y! :flowerforyou:

    That is great!!!! Congrats. :drinker:

    And, I hope things get better with your bf, too!!!! You know what I think it is?! They're all PMSing... all of them... :angry: :wink: :laugh:

    I agree that they are all PMSing!!!
    Well tomorrow should be alot better with the fiance it is our 4 year anniversary and we are going out to celebrate but I am extremely nervous about overdoing it on my calories!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey hey! Well I looked in the mirror and was disgusted with my lack of tone. So,,, I went downstairs amd did my Hip Hop Abs, which I love, and then lifted weights-5 lbs only due to my bad shoulder for over 2 hours in total. I burnt over 1200 cals! And now, I have not been the least bit hungry. :noway: Water intake-no probs.

    I'll probably pay for the rest of the week and not be able to move!

    Rach, as i've said before, never let ANYONE, especially a man, treat you with disrespect. How dare he? You are such a great gal and have had such an amazing workload over the past 21 weeks (and more). Get rid of one headache (him), and the weight will fall off, and you'll also be a lot more motivated to get into the diet and exercise to get "hot".:bigsmile: You only live 1 life, don't put up with anything that causes such stress-(CORTISOL released makes you fat). I know you'll be so much happier.:smooched: :heart: Kath

    Sorry if I offended any men here, you know what kind of men I mean. PMS-PreMENstrual Syndrome is right!:happy:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks for the advise everyone! If only it were that easy to cut the cord and be done.:ohwell:

    Day 3 of this cold and it's kicking me in the pants! Been taking nyquil, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I HAVE to workout tonight though, because my goal was 5 outta 7 days this week and I've already taken 2 days off. :noway: :flowerforyou:
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Hope you feel better, Rach!

    Gearing up for a healthy day! I hope all of you blues have a great Friday!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Rach - it's more important for you to get better than to overdue it with exercise - drink lots of fluids and rest....:heart: you'll catch up next week on exercise....

    I finished week 2 of C25K yesterday - dare I start week 3 - yeah - I think I will! I've added a ticker as a count down to the Race for the Cure - keep me motivated.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Fridays are most definitely the longest days of the week. :indifferent: I don't have any water with me today either because I ran out at home and haven't made it to the grocery store to get more. Well time to get back to twiddling my thumbs... :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Fridays are most definitely the longest days of the week. :indifferent: I don't have any water with me today either because I ran out at home and haven't made it to the grocery store to get more. Well time to get back to twiddling my thumbs... :laugh:

    I am there with you....(see me twidling...)

    Hey I bet that burns are you feeling
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Fridays are most definitely the longest days of the week. :indifferent: I don't have any water with me today either because I ran out at home and haven't made it to the grocery store to get more. Well time to get back to twiddling my thumbs... :laugh:

    I am there with you....(see me twidling...)

    Hey I bet that burns are you feeling

    Ehh, my head is still all stuffy, and my eyes have been watering so much people keep asking me if I'm crying. :laugh:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Hope you feel better soon Rach! I havent had a cold for a long time now... Meh!

    Got in all my water yesterday... Did good for food.. Except for a really small poutine I cooked myself.. It was AMAZING hahaha Back on track today!

    Tomorrow my brother and I hit the road! We have a 4 hour drive ahead of us and will be staying with some friends.. I hope to make good food choices! I wont be here Saturday or Sunday! Hope you all have a great weekend! :smile:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Hi all... checking in for the day but only had time to briefly skim over the comments since last time I was here... hope everyone is doing well.

    So, I love and hate my husband's days off haha. I love them because I love to be around him and spend time with him, but hate them because it throws my exercise off course. I didn't get to actually 'work out' but did clean a bunch cause we had company over last night, so that counts for something.

    I even behaved on my eating, yesterday! Go me! hehe

    After I catch up on here, going to throw 30 day shred in the dvd player cause I don't have a lot of time but need to get a good sweat in for the day. Hubby's at bible study so I'm not distracted haha. Tonight's going to be a rough one though cause we're going out with friends to a bar/grill and I just know the drinks are going to be calling my name... must.... control.... thirst!!!! HAHA so wish me luck!!

    Have a happy Friday and weekend, everyone!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    How often does everyone weigh them selves.? I've been doing it almost daily, and now I'm more again. I couldn't eat all my exercise calories yesterday, maybe that's the culprit. Anyway, I know I look slimmer, so I'm going to try to just weigh 1X/ week cause it does nothing but upset me.:cry: Everywhere I read it tells me to eat only so many cals-so I really don't have a clue how many I should eat anymore. Uggh. Hope you all have a good weekend. I'm sore today, but am going to either do Kempo Karate, or sprints. Weights tomorrow. :drinker: Chug-a-Lug!
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson Posts: 66
    Hey Rach,

    You might want to consider seeing a doctor today. You may need some help to get over that cold. A little medicine may improve the outlook for your weekend:smile:

    Chrissyh is right. You need to give your body a chance to heal. So consider putting the exercise off this week.

    I will be away for the weekend. It is my turn to stay with Grandma and she doesn't have internet.

    I hope the entire Blue team makes good choices this weekend. I am reminding myself to drink water, choose food carefully, and move my body when I can.