Just Joined

Hi everyone! My name is Carrie. I would love any tips anyone has! I can use all you got!


  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member

    Welcome to MFP. If you use the diary to track everything you are eating (being honest) you will be off to a great start.
  • Reach out to a few people whose stories you find interesting. Making friends who will support and encourage you seems to make all the difference. I am new to. I have about 60 pounds I need to lose. Feel free to add me if you want to be each others cheer leaders.:smile:
  • thank you! i have added you. since i joined i have gained 2 pounds! i know its my own fault because i knew what i was doing when i ate that cheesecake and didn't get off my butt to exercise
  • Hi Carrie

    I'm new to MFP too so thought I'd say hello :) Have you set up your ticker yet? I think it's a good motivational tool for some and am looking forward to seeing mine count down the lb's!
  • carilou
    carilou Posts: 16
    not sure what the ticker is?
  • Tkhk0514
    Tkhk0514 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Carrie. Welcome to MFP. My name is Kim. I have been using this site for almost a year now and love it. I just sent you a friend request. The extra is support is always good.
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome, Carrie, and Happy New Year!! You'll love it here...so much great support! Feel free to add me if you're still looking for cheerleaders! And big tip: water water water!!!
  • toddy17
    toddy17 Posts: 10
    Hi Everyone! I am a newbie, and am very excited to be here!
  • simplyme99
    simplyme99 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm new too ... just wanted to say welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • kat65
    kat65 Posts: 124 Member
    Awesome! Welcome, this is a great way to start a new year.

    My advice, add as many friends as you can. They will be there to help support you. Don't stop trying, no matter what. Everyone on here is awesome!!!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    welcome carrie, you can add me as your friend
  • WELCOME Carrie!
  • Hi, I'm Fuschia_free and i joined a few minutes ago. I will be loosing weight this year and was planning to do it on my own. I was watching a you tube video and this site was recommended as a great way to gain support, motivation etc. for those hard times faced during the journey. I wish to loose 50 lbs through walking, swimming, home workouts and the Wii. My life is hectic so i can not commit to a gym right now but i'm hopeful. Any tips?
  • Hi Carrie, I am new too. Would love to have as much support as I can too. Welcome.
  • atibrat
    atibrat Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Carrie, I am also new and joined yesterday. I am looking for new friends to build support to keep on track this year.

    Please send friend request if you want a friend to make this journey easier.... I think this will be easier with people who are also doing this.
  • Hi all. My name is Rich and I'm new to MFP. I've always been overweight, even as a child. Everyone told me it was just "baby fat." Now I'm 30 and I'm still overweight. I have four children whom I love to spend time with. I love to hike and spend time canoeing as well as SCUBA Dive. But I'm finding it harder and harder to do those activities. I have a faience who is overweight too, but she says nothing is wrong with us, we just eat good. Today is the beginning of a new year and I got up this morning and came to the dramatic realization that my jeans are getting harder and harder to get into.

    I try to live an active life style, yet with my career it is hard sometimes. I am a paramedic and its not always that easy to bring food with to work to cook. I find my self eating out with fast food because we are not at base or because of our call volume we don't have time to cook.

    My target weight is 250 lbs., but I would really love just to be under 300 again. Any help and friends would greatly be appreciated as I don't really have the support at home.
  • wellingfamily507
    wellingfamily507 Posts: 35 Member
    New to MFP, excited to succeed in my goals to get healthy and fit. The number on the scale doesn't worry me as much as feeling so awful, being this heavy. I had started running in 2009, ran 5 K's all summer long, working at improving my time, then school started, went back to work, and life got in the way....and here I am today, no longer exercising, heavier than before. It's time to get my head back in the game. Even when I was running, I wasn't watching what I was eating, and didn't lose much weight, but I improved my stamina, my blood pressure, and was off all medications...I am so excited to begin this journey, and so thankful for the tools here! Any advice for someone with a long road ahead is very welcome! Looking forward to making friends, and making changes to my life!
  • Hey everyone! My name is Aleana, I would love to make some new friends on here! I am looking to encourage & getting encouragement from others. I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year! Feel free to add me, please!
  • thenicoleboes
    thenicoleboes Posts: 11 Member
    Hello All:
    My name is Nicole & I'm using MFP after a few of our friends have had such great success. I've done so many fitness fads over the years & I'm done with the gimmicks....it takes dedication & it's a lifestyle change. Here's to 2012 being a new beginning for me. Good luck to you all in your fitness journeys!

    *No more EXCUSES.....it's time to JUST DO IT!*

  • Figured it was time to give this another try. I am by no means fat, although I feel like I am. I am starting off at 205 lbs. And I am on my way to 175. I would love to have everyone join me, and I will do my best to motivate you while you motivate me. Thanks in advance for helping me obtain the weight I wanna be.

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