I Lost A Friend Tonight =(



  • {{{hugs}}}

    Change requires effort. It's easier to sit on your rear end and whine on and on and on about health/weight/whatever than to get up and do something about it.
  • I would have done the same thing.
    It`s great that you told her the truth, you were aiming to help her!
    Don`t feel bad about it, she will come around, don`t worry :flowerforyou:
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    It is probably the kick in th pants she needed.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i am in the similar boat as you, i have a close friend who is overweight, probably weight about 16stone ish. (she hasnt told me her weight).. but i know shes a size 18 UK in clothes. she is always saying to me 'oooh i wanna loose weight and be able to fit into nice clothes and feel comfortable in them' ive asked her many a times to join me! ive told her to come jogging with me in the evenings, come to the gym, come round mine for a few hours of dancing on the wii, ive given her a good food plan that consists of lots of protein, good nutrients etc etc. she starts her diet - and lasts 2 days the most. she gives up! she needs to realise, weight isnt just going to fall off in 2 days! more like 2 years in her case! but she needs to be patient! im sick to the back teeth now of helping her all the time. (i know that sounds mean), but if she cant be bothered to loose weight, im not going to stick by her or else ill be going down hill too! and i know how much i need to loose weight. ill just leave her to get on with it. when im down to my goal weight - she will be jealous and would of wished she stayed on track with me!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    What you said came from a good place, and maybe someday she will realize it before it is too late! Hugs!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I thought you were going to say she had a heart attack :[ I hope she realizes it for herself before she really does & it's too late!

  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    My hubby probably felt as you do before I decided to make 'the change'. He tried for years talking to me about my health (sometimes gently, sometimes Not so gently) but it never did any good. I kept on doing what I was doing and ignored everything he tried to tell me, even though it hurt hearing what he had to say. Then one day, out of the blue , I decided to make the change in my thinking and lifestyle. It had nothing to do with the things my husband had been telling me over the last several years. It was a switch that I had to click in my own head. All that being said, I think you are the very best kind of friend to be honest with her and hopefully one day she will recognize it for what it was...love.