Hello.... Just starting a 7 week challenge and need some sup

Hi all,

I have recently joined as i am looking for some support to keep me on track for my 7 week challenge to lose weight and get fit!

Why 7 weeks?? Well i am going back to work in 7 weeks (on maternity leave just now) and need to get into my old work clothes!!

I would appreciate any help/advice/tips etc to help me succeed in my journey!

Thanks. :)


  • Im also on a 4month challenge, i want to lose weight for my holiday to spain, the best advice i can give you is don't starve or deprive yourself from your favourite foods, your already cutting down your intake on here by 800cal from the recommended 2000 a day we can have so if you do go over don't feel bad. Just eat your veg, exercise well and it will fall off i promise. Take the stairs instead of lift, walk somewhere with your baby, take them out and see places (country parks are the best place), keep strips of carrots/cucumber with a dip in the fridge handy if you feel peckish between meals, on dinners fill your plate with fruit and veg, peas and sweetcorn is 54cal per 100g so enjoy them and my favourite put your dinner on a smaller plate, it makes your dinner look huge and fools your head to thinking your eating more than you are :o)

    Hope these tips help and good luck in your goals
    Dawn x
  • Ebchaney
    Ebchaney Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you! I have almost exactly the same time frame only it's until vacation. I have four kids and we're going to Disney and I want to be comfortable on the rides. My long term is much different, but I can def cheer you on! I will have to keep on going after you get off though. I have a lot of weight to make disappear. I had three in three years and I just kept adding with each. Now I just look pregnant all the time. : (.
  • Ebchaney
    Ebchaney Posts: 5 Member
    Good advice.
  • Hello..You have come to the right place. Altho' having a newborn will keep you pretty bizzy, staying at home for a while will make it possible to get in shape. If you like to exercise feel free to friend me. Good luck either way.
  • shale367
    shale367 Posts: 14 Member
    You came to the right place for support! Hold/carry your baby as much as possible and go for some walks outside if the weather allows. If you're breast feeding, that will help you a lot as well!
  • Hi,
    I don't know how much weight you have to lose, but one thing for sure is that breastfeeding helped me lose weight. It is a great way to burn off calories and it benefits your baby in many ways. Now I do yoga and take a bodypump class. Keeping track of my food on fitnesspal helps me to eat healthier. Make sure you get enough sleep, it will also help you lose weight. Good luck and Happy New year!