Jillian Michael's Fitness Challenge

Hi Everyone,

So from the 2nd January I want to start my Jillian Michael's Fitness Challenge - I am a massive fan of her and her dvd's and for 6 weeks want to commit to doing a video 5 times a week. Wondered if anyone wanted to join me in this? I wanted to take starting measurements and post them on here and go from there. Here's an idea of what I'm going to do:

Day 1: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
Day 2: 30 Day Shred Level 1 & 3
Day 3: No More Trouble Zones
Day 4: 6 Week 6 Pack
Day 5: Killer Buns and Thighs
Day 6: 4k Run
Day 7: Rest!!!

I also have her Ripped in 30 dvd so would probably have that somewhere!

Obviously I'll mix and match it on different days but what are everyone's thoughts on this? Anyone want to join me in this challenge and finally feel amazing about ourselves?!


  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm in! I have a similar plan. I started yesterday with Jillian Michael's Extreme Shred and Shed. I have almost all of her DVD's as well. My plan is:

    Mon-Jillian 30 day shred and 1 hour walk
    Tues- 3 mile jog
    Wed-Jillian Ripped in 30
    Thurs-3 mile jog
    Fri-Jillian Extreme Shred and Shed
    Sat-3 mile jog
    Sun-Jillian yoga meltdown and 30 min walk

    I already run 2 times a week and haven't been regular with the dvds and want to make sure I get in my strength training. I would mix and match days as well as needed but I want to make sure I have 2 days a week of running and 3 days of Jillian.
  • gracie_23
    I'm so excited someone else wants to do this too! I've just done her 'Killer Buns and Thighs' and it is seriously tough! I wish I could run a bit more as I really do think it is the best cardio but unfortunately my job takes up so much time and I'm rarely home when it's light so have to only run on my days off.

    Let me know how you get on with your dvd's - doing this for 6 weeks is going to be so hard but knowing someone else wants to as well really helps!
  • xMarisaJeanx
    xMarisaJeanx Posts: 26 Member
    I will be doing something very similar. I have most of her DVD's and I also run! Looking forward to the challenge! :-)
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Just wanted to see if you wanted to join our group. It's Jillian in 2012. We are all doing different videos, but we are all dedicated to Jillian. You could post your thread within this group so that it doesn't get lost if you would like. Just trying to get together a good community of "Jillian Junkies" and all our different Jillian challenges.
    Hi Everyone,

    So from the 2nd January I want to start my Jillian Michael's Fitness Challenge - I am a massive fan of her and her dvd's and for 6 weeks want to commit to doing a video 5 times a week. Wondered if anyone wanted to join me in this? I wanted to take starting measurements and post them on here and go from there. Here's an idea of what I'm going to do:

    Day 1: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
    Day 2: 30 Day Shred Level 1 & 3
    Day 3: No More Trouble Zones
    Day 4: 6 Week 6 Pack
    Day 5: Killer Buns and Thighs
    Day 6: 4k Run
    Day 7: Rest!!!

    I also have her Ripped in 30 dvd so would probably have that somewhere!

    Obviously I'll mix and match it on different days but what are everyone's thoughts on this? Anyone want to join me in this challenge and finally feel amazing about ourselves?!
  • 20tolosethisyear
    20tolosethisyear Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in. I started alternating my runs with her DVDs in the mornings, before the kids get up. I need motivation to keep it up! I'm currently using her 30-day shred DVD and will switch to 6-week 6-pack next week.
  • annanuttall
    i'm going back to Jillian MIchaels dvds - but i'm thinking of starting with the 6 week 6 pack and switching with 30 day shred (which i looove!!). But i'm going to start on the 3rd of January - i litterlly just came back from my honeymoon and i'm too tired to excersise.
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    I'm working through her dvds as well. i haven't joined a challenge or a group though because I also incorporate them with my other workouts at the gym (mostly running). feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • deathb4disco
    deathb4disco Posts: 8 Member
    I mix and match her DVDs regularly and have seen incredible results with following them & jogging. Count me in!
  • hmcminton
    hmcminton Posts: 49 Member
    i'm in ~ i have 6 of her DVDs and am waiting on her Extreme Shed and Shred (ordered it a few days ago). i also alternate with running. weight training, and ballet classes. i love Jillian's workouts - i get the best and quickest results with her DVDs!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I do a couple of her workouts. I also mix in some Bob Harper, Turbo Fire, and Zumba.
  • deporee
    deporee Posts: 59
    I'm in! I'm already doing a 30 Day Shred Challenge so why not do both?!?! When 30DS is over, I'm going to start another Jillian Workout. Which one do you all recommend?
  • kanata
    kanata Posts: 42 Member
    I'm starting the shred and would like to order 2 more of her dvd's, but am wondering what everyone's top 3 of hers are? That way i'd like to fit in a bit more than the shred and jogging, but don't want to get the wrong ones (had that problem with davina, some dvd's good, others not).

    Could everyone tell me their top 3 please and count me in :D!

    Wrist: 14cm
    Forearm: 23cm
    Hand width: 7cm
    Waist: 74cm
    Bust: (fullest) 90cm
    Bust: (under) 79cm
    Seat/Hips: 98.5cm

    As for legs... what part are you supposed to measure?
  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193
    This is my plan for the next 8 weeks
    Sunday-Ripped in 30, Killer Buns and Thighs, 3 mile run
    Monday-Ripped in 30, 6 Week 6 Pack, 4 mile run
    Tuesday-Ripped in 30, Killer Buns and Thighs
    Wednesday-6-8 mile run
    Thursday-Ripped in 30, 6 Week 6 Pack, 3 mile run
    Friday-Ripped in 30, Killer Buns and Thighs
    Satrday-Ripped in 30, 6 Week 6 Pack, 4 mile run

    It averages to about and hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes a day which is perfect for me
    After the first four weeks I'll move to 30 Day Shred and 2nd level of 6 Week 6 Pack, with Killer Buns and Thighs I'll do level one two weeks and level two and three for three weeks.
    I'll rest on days I feel I need it but i don't schedule them in because for the most part I feel fantastic working out this much daily.
    This is similar to the plan I was doing before the holidays and I lost ten pounds in one month this way and felt great :)

    Good luck to you guys!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    i also have most of her dvd's & need some extra motivation to keep at them!
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    Hey ladies,

    your routines look very similar to mine. I aim to do 3 runs and 3 different Jillian DVDs every week. I get bored easily so I like to mix them up.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    You have a solid plan. I would take the rest day somewhere in the middle but why dont you do it like you planned for a week and see how your body responds. Also dont hesitate to up the dumbells if you feel you have the strength to do another three to five reps on the second circuit.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    oh i like! i was planning to start the shred again and also looking to get killer buns and thighs!
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I really like Extreme Shed and Shred, Ripped in 30, and 30 day Shred (if I had to pick 3). However No More Trouble Zones is really good for strength, very tough though-I have a very hard time finishing this one. I have Bansih Fat and Boost Metabolism which is pure cardio, and I don't really do it because if I am just looking to do cardio I'd rather just for a jog, bike ride, or swim (usually jog).
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    i am starting after work today as i have 5 months until i get married!

    gonna alternate between BFBM, 30DS, 6WK6PK, NMTZ, BUNS AND THIGHS, Ripped in 30 (I GET BUNS AND THIGHS AND RIPPED IN 30 on thursday! not seen them yet)

    and i will be running too as i have a half marathon in 12 weeks

    think ill do the shorter ones after work during the week 30mins - then longer ones on weekend - and i guess i should have a rest day????
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    i am starting after work today as i have 5 months until i get married!

    gonna alternate between BFBM, 30DS, 6WK6PK, NMTZ, BUNS AND THIGHS, Ripped in 30 (I GET BUNS AND THIGHS AND RIPPED IN 30 on thursday! not seen them yet)

    and i will be running too as i have a half marathon in 12 weeks

    think ill do the shorter ones after work during the week 30mins - then longer ones on weekend - and i guess i should have a rest day????

    I decide the order in which I do them depending on the length of them and what body parts the target or if its circuit/cardio/strength training. Since you are doing NMTZ i would suggest you take your rest day after this, depending on how heavy dumbells you use. Also the shorter ones like Ripped and 6w6p , 30 ds and Killer buns can be combined with each other so they become a full hour. I combined Ripped with week 1 of 6 w 6p with great results!