I just realized......

thats it been a few months since the last time...Someone mistakenly thought I was pregnant!!! :noway:

Let me just say that I am just barely 5'2" and have the genes of both my mom and dad where I gain ONLY in my stomach. I have the tiniest wrists and ankles and really not all that big thighs so I really gain only in my mid section. Due to this, I have been told NUMEROUS times "when are you due" or "I didnt know you were pregnant" and by COMPLETE strangers. I work for a bank and customers would all the time ask, people in the grocery stores, on the street too. This was a huge issue I had that brought me down. I would cry so often when people did this and some people would even argue with me when I told them I was not pregnant.:sad:
Well the only reason I even thought about this, is that one of those customers came in today and told me how great I looked. How he could tell I had lost weight and then it hit me....I HAVENT BEEN MISTAKEN for being preggo in months....WOW!!!:drinker:
So even though b/c of my body type I have a bit more toning and weight loss to go, I am so thrilled to realize some hard work has really paid off.
For those of you who may have suffered from this as well...I say hang in there, work your *kitten* off for only yourself but most of all tell those people to mind their own business and NEVER ask a woman if shes pregnant.
Anyways...i wish everyone a WONDERFUL and happy weekend!


  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    thats it been a few months since the last time...Someone mistakenly thought I was pregnant!!! :noway:

    Let me just say that I am just barely 5'2" and have the genes of both my mom and dad where I gain ONLY in my stomach. I have the tiniest wrists and ankles and really not all that big thighs so I really gain only in my mid section. Due to this, I have been told NUMEROUS times "when are you due" or "I didnt know you were pregnant" and by COMPLETE strangers. I work for a bank and customers would all the time ask, people in the grocery stores, on the street too. This was a huge issue I had that brought me down. I would cry so often when people did this and some people would even argue with me when I told them I was not pregnant.:sad:
    Well the only reason I even thought about this, is that one of those customers came in today and told me how great I looked. How he could tell I had lost weight and then it hit me....I HAVENT BEEN MISTAKEN for being preggo in months....WOW!!!:drinker:
    So even though b/c of my body type I have a bit more toning and weight loss to go, I am so thrilled to realize some hard work has really paid off.
    For those of you who may have suffered from this as well...I say hang in there, work your *kitten* off for only yourself but most of all tell those people to mind their own business and NEVER ask a woman if shes pregnant.
    I HATE THAT!!!!
    Anyways...i wish everyone a WONDERFUL and happy weekend!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    The best was when my oldest was just a baby I was at work and a customer said "When is your baby due?" My response was "TWO MONTHS AGO WHEN I HAD HIM" :devil:

    She didn't know WHAT to say! :laugh:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    My sister is going thru this right now. She had 2 miscarriages last year and that led to severe depression..which she medicated with food. She's about 5'2" as well and it's all going to her middle. So she also gets asked by complete strangers when she is due. Breaks her heart. I'm with you....NEVER ASK WOMEN IF THEY EXPECTING!!!!:grumble:

    On a different note, congrats on the weight you've lost so far!!!! Keep on keepin' on!:flowerforyou:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yay for you!! That's always nice :flowerforyou:
  • roserex
    roserex Posts: 90 Member
    You look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I remember one time when we were building our house, I was out in the barn staining our doors and wood when the drywaller our contractor had hired comes up to me and says "isn't that staining kind of dangerous for the baby?" I said "Probably but I really don't care" I wasn't pregnant and really didn't look pregnant, just had a big old shirt of my husband's on to stain in. He gave me the weirdest look and walked away. I NEVER ask anyone unless I know for sure. I know they mean well but I don't think people realize how bad it hurts your feelings when they ask and you are not pregnant.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    thank you very much!
    Let me tell you what my mom told me to do that I never could bring myself to do...

    The next time someone asks if I am pregnant....tell them you arent anymore b/c you lost it....and just bow your head with disappoint and hold your tummy.
    I never could say it but that would make someone feel bad and maybe not ever ask again.
    I felt like that could haunt me or karma would come back and bite me in the butt....either way those people are just STUPID and shouldnt ever do this!!!
  • msmichael
    msmichael Posts: 21
    I know just how you feel. I get asked all the time too. So CONGRATS!

  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    congrats on your weight loss
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Congratulations on your loss :laugh:

    I have to say...um..I did this to a woman once and yes I was embarassed but not because I had asked. In my defense I was about 17 and the woman was rubbing her tummy like pregnant women do and my cousin had just had a baby and did the same thing. After she said she wasn't pregnant I suggested that she try to quit rubbing her tummy like a preggo would. Hope she listened :blushing:

    My aunt gains all of her weight in her stomach and then rests her arms on it and she says she gets asked all the time, doesn't help that she wears maternity like clothing everywhere :noway:

    Anyway, I was embarassed and NEVER have I asked that question again! :blushing: :wink:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    lol...glad you learned your lesson and I guess if you put yourself out there then I could see why but I never did. I never stuck it out, rubbed it, rested on it, wore maternity like clothes, or anything. People are just not thinking when they say things....oh well. THANKS for the laugh. that was funny.
  • a_new_mii
    a_new_mii Posts: 53
    My best friend is a belly goddess. She is so cute and curvy, on one hand, I wish I looked cute fat, but on the other she gets asked if she's pregnant all the time.

    The last time it happened, she cried for two days- I was trying to console her when she asked me why I never get asked 'the question'.
    I told her; 'Because I'm fat enough for them to think I may NOT be pregnant. They may think it, but they don't dare to ask.'
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Good for you!

    My little sister, who completely lacks tact, told me rather loudly at our church's HS grad breakfast that I looked pregnant. Talk about enbarrassing!
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