Hello there!! I'm new today!

ccbing Posts: 162 Member
I made my mind up a few weeks ago that I was going to start 2012 off on the right foot. I have committed myself to losing 50 lbs this year. This won't be my first time on a weight loss journey. In 2008 I successfully lost 37 lbs. I went to WW meetings and did well. Unfortunately I gained it all back. This past year I entered a challenge with a few other friends and again lost some weight. I think I ended up losing about 20 lbs. AGAIN....I have gained it all back! My husband lost 45 lbs during this challenged and has managed to keep it off by running. He did it...so can I! So...I will soon turn 35 yrs. old and I know it's time to get serious! No more playing around. I have a husband and two precious little girls who need mom to be the best she can be. So here's to making 2012 the year of change for me. I wish everyone great success this next year and beyond!


  • jenniemarie91
    jenniemarie91 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi and welcome!!!! You'll do great this time and keep it off......this is a great place for support to help keep you on track! Welcome!
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes! I had never heard of this site until an hour ago! I was on another site looking for weight loss inspiration and found my fitness pal on accident. I'm already glad I found it.
  • TinaAK
    TinaAK Posts: 18 Member
    I have too lost and gained, lost and gained and I am done with it!!! Maybe we can help each other. I'll send you a friend request.
    Good luck!
  • toddy17
    toddy17 Posts: 10
    Hi! I am considering myself new today also. I have been playing around with my fitnesspal on my iPhone for months, and all
    I have done is gain weight. I lost 83lbs on Weight Watchers 2 years ago and gained it all back. I am now ready to commit to
    a healthy lifestyle and lose this weight for good!
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    It sounds like your mind is made up...that's half the battle! I wish you much success. Take it one step at a time and this time next year you'll be looking back at the mountain you scaled with pride. :o)
    Hi! I am considering myself new today also. I have been playing around with my fitnesspal on my iPhone for months, and all
    I have done is gain weight. I lost 83lbs on Weight Watchers 2 years ago and gained it all back. I am now ready to commit to
    a healthy lifestyle and lose this weight for good!
  • Nixonz
    Nixonz Posts: 16 Member
    Great time to start up again. This time will be THE time for you.
  • Hi, ive just joined to , only found out myself about mfp today, Im feeling really confident at the moment it seems a really good site, Ive lost weight in the past with ww but unfortunatley i have gained most of it back, This is 24 hours support instead of a 1 hour weekly meeting class, Think its just what we need!! so heres to 2012 and off the weight we go .jayne:smile:
  • I'm new too and looking for buddies to share ideas with. Feel free to add me to your buddy list. I lost 50+ lbs a few years ago on Phentramine (if I spelled that right). When I came off the weight came back fast. Trying to do it the old fashioned way this time with better foods and more exercise. Right now, I need to lose between 50 and 70 lbs.