What's YOUR goal for this year?



  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    I just want my old body back =)
    hopefully be able to fit into size 10 by summer :D
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    I want to make it to a healthy BMI. Right now I am at 40! At this rate, I am going to die or at least damage my body.
  • lmfsmiles
    lmfsmiles Posts: 24 Member
    My goals are:
    1. To be more active and make better food choices
    2. Workout 3-4 times a week
    3. Lose 25 pounds by May
    4. Make more goals before summer
  • Mr2Bfit
    Mr2Bfit Posts: 18 Member
    My goal is to look the best I can for my daughters college graduation. And be a lot healthier!
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    My goal is to get rid of my muffin top so I can wear a bikini by summer.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    A commitment to better health for my family and self (eating/exercise/emotional & mental well-being)
    A healthy pregnancy and baby
    Fitting into my college clothes by years end
    Having a place to wear said clothes (getting out more)
    Expanding my IRL social circles and building new friendships
  • sunshinegirlnm
    sunshinegirlnm Posts: 312 Member
    1. continue working out 1 hr day/5-6 days a week
    2. incorporate yoga at least once a week
    3. run a 5K by June
    4. reach 127 by end of March (currently 140)
    5. practice patience with this process
  • coreymusonda
    coreymusonda Posts: 24 Member
    1. Reach a healthy BMI by my birthday, Feb. 18 (I have about 8lbs to go and it is about 8 weeks away)
    2. Run in at least 4 races, including my third 10 miler in August and second half-marathon in October.
    3. STILL be a healthy BMI on 12/31/12
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    I wanna take up running and get to my goal weight by the end of the year. I would like to look good in a bikini in the summer.
  • I'm working on getting my body bikini ready for the first time in a long time! :) Losing 50lbs is going to be hard but I have an amazing support system behind me! :)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Hitting my goal weight of 130 this summer. It's opening a new chapter in our lives---NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL for us...and I'm sure that the "babies" will start to move out of the nest in the next 24 months, so I want to be ready to enjoy the next chapter and not worry about "will I fit in the airplane seat" and "do I weigh too much to do _____". Those days are going to be gone for me in 2012 and I'm very very excited!
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Eat healthy, exercise 3-4 times a week. Lose the 8 pounds I gained since end of summer and maintain my weight again.
  • christylynnrn
    christylynnrn Posts: 32 Member
    Lose 100# (or as close to it as I can get)
    Be able to run around with my nieces/nephews without getting tired the first few minutes
    Work out at least 5 days a week
    Try to work less (I work on average 60-70 hours per week in 12-hour night shifts now)
    Be a better friend to those that are around me IRL
  • To get down to 240lbs
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    To lose 15 pounds,
    To not drink as much,
    to run a 5K
    To keep my self motivated so I can fit into a sexy dress this coming christmas...
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    Large goal to lose 80lbs.............Small goal to lost 50.
  • Be comfortable in the bikini I bought after I finished high school, for next summer. It's a size 12 billabong string bikini -- I fit into it at the moment, but I'm not comfortable or confident. I want to build muscle and lose fat, feel and look great for next summer!

    I want to get down to 52kg, on average, as my weight fluctuates my up to 5kg per month, with a steady calorie intake.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Feeding my body good fuel to run on, exercising routinely & regularly and recharging with adequate sleep hours.
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    New Year Goals

    1. Weigh myself every day
    2. Exercise for at least one hour each day
    3. Record calories and exercise for each day on MFP
    4. Consume no more than 1300-1500 calories per day, no matter how much I exercise
    5. Weigh 20 pounds less (about 135) by May 16, the day I leave on my European vacation
  • My goals for this year...
    1) At minimum...maintain the 100 lbs I've lost this past 13 months
    2) Lose the remaining 25-45 lbs to my original goal (the 45 lbs may be asking too much, so I've given myself a range...25 lbs is the minimum I want to lose) NO LATER THAN June 18...My 40th birthday!
    3) Move more - exercise 4-6 days a week in some way besides normal every day movement...make an effort to really exercise, even for only 20 - 30 mins
    4) Tone up!