New Years Resolution

Hello. My name is Angie, and I decided to get back on the "Band Wagon" so to speak with my weight loss. I had the Laproscopic Band Surgery May 18, 2009. One Month after my 22nd Birthday. I have lost 53lbs so far, and looking to get support to lose more weight so I can be healthy. I weigh 232.4lbs right now, and want to get down to 165. My Short Term goal is to lose 30lbs by May, so I will weigh 200-210lbs.
I wish all of you luck, and feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the support I can get, and I will give as much support as I can right back.


  • bunnyhawk
    bunnyhawk Posts: 23 Member
    Great job so far!! Yes I'm here in your corner.... We are gonna get thru this... One day at a time!!
  • Jishmeister
    Great job on losing 53 pounds so far! That's amazing.