100 pushup challenge



  • purseus
    purseus Posts: 54
    so is this 100 push ups everyday? or do we sprean em out through out the week?
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    So are you going to start a group or something along those lines, to keep track?
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    I'm in! Pushups are great for upper body.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    I'm in!
  • I'm in too!! I started doing this as an app on my phone a while ago. I got up to 16 and then something happened...not sure what and I stopped. I will start again. AWESOME!!!
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    I did this for a few weeks and then started to struggle. I just did my initial test over again and was going to restart this week. My starting is now 14 (it was 6 the last time). I really like this challenge, and I really do think it works. I'd love the company to restart this. :)
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I'll do it! This is right up my alley!!
  • ohkaity
    ohkaity Posts: 18
    What a coincidence! I just started today - and learned that my arm/chest strength is UTTERLY PATHETIC. But I'm starting off with modified pushups on my knees and supplementing them with standing wall pushups (with my feet ~3ft from the wall or so), just so I can build up a little more strength without totally exhausting myself.

    I'd be happy even if I could just do 10! If I can get halfway, to 50, I'll be over the moon. For some reason my legs have always been really strong but my arms are useless. It's time to change that!
  • I would love to get in on this, however I would definitely need to do the modified version of the push-ups, if that doesn't discount me from joining would love to do this challenge.
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    Am on day 3 and it seems to be working for me, I did 28 yesterday and tomorrow i have to do 33....i also have the squats,pull-ups, and sit-ups challenge.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    so is this 100 push ups everyday? or do we sprean em out through out the week?

    good lord no! read the challenge at http://hundredpushups.com/index.html. it's a progression. at the end of the 6 weeks you'll be able to do 100 consecutively.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    So are you going to start a group or something along those lines, to keep track?

    I was just going to keep a spreadsheet... Keep everyone's names on it. Then just keep posing on this thread.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Great! Glad to have more joining! 'girl' pushups are totally fine! I toyed with the idea too... ;)

    That's cool then, I'm in!!!!
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    I'm in! Like Barker737 said, I'll be doing the modified version this time around! Afterwards I'll do real push ups!! :D
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I did this for a few weeks and then started to struggle. I just did my initial test over again and was going to restart this week. My starting is now 14 (it was 6 the last time). I really like this challenge, and I really do think it works. I'd love the company to restart this. :)

    Wow, what an improvement! 6 to 14... Sweet. Let's get you to finish this time around. :drinker: :wink:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    What a coincidence! I just started today - and learned that my arm/chest strength is UTTERLY PATHETIC. But I'm starting off with modified pushups on my knees and supplementing them with standing wall pushups (with my feet ~3ft from the wall or so), just so I can build up a little more strength without totally exhausting myself.

    I'd be happy even if I could just do 10! If I can get halfway, to 50, I'll be over the moon. For some reason my legs have always been really strong but my arms are useless. It's time to change that!

    Haha, too funny. Don't worry, my initial test was only 4!
  • Jtreat17
    Jtreat17 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in. Do we join a group or how does this work?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    what if we can already do 100+ push ups?

    50 lbs vest?

    I do weighted pushups, it's one of the most underrated exercises in my opinion, so are weighted pullups
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I would love to get in on this, however I would definitely need to do the modified version of the push-ups, if that doesn't discount me from joining would love to do this challenge.

    Heck no, would love to have you!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Am on day 3 and it seems to be working for me, I did 28 yesterday and tomorrow i have to do 33....i also have the squats,pull-ups, and sit-ups challenge.

    Wow, 33. Can't wait till I can do that many!