Getting Rid of the "Fat-girl" mentality

So... this is something I've been struggling with for a while..especially since I've lost almost 40 lbs and am almost not in the overweight category now (I'm now only considered 3-5 lbs overweight :P)

FAT GIRL MENTALITY! Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Now what do we do to combat it?
I still see "fat" when everyone else around me tells me how great I look. My dad even joked that if I lose anymore weight he's going to make me move home and lock me in a pantry :P

I was at a new year's party last night and ran into guys from highschool that never even talked to me and they were telling me how good I looked. Another guy had his arm around my waist and kept telling me I looked like a Victoria's Secret model... I asked him if he was on drugs (he was close enough :P). I was flattered by both but still not buying it!

I go into my favourite jean store to buy new jeans because my size 8's are bagging on my butt... but I feel embarassed to be buying the size 6s... things like that!

These are examples of my inner "fat girl" talking to me... what are some of yours and what have you tried to combat her ugly nagging voice?


  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I lost 16 pounds (132 now 116) & now wear a size 3 (juniors) jeans but refuse to buy it and instead buy the 5 and they always are baggy then I don't want to wear them. But i'm convinced if I buy the 3 that i'll have fat rolls hanging over or they wont button.... Its all in my head. so dumb! I'm curious if anyone has any helpful ideas to stop this!
  • torinoel14
    torinoel14 Posts: 41 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. All throughout high school I was slightly overweight and I always felt like the fat girl. My friends and family did not even notice the extra pounds but I constantly ostracized myself from both of them. I got to a point where I was so ashamed and self conscious that I developed an eating disorder. I lost 30 lbs but I still felt fat. when I got to college I got a lot of attention from the boys in my dorm hall and I gained some self esteem. I realized that I couldnt let other peoples thoughts define how I feel about myself. I got involved with my campus and ran for student government and even joined ROTC on a whim. although the fat girl still lingers in the back of my mind, I just tell myself that I am my toughest critic and that nobody will even care or notice that extra 5 pounds I gained over the holidays. It also helps to list your good qualities and things that you like about yourself and always go about your day with a positive attitude. I realized that life is much too short to dwell on feeling fat and in a few decades you and those high-school girls who never talked to you will have the same wrinkles and the same old lady jeans. All I can say is to remain positive and remember that you are your toughest critic; you do not look as big as you think you do.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    You know, I think a lot of women harbor not-so-secret resentment of "thin girls". What happens, then, when you become thin? Your brain doesn't magically change. It takes time to change your self-perception, and focusing on your HEALTH and your other great qualities that have nothing to do with the number on the tag of your jeans really does have a lot of value.

    But if you need to see it for yourself, have you taken before-and-after photos? Especially next to someone or something whose size hasn't changed? That's a good visual knock upside the head. :)
  • CassOfAllTrades
    CassOfAllTrades Posts: 40 Member
    Oh man. I am SO there!! I just found this site today: You can input your height, weight, size, shape and it gives you random images of women your size. I must admit, I was shocked. The girls my size are HOT! I had to look FORTY lbs heavier than I am to find girls who looked like how I think I look.
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. It takes a while for the brain to adjust apparently. When I was 336 pounds at my heaviest, I would look in the mirror and think "I don't look that big". Now I weigh 172 pounds and all I see in the mirror is every little bit of flab and think I need to lose "___" many more pounds. It is weird.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I totally understand, Ive lost 40 but got 10 to go, but I still feel so fat, and see myself as fat all the time. I know I look better but I still cant seem to realise that I could look good
  • Flass
    Flass Posts: 60 Member
    100% get it. I've lost half of the weight i want to lose and only have about 15 pounds left to lose, but i still feel like a fat school girl. in the morning i'll feel thin for a while but then after i eat or see someone thinner on tv, i feel like a tubbo again.

    i think it is a self esteem thing and can take a while to get over but perhaps try focussing on whether there's anything else that's making you dislike yourself - something more than how much you weigh.
  • JaneDoughSanAntonio
    I am not nearly to my goal yet, but wondering if I'll still think about the chair breaking before I sit in it (even though that's only happened once ... and it was missing a few key bolts. But still embarrassing) or whether I need to turn sideways before I walk through somewhere. Wondering if my brain will retrain itself as the weight comes off, or if I'll still think about stuff like that.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I know exactly what you mean I've lost 70lb and still feel like the fat girl I once was. I'm at the high end of healthy and gone from a UK size 18 (us 20) to a 10-12 (8-10) and still feel the same I even expect to be told I shouldn't have the smaller clothes as I'm to big.

    I hope one day I will get over my fat girl image but for now I'm stuck with it
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    During my vacation the past couple weeks, I still found myself trying to get the right pose so I wouldn't look like a blob in all my pictures. I still have a ways to go, but I don't really have to "adjust" my body now to take a decent picture. Ugh. I totally know what you mean.
  • venom74799
    LMAO. Exact same thing I am currently going through.When I was 286 I was like " oh it's no problem" when I saw mysel.
    I'm at 176 now and think I'm a whale when others want me to put on weight :o
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Oh my gosh, YES! Sometimes I feel the more I lose, the bigger I feel.
  • MayaNelson
    I am simultaeouly the thinnest ive been in yearsand the fattest i will evdr be! That is our love hate relationship. Our reality.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    This is a hard thing overcome and it takes time. Eventually, you'll get past the number on your clothes, but most of us use that number to grade weight loss progress so of course you're still programmed to look at it.

    Do you have any clothes from before you started? Mine was my wedding dress. I weighed 250lbs on my wedding day. When I got down to 215, my mom dared to me to put it on. It fell right back off. :-) When my husband got home I was holding my wedding dress up so it would stay on and dancing around the house like a lunatic.

    I saw a lot posts about not buying the right size clothes because of the number. Baggy clothes make you look bigger than you are, and help feed this "fat girl" mentality. Your clothes don't fit properly and you see something more like the "you" your brain expects.

    This trick has helped me. Take a friend shopping with you. Get them to grab several sizes in what you want to try on and hand them to you. Try them on WITHOUT peeking at the tag. Then use the mirror and your friend to tell you what fits rather than the tag.

    The other thing that has helped me get past the number on my clothes is the realization that women's sizing is utterly arbitrary. I tried on a coat at a local vendor. It was a missy XL and wouldn't come close to buttoning. The sales lady handed me another missy XL coat (same brand) and it was a little big. Go figure.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I still have a long way to go, but I have to force myself to notice any changes. I hope this gets better, beacause it annoys me and I'm sure it annoys people when they comment on how good I look and I can't agree lol
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    I have to admit I hide behind my "fat girl" and am a little intimidated of coming out and letting her go. I am so used to being the fat girl at the office or not being looked at twice by guys that I got use to the lack of attention, and as I start getting more attention I don't know how to respond so I pull back in to the soft, snuggly wobbly bits I know/knew so well......time will tell I suppose
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    let me know when you figure it out!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Oh you took words right out of my mouth!

    I have admittedly put on 10lbs of the 20lbs I initially lost but have started back as of 1st January to lose that weight gain.

    However during the summer where I was floating between 126 and 127lbs every time I looked in the mirror I could still see the 147lbs me, I was getting so annoyed (although not directly at the people saying it) when someone would say you are so skinny/small/lost so much weight/too skinny etc because it just wasn't what I was seeing at all. I know the scales said different I know I was wearing clothes 2 dress sizes smaller but it made no difference to what I saw in the mirror!

    Alot of people told me to look at photos and I would notice the difference but I didn't I looked straight at my problem areas and they still looked big to me - so you can imagine how I feel when I look at myself now having gained 10lbs back!

    I am really hoping that I won't feel the same way this time round but I don't see it changing how I feel when I look in the mirror.

    Whats wrong with us lol why can't we see what others see.

    Oh by the way I still go to pick up size 12's (UK) even though I am now a size 8 - 10 !!!!!!!!!! I still take the 12's with me into the changing rooms lol!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This may sound weird, but I think the 'fat girl' and her 'mentality' may not want to be gotten rid of. Self-talk is something your brain hears. Maybe, try convincing your inner 'fat girl' that she needs to take care of herself. I sometimes think that we hate certain parts of ourselves that need more love than the rest of us.

    I hope this doesn't sound too psycho-babbly, but I do feel that there's a war going on within myself sometimes, and that maybe what I need to do is make peace with all the factions.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. It takes a while for the brain to adjust apparently. When I was 336 pounds at my heaviest, I would look in the mirror and think "I don't look that big". Now I weigh 172 pounds and all I see in the mirror is every little bit of flab and think I need to lose "___" many more pounds. It is weird.

    This is very true. I've heard that it takes about a year after losing weight for our brain and thoughts to catch up and begin to understand and think about ourselves in a different way! Some days I look in the mirror and think "wow, I look great what a change" and most other days I look and think "I've lost weight but don't see it today". I can't wait for my thoughts to realign with the physical changes. When I receive a compliment on my weight loss I am able to say "thank you so much" but inside I have to still remember to sit up tall, shoulders back and all that jazz. Spent too many years trying to look smaller and crunched myself up. Difinitely going to check out the site that cass suggested