In need of friends, tried it without an failed!

I tried my fitness pal last year for a while on my own ... I would like to try this year with friends to see if it motivates me more. Anyone else feel the same? :smile:


  • tick78
    tick78 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Lynnk1971. I would love to jump on the wagon with you. I am hoping to shed 35 kilos. I have lurked on here for quite some time, time to get serious now. Best of luck!
  • Hey, I'm in need of a pal! It's actually time I started being serious about this!
  • you can never have enough support, right? I would be glad to have more friends too!
  • I agree! I just started yesterday but have done WW on my own for ages (without much success). I think support is the key! Feel free to add me!
  • katie10101
    katie10101 Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in! I know I can't do it alone. Luckily my husband is going to the gym with me, but he doesn't have as much to lose as I do. Plus, it's easier for men than it is for women. So, here's to new friends getting healthy together!!!:drinker:
  • Hi..I'm in! Best of luck to everyone! :)
  • Hi guys,

    Just joined and I am desperately in need of some motivation to lose weight. It has been gradually creeping up on me over the years and now I have to do something as its affecting my health. I have just got XBox Kinnect and looking to get the Zumba fit DVD. Hopefully this will spur me on to start eating more healthily.

    My job was a problem also as I absolutely hate it, but have just been offered another job which I am hoping will make me happier in 2012. I think looking back my job dissatisfaction and family/financial problems all add up to me being very unmotivated in my life.

    So I am keeping fingers and everything crossed that 2012 will bring some better things for me and hopefully some weight loss.
  • nomena
    nomena Posts: 165
    Add me, I love motivating! :)
  • Add me too :) I confess, I have done this before and did pretty well... but then lost it. Well, I lost the plot and gained back some of the weight. Am starting again with a clean slate and building up my team of friends :)
  • Me too, new here & feeling a little lost.
  • i to am in need of friends to help me out! I start out fine but quickly lose my motivation! I am going to work very hard to stay motivated and exercise daily!!
  • SkinnyLilly2B
    SkinnyLilly2B Posts: 9 Member
    Yup me too!

    I think you get better results if you are accountable to other people :) So I am also looking to diet with friends.

    Add me if you want :)
  • I always need more friends. Good luck with the weight loss.
  • Hi. Good luck with the weight loss. Feel free to add me. I also have the XBox Xinect and I am loving it. I haven't tried Zumba but we have tried the adventures. Let me know how it goes.
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    Anyone feel free to add me
    I am on MFP daily, log and post regular....we could all do with extra friends and bundles of motivation !

  • You can do this once & for all and we can all help, but you have to do the work too! We're here, come on aboard girlfriend! This time you will succeed.
  • kanata
    kanata Posts: 42 Member
    Count me in too guys!

    Feel free to add me anyone!

    I'm not in a huge rush to shift weight as much as i'd rather do it healthily (ie the 1lb a week thing nothing more). Lost some of the weight but the last stretch is proving HARD!

    I'm starting 30 day shred today and getting Zumba 2 for the wii at the end of the shred and hatha yoga on tuesdays and jog when i can fit it in. I plan to keep at the shred but by february it might get dull and hopefully Zumba will save me!

    Does anyone know any good food plans for this calorie thing!? I'm having difficulty with 1240 cals a day (on days of no exercise i mean as i don't have the extra burned calories)! That's 300 a meal and a spare 300 for snacks, juices etc. eep

    Wishing everyone progress!
  • tattooedtealady
    tattooedtealady Posts: 81 Member
    I am new to MyFitnessPal, started with it today and aim to lose 83lbs. I would happily become friends with anyone who wants some support, as I could use some support in return myself!
  • lizbalfour
    lizbalfour Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'd be grateful for some friends on here too! I tried this site last year and lost 28lbs but the minute I stopped using the tools I gained all the weight!!! Just weighed myself this morning and I'm back to the weight I was last New Year. I think I'd find it easier to lose the weight if I had some freinds.
  • DawnieCurz
    DawnieCurz Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all

    I would be glad of some more friends.. I tried it last year , did it for a while and then it started to slide.. New profile this year and starting over, so please add me as a friend as I need all the help I can get !