Newbie here. :)

First of all, happy new year to all.

I'm Emma and I'm 19 years old. I'm also 19 stone. The most I've ever been. My weight has always been a problem for me, especially during my teenage years, but it has got worse in the past year. I've gone through a lot in 2011 and I'm glad its over. That's a totally different thing all together which I won't get into :) but because of that, my weight has rocketed. When I was 15 years old, I was 16 stone. When I was 17 I got to 10 stone. Now I'm 19 stone.

Is there anyone out there who is like me? Can anyone recommend ways to lose weight? Recipes? Exercise? :)

It would be nice to make some friends on here, maybe work together to lose weight, do challenges etc. Even better if you're local, maybe we could meet up in time and go for regular jogs or something. But for now, I just wanted to say hello :)


  • Monicazumba2013
    Monicazumba2013 Posts: 45 Member
    hey! Welcome!!! Starting off is one of the hardest parts in losing weight. MFP is wonderful! kepp track of calories and exercise!! I have been on here for a little over a year! set a goal for yourself. set up mini goals as well. lets stay in touch!!!

  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    Welcome to MFP!! There is so much support and information on here. I would recommend that you start out easy on your exercise. You don't want to burn yourself out. If you do a search of receipes, you will find so many on here. Also, check out

    Good luck on your weight lost journey!!
  • ELFwinters
    Hey Monica!

    Thanks for the warm welcome :) I've always hated the thought of keeping track of things, especially calories. I know people who are ever so slightly obsessed with it and check EVERYTHING. Thankfully MFP pretty much does it for you so that's all good :) I've decided that I shouldn't punish myself though, that I shouldn't just cut out all the things I love. It's okay to have little treats, I shouldn't stop myself from eating things I enjoy. Just limit how much of it. :) Definitely! :D
  • ELFwinters
    Hey Connie :)

    Thanks. Such a warm welcome from everyone! :D
    Yeah, I find exercise hard.. not that I try.. but just walking tends to kill me. I'm thinking of just doing half hour to an hour a day. I have a stepper, so just on that, nothing big. I've always wanted to go out on little walks and stuff but I kinda feel stupid doing that :') and I'm not comfortable going out on jogs or runs.. I'd just be a big bouncing blob... I'd have to lose a bit of weight before I do anything like that :) Ohh, okay, I'll check that site out now - thanks! :D
  • wolfiesgirl
    wolfiesgirl Posts: 59 Member
    Hiya. I joined Slimming World 14 months ago and have lost nearly 6 stone. I hate counting calories, weighing food or counting points, so SW is fantastic for me and MFP just keeps a check on my food and exercise too. I've been overweight most of my adult life but am starting to like myself and I've even enjoyed shopping in the sales this year. Good luck. Add me as a friend if you like.xx