Fun & Friendly Challenges!

bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
If you are looking for a way to push yourself a little harder, make yourself accountable or just put some "fun" in to your workouts... here's an idea for you. For the past week, I have been posting little challenges on my Facebook profile. It has really helped me get back in to working out after the holidays and pushes me a little harder than I would normally do on my own. Here's an example of one of the challenges:

"For every person who LIKES this status update, I will do 1 minute on the elliptical. Comments with the word "like" will not count and the deadline is for 10PM (Central Time). How long are you going to make me workout tonight?"

The most "likes" I received so far is 43... but I pushed myself a little harder and went for 51 minutes. (I can normally do about 20 minutes.) Other challenges have included, for every LIKE I will do...

- 3 crunches
- 1 push-up
- 1 roundhouse (one for each side)
- Etc.

Have fun with it. Challenge your friends to match it, or at least do what they can. It has been really fun and so many of my friends have enjoyed it so much that I created a FB page for them to follow or post their own challenges!

For my MFP friends, we then meet back up on MFP to challenge our friends here too. Just something fun to consider to help inspire and motivate you in 2012! Any questions?

NOTE: You can certainly do the same thing using your MFP profile... instead of using Facebook.


  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I've been doing this and it's actually making me get off my butt on non-running days. May use it for minutes on the days I run, too. Thanks for this idea!! :happy:
  • emilyr9602
    emilyr9602 Posts: 51 Member
    fun idea!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I've been doing this and it's actually making me get off my butt on non-running days. May use it for minutes on the days I run, too. Thanks for this idea!! :happy:

    That's awesome! Keep me posted.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Today's challenges with 2 friends has given me a much needed burn! Today is upper body/core day so I took on two challenges and ended up with the following...

    60 front lateral lifts with weights (both sides)
    60 side lateral lifts with weights (both sides)
    60 bicep curls with weights (both sides)
    174 abdominal crunches (various styles)

    I have conquered the crunches so now it's on to the upper body!