how tall are you and what is your target weight?



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    5'5" and 140'ish.
  • lisajuliette
    lisajuliette Posts: 123 Member
    Im 1.65m tall and my goal weight is 70kgs
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    5'9" I'd like to be 125-135 BUT I've never been lower than I am now at 197..I might be fine at 175...
  • 5'6" - would love to be 125-130!!! Just wanna LOOK GOOD! Can't focus too hard on that # though
  • 5ft2 and want to get to 8st/112lbs x
  • kimgodfrey001
    kimgodfrey001 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'6'' and my target weight is between 130-140 lbs :)

    me too!
  • tb_lawkid13
    tb_lawkid13 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'7.5 and I'm shooting for 185...if I get there and still have this tummy, I'll keep going. :-)
  • mhadams2668
    mhadams2668 Posts: 25 Member
    5ft 2

  • I'm 5'5'' and goal weight is 128-130. But if I'm thin, ripped, and confident - I'll be happy with that, too!
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    5'2 target weight 135
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    5'3 and about 150-180 , i'm not really sure, I don't want to be super thin, it's not me.. but I want to be comfortable in my body.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    5' 6, want some muscle, so depending on that I think 115-135 would be good for me, probably 130, who knows.
  • 54fevers
    54fevers Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'9 1/2 and my ultimate goal is 135.
  • moodyfeesh14
    moodyfeesh14 Posts: 811 Member
    5 foot 8 and goal is 140-168lbs
  • 5'3". Goal weight is 110lbs
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    5 ft 5, and i weigh 147. 145 is fine with me.
  • Ad_874
    Ad_874 Posts: 19 Member
    5'6 1/2 and my target is 132.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    5'8 About 150 would be great and 140 would be wonderful. I wouldn't go below that because I don't want to lose my chest and my butt. My hubby has already expressed how he can't stand those girls that stand with their feet together and their thighs don't I won't get much below those two weights. Haha! I've been 169 and felt good while I was there. Not skinny but small enough to feel good about myself. :)
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I am 6 feet tall and my goal is 180 or a little less. I have a very large frame and look weird going much lower than that.
  • sayeo
    sayeo Posts: 14 Member
    5' 8" or 174 cm
    and i would like to reach 132- 154 pounds or 60-70 kgs