Lose 5 Pounds a Month January 2012 Challenge



  • tmhowla
    tmhowla Posts: 24
    Count me in. So far I am 215.6... Will let you know as the month progresses.
  • BetteH
    BetteH Posts: 1
    Lets do this!

    January 2 - 145lbs
  • Just started today! This is the perfect way! Happy 2012!
  • ctinio
    ctinio Posts: 5
    A day late but never too late! Count me in too!
  • mscutup
    mscutup Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in. My starting weight is 209.
  • Yes, I'm in. My starting weight is 148lbs.
  • Oh I'm in! 5lbs sounds like such a small amount but ya'll know how hard each pound is to lose =/,,, My starting weight is 162... So I'm hoping for 157 or less by the 31st!
  • I'm in! You all sounds like a fun bunch of peeps! I just joined yesterday.

    1/3 =
    1/10 =
    1/17 =
    1/24 =
    1/31 =
  • I'm in! You all sounds like a fun bunch of peeps! I just joined yesterday.

    1/3 =
    1/10 =
    1/17 =
    1/24 =
    1/31 =
  • ksavvy
    ksavvy Posts: 52
    I'll jump on this bandwagon! 1-2-12 Starting weight (thankyouverymuch, holiday goodies!) - 173
  • Me too! Starting weight is 228....UGH!
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    Starting weight: 128.8. I'm so ready for this!
  • I am in!!! I will see if I can do it!!! I know everyone on here can do it! Even if I don't lose 5 lbs, any weight will be great for me! GOOD LUCK!
  • joanipowell
    joanipowell Posts: 30 Member
    I AM IN!!!
  • tiffanydm4
    tiffanydm4 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm def. in need of this challenge!! Im in
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm in -- I recently had a baby and am trying to lose the birth weight!

    On that note, anyone know how to adjust the goals set up by the program here to account for breastfeeding?
  • Bmused02
    Bmused02 Posts: 4 Member
    :smile: Hi! I am Bonnie. I am in! On January 1, 2012 I weighed in at 187....my goal is 130. I have been seesawing for the past 14 years! This time I am hoping to go the distance! Let's do it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Whoa, seriously? 18 pages by Jan 2? I have a lot of catching up to do, but of course, count me in this month, as always.

    My starting weight, with holiday bloat, is: 153.

    My goal in Dec was to maintain, and although I started the month at 150, 5 days in I was already at 152, so overall, considering how much I've indulged over the holidays, it's not a devastating gain. I'm giving myself 1-2 days more of indulgence, then it's off to the gym to get weighed, and start focusing on my health again.

    HAPPY 2012 !!
  • lets do this!!!!
  • Count me in!

    Starting weight 01/02/12 ----> 170