Anyone who is early 20's out there? Help!

Hey my name is Colleen, I'm 21 and a senior in college. Looking to lose 25 pounds and wondering if anyone was in the same boat. Im 5'10 and 183 as of right now. I'm new to this so help me out if you can.


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I just graduated college.. I'm 23.

    5'9 and started out at 180.. currently sitting at 151 after a year of losing weight.

    Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 20 (turning 21 in April, woohooo!). I'm a former motocross and BMX racer, but had to quit about 2 years due to injury. Now I'm on the road to losing about 20 lbs! I'm starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tomorrow, and from what I've seen, it's awesome! Consider looking into it :)

    Right now I'm 5'7 and 155, but I'd like to be at 135. However, as long as I lose the inches I don't care how much I weigh.

    Go ahead and add me as well! Good luck hon!
  • I'm 22 - 23 at the end of the month. I've lost about 27 pounds over the last year or so - so I know how you feel!
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    21, about to be 22 next month =) Graduated college with my AAS, lost 10lbs so far, aiming for about 25 more though. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm almost 20, a sophomore in college and I'm around 182. I'm looking to lose about 40 pounds ideally. I know how it feels! Add me!
  • arbellas
    arbellas Posts: 40 Member
    Hey! Im 21 and looking to lose about 30 lbs. I'm 5'5" and about 160 at the moment.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm a youngin' here too!
    23 :) add me if you'd like
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    That was me my senior year of college (2.5 years ago), except I'm 5'9". I lost 25 pounds using MFP the year following, then found out I was pregnant, so I'm back at it. ;-) Feel free to add me!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm 23 (24 in April) 5'9" and 154lbs looking to lose 10lbs AND improve fitness (for running long distance competitively) Currently in the RAF - Was at University at Newcastle upon tyne, UK until I was 21 and joined up straight after.
  • I turn 21 on the 8th. I'm restarting my weight loss journey, 6'0 trying to lose 55 pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    21 (22 next month), in my fourth year of college. 5'6" and 110 right now (lost 10lbs last year) and just looking to lose 5 or 10 more. Feel free to add me.
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 21 5'8 and 150 right now. I want to lose 20-30 pounds. I have a small frame so less weight looks better on me. If i can replace fat with muscle then maybe only 15 pounds.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    20 years old (turn 21 in 6 days!) I started out with 25 lbs to lose and have 5 to go. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 23 - 5ft0 and have just lost about a stone and a half recently, and still going strong!

    Hoping to hit the exercise hard soon and get lean and tight :)
  • Banannafish512
    Banannafish512 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 22. 5'10" and 195 lbs and in graduate school, which of course makes frequent snacking a must. I'm trying to go down to my pre-college weight of 140, but it's hard going to work out and study. Any tips would be appreciated!
  • hey there! I'm not in my early 20's, but I'm 27:wink: is definately the hardest time to lose weight! Its een harder after you get married and have a few you can do it sister...what better time to start than January! go head girl.:smile:
  • I'm almost 20, just going into my third year of uni. Aiming to lose about 45lbs.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I'm 21 and just finishing up my senior year. It's definitely rough at school with friends eating whatever and whenever they want haha. It is definitely doable though! For me I had to work on my priorities. I've lost 30 pounds in college, it hasn't been steady though. Feel free to add me!
  • crazicrystal
    crazicrystal Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 24 and about to finish my Master's degree. I'm looking to lose all the weight I gained in college, so I know what you're going through. What I've found is that this is a great tool to help you learn your habits and change them for the better. I'm not going to advocate diets, but if nothing else, track the food you eat and the exercise that you do. Once you learn how much you typically eat versus what you need to eat, it really helps to make short term and long term goals. I would suggest moving slowly in the right direction. Increase your exercise in a way you can manage (maybe an extra 30 minutes a week until it's a habit), and decrease your intake by a manageable amount (say 50 - 100 calories).

    As a person that loves food, I've never been able to do "diets", instead, this slow approach helped me start eating less and eating better (even with some "bad" days). Do what works best for you, but try to work with something that you can stick with long term and isn't a purge diet plan. I've lost 40 pounds this year and I still have a ways to go, but it's definitely working.

    Good luck. :)
  • ashhhhole
    ashhhhole Posts: 60 Member
    i'm 20, turning 21 in march. i gained a ton of weight in college, and am working toward getting it off. good luck to you!