Anyone who is early 20's out there? Help!



  • 22 senior at the University of Connecticut, Good luck!!
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    hey im 19.. i'll be 20 in a few months... currently 167-170ish.... been looking for younger people for motivation etc add me you all =)
  • Hey my name is Colleen, I'm 21 and a senior in college. Looking to lose 25 pounds and wondering if anyone was in the same boat. Im 5'10 and 183 as of right now. I'm new to this so help me out if you can.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    i'm 20. I'm 5'8" currently a junior in college. i'm about 135. trying to get down to 130
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 22 and started out at 197 and currently at 170.... hoping to get down to the 130's this year.... ( i did lose 30lbs last summer but gained 10 of them back from getting of the wagon....however i'm getting back on and hopefully losing another 40lbs :)
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    im looking to lose around that same weight we could be buddies =)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm 20 (turning 21 in April, woohooo!). I'm a former motocross and BMX racer, but had to quit about 2 years due to injury. Now I'm on the road to losing about 20 lbs! I'm starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tomorrow, and from what I've seen, it's awesome! Consider looking into it :)

    I also turn 21 in April, wooooh! :D Also, I just started the 30 Day Shred today. It killed me but I'm sure it will be worth it.

    I'm 5'5" and I started at 145. My goal is 130. I joined MFP back in October and I managed to get down to 137, but then the end of the semester hit and I got too busy to log my calories. Now I'm back up to 142 and trying this out again. It was definitely working for me, I just need to learn to make time for it with school and everything.
  • Hi I am 21 year old college student. I am 5 ft 7in and wanting to lose 30lbs.
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 25 still in college, at 180lbs. add me!
  • Hi! I am 26 turning 27 in March. I thought we could still support each other. I am 5'8'' and 195 hoping to lose about 35 lbs. Let me know what you think. :smile:
  • Can you let me know what you think of Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I own it and can stick with it for three days but always loose the motivation to continue and go back to running.

  • Hello!
    I am 24 and I will be graduating college in March! Feel free to add me!
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    I graduated from college spring of '10, but I am 23. 5'5 and currently at 222 from a shaming 247. Feel free to add me too!
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    I'm 20, and i go to university in beijing. 5'8, 115 lbs, i want to lose 5 or 10 lbs.
  • Hey! :) I am 22 and 5'1. I began my journey at 186, then through a no carbs or sweets & lots of Jillian Michaels regime, I was able to lose about 28 pounds! Unfortunately, I got lazy and gained about 18 of it back. I am currently back on track though, weighing in today at 171 and going strong. What is the most disappointing is the fact that I could have met my goal weight months ago in September right around my birthday. But I am proud to say that I finally have my booty back in gear and I am excited to go all the way to the finish! :)
  • ryvenna
    ryvenna Posts: 83 Member
    I'm a 23 y.o. med student who's 5'5" and 140 lbs! I'd really like to get to 125 lbs.
    I weighed 156 at the end of the summer, and I've found MFP a really helpful way to lose weight!
    Feel free to add me :]
  • miss_saraa
    miss_saraa Posts: 18 Member
    Hello lovelies! I'm 23 turning 24 in March. I am 5"3 and I started at 154 pounds in November and I am currently 139 pounds. I'm working to be 130 perhaps less depending on how I feel then. I want to get rid of the giggly parts hehe. Feel free to add me and I would love to give advice on what I've been doing and whats been working for me! :)
  • mrskesler
    mrskesler Posts: 73 Member

    I'm 24, looking to lose 50 pounds, and new to MFP, too :)
  • Ciarad7
    Ciarad7 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 20, 5'5 and 116lbs, trying to maintain!
  • Heya! I'm 20 and have recently lost 157 pounds.