I could just scream!

Why do I have an urge to just eat today? I have been on the straight and narrow for 2 months and have lost 28 lbs. I went from 329 to this morning 300.7......... I am so so close to seeing the scale go under 300 for the first time in years. But today I want to throw it all out the window and eat a whole box of devils food cookies. I ate three of them already. There is only like 12 in a box and my husband ate 2. They are 50 calories each, so I have not wrecked it yet, but I know if I eat them, I will not stop at cookies. I should of never bought them. I just haven't seen them in years and so I thought just 50 calories each............ I can handle one here and there. I am not even hungry, so why do I want to do this to myself? I feel so much better already, can move easier, breath easier, wear clothes more comfortably. I have already eatten alot of calories at lunch, because we went to Fuddruckers and I could not refrain from the loaded fries. sour cream, cheese, ranch dip to eat with them. Now I just want to eat the house down. Stupid me, someone should give me a kick in the @ss. And my neck is hurting, and it is not letting up. Think I pinched a nerve or something. Did this about 3 weeks ago and I was miserable, even my good pain pills dont make it go away. And to top it all off I want to be a big whiny baby. Wish it was tomorrow already.


  • missfluffyuk
    Drink a big cup of lemon water. It *might* help with the cravings.

    Maybe go out and do some exercise, but I don't know how that will go with your neck.

    Other than that, I don't know how else to offer help. I get in those moods, too, where I want nothing but food. Maybe one of your trigger foods is potatoes? I know my mum's is.
  • TinaAK
    TinaAK Posts: 18 Member
    I hear ya! I have wanted to eat all day today too. I am trying to avoid it by exercising, taking the dog for a walk, etc. You have worked too hard to toss it on cookies. Drink some water, or some flavored water and think about how your clothes are fitting and how you are feeling since losing some weight. Keep strong! You can power through today!!!! Good luck!
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    First of all CONGRATS on the 28lbs in two months!! I have lost 2lbs and my body doesn't seem to want to let go of anything else lol. Second I think that since you recognize that eating that food wasn't right for you , you have nothing to worry about because you are less likely to have it happen again. third I think letting yourself have a little fun every now and then is ok. If you deprive yourself all the time then you are more likely to have a binge session. Don't be hard on yourself sometimes we all have whiney days!!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    It's weird, but sometimes I feel my old hunger rushing back to me with a vengence. It's totally scary, and often comes without warning.

    This suggestion may or may not help you, but have you considered throwing those cookies down the garbage disposal before they get you started down the wrong path tonight? Sometimes the hunger will not be denied, and ignoring your craving makes you 'eat around it' with a lot more damage, and a whole lot less satisfaction. Only you know the answer to this.
  • Amf5627622
    I hate those types of days! Try to envision the scale with a "2" and the feeling it would give you and maybe that will help. Good luck. Stay strong!
  • steffihoney
    As I am reading your post, I am talking myself out of getting a bowl of cereal. I am still doing good today and don't want to mess it up. We both can hold out and make it!
  • jenner4545
    jenner4545 Posts: 7 Member
    I think that we all know how it feels to have days where everything falls apart. I applaud your ability to go this long with out a "cheat day" already. Just try to relax and let today be today, you can start fresh tomorrow! I'm not saying completely give in to your cravings but just cheat a little today and get back on track tomorrow, other wise you will want to binge even more as you go along. Eat as healthy as you can without stressing yourself out, unhealthy stress can prevent you from losing weight.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Don't worry about it. Just have a little less dinner and if you really want a cookie for desert you might consider pitching them or tell your husband to eat them. Sometimes when I get this way I finish up the dinner stuff and tell my family I need to lay down for awhile. Go in the bedroom, lay down on the bed shut the door and if you can stand it prop the pillow behind your neck and go to sleep. Sometimes all I need is a good nights sleep. Hope this helps. Anyway you look at you can't change it so log in everything you ate, see how much you're over your calories and figure it's just one day and s--- happens.
  • monishia123
    OMG! Lethasue, there MUST be something in the air. I've been doing well with dropping weight over the last few months. Its not falling off very 'quickly, but it IS coming off. However, TODAY...I have been eating like CRAZY! Its like my body AND mind are working AGAINST ME! Not only did I have a big breakfast, but THEN i had TWO DINNERS! I went to Wendys, got a chicken sandwich COMBO...THEN I came home, ATE IT, turned around and fixed a huge STEAK with some corn and greens..AND ATE THAT TOO! Then I baked cookies...ate cereal...and my favorite-Reeses peanut butter cups (straight out the freezer). The entire time, I kept saying to myself 'I'M NOT EVEN HUNGRY!!'...but I ate it anyway. Tomorrow is a NEW DAY! And I WILL do better...and so will you. Stay strong! This is not the first time, or the last time we will 'slip'...but I havent lost site of the bigger picture.
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss success so far, that is awesome!

    I'm going to ask this because it has been something I have been guilty of many, many times although I don't really know why. Do you think you may be a little scared of this milestone? I have been on the road to success with weight loss, yet I'll catch myself almost trying to sabotage my own success. It's completely crazy sounding, but if I look at it objectively, that's what it is.

    I'm not saying that this is what you are doing at all, but it is a big milestone and you are very close!

    Sometimes, we just have bad days, shake it off and remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    I did actually think of throwing them out. I tryed to get Jerry to eat them, and would give them to the dogs, but they are chocolate. I even took 2 cookies out to eat and found they were not all I thought they would be and put one back............. only to take it out with another and eat both of them. I am sure I would feel better if they were just gone. I hate letting things like this have so much power over me.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Oooh I like that! Been waiting and just want to see that so much.
  • claireputput
    claireputput Posts: 26 Member
    I don't know about you but I have to have a cheat day once in a while-maybe it is time for yours, only you know for sure. You could also just put them down the disposer as someone else said or take care of the craving by indulging and then get back on the bus on Tuesday! Hope it works out for you!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Awesome progress! Don't give in now-- you are doing so well!

    I have no idea if this pertains to you, but the fact that you're about to cross a milestone (300 lb) resonated with me. I have a habit of self-sabotaging. Like failure is more familiar and comfy than succeeding and reaching my goals. I've done that several times. I will be ready to enter a new ten pound increment, and go off the rails, put back on five pounds, and start over again. Subconsciously, maybe that's more familiar and less challenging for me.

    So, if this is what may be at work here, maybe face it (like I'm trying to). Good luck!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Yes yes we can. I know there will be a feeling of regret and not satisfaction if I give in. Thanks
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Thats just like me today, just want to scarf something and keep on eatting. Crazy how this just seems to pop up from no where.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    If you are like me, it's not so much the calories in the cookies that matter. It's the fear that they might be just the beginning of losing motivation. That's my old all-or-nothing thinking filling me with anxiety. Do you think if Freud were still alive, he would say 'Sometimes a cookie is just a cookie?'
  • deepbluesea0822
    First off.... forgive yourself! God bless you. (If that is not offensive anyway). Listen, we have ALL been there. You're doing GREAT! Look at how far you've come! Don't minimize your success! What's done, is done. Just dust yourself off and get right back on track! Share those yummy cookies with the neighbors or even the trash bin. For the future, there a couple of things you probably already know... don't buy or keep things in the house that throw you off your goal. And I liked the suggestion below of some exercise. Just walking helps. Do you have any inside equipment, like a stationary bike or treadmill? I live on the Oregon coast and it's wet and wild right now, so walking on the beach is less appealing.... but any kind of movement is distracting. We eat when we're not hunger for a reason!! If you're not hungry, what IS going on?? Are you sad, angry, bored ??? I find that logging/blogging in some form or fashion helps.
    You are SOOOO not alone. I hear you. And I feel where you are. PLEASE forgive yourself and jump back on your goal train!!
    HUGS! :flowerforyou:
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    I do well in for breakfast and even dinner and I get the munchies big time. I forced myself not to get up and got the the fridge last night and listen to an audio book instead to get my mind off food. Turned off the tv because that didn't help me either, too many food commercials.

    I still allow treats in my diet, but try not to buy them or else I do eat them all. I usually buy a small bag of cookies or something if I really want one or share with my daughter.

    Tried having some hot tea with honey and that also helps me ease into a sleep.

    Sometimes I eat out of stress and have lots of that in my life.

    Had lost all the weight 3 years ago, quit logging my meals and eating horrible and starting again this new year. What helped me last time calorie cycling, not sure if you are familiar, but you don't eat the same calories a day and on your high calorie days you can go out to eat with family, friends without feeling deprived. It helped me back then.

    I started walking my dog after dinner as well, that helps. :-)
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    It really feels like that............. like I am compelled to wreck my progress, before I can reach a milestone. Wonder what is up with that.