Sweet Tooth

Hey everyone, I'm new to all this and i have one hell of a sweet tooth. Is there a healthy bad out there??? I'm 4 days in and i feel like pulling my "teeth" out after my dinner meal.


  • Im right with you! I do diet jello with fat free cool whip, graham cracker ( low fat) with cool whip in a sandwich form. It is like an ice cream sandwich. Also a microwaved apple with cinnamon and sweetner for a warm dessert. Just a few dishes that help me after dinner.
  • I keep the 90cal Fiber One brownies in my desk at work. In a pinch, they work well! Plus you get a punch of fiber.

    At home, I'd go with angel food cake with some sliced berries and some FF cool whip topping or lowfat ice cream. Breyer's has a really low cal version but I can't think of the name.

    If you need a really low cal dessert you could always go with SF jell-o.

    If you want something warm and home-made, you can mix any flavor cake mix with a can of diet soda and bake as directed on the box. You only have to count the calories from the cake mix! You can also do a can of pureed pumpkin with spice cake mix or yellow cake mix with a can of crushed pineapple. One of my favorites is angel food cake mix with a can of SF cherry pie filling. Just mix the two items and bake as directed on the box.

  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I have a sweet tooth as well I have those 100 calorie packs such as cookies already portioned out, I also love the fiber one brownies and bars, and I like low calorie fudge sicles
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I have a sweet tooth, as well. That's why I usually try to hit the gym and create some room for a dessert in my meal plan. It's all about moderation. There's no way I could stay healthy my whole life if I denied myself what I love to eat; I just eat less of it.
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    Okay so I stock up on these little guys for when I want something sweet! They have just enough caramel to relieve a sweet tooth - and they're only 100 calories! I love 'em! You can get them at your local Walmart or grocery store.
  • Their are two things that I do when the sweet tooth hits me...

    (1) I drink almond milk... unsweetened vanilla. If you add a tablespoon or so of Walden Farms chocolate syrup... IT IS AMAZING!! and here is the best part... 8 oz of the almond milk has 40 calories the chocolate syrup has 0 calories.

    (2) There is a powered peanut butter called PB2... It is amazing and has only 45 calories in 2 tablespoons

    Good Luck!!
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I usually have 100 calorie kettle corn, cocoa dusted almonds OR (I love ice cream) mini mint ice crem sandwiches (maybe 120 cal) or the ____ churned (forget the name) Edy's ice cream is 90 calories or so for a half cup. I also put it in a small coffee cup so I don't focus on how little a half cup really is.:wink:
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Biggest sugar addict EVER! I truly cannot give up dessert. I used to eat cupcakes...like almost every night. I have given those up entirely for berries and whipped cream, sometimes I add in ghiradelli semisweet choc chips or graham crackers or nilla wafers, or I'll make a parfait of the berries with sugar free skim milk jello. Or I've put organic freshly ground peanut butter on graham crackers with bananas or citrus salad or skinny cow makes AWESOME products...about 150 calories for a chocolate ice cream cone or an ice cream sandwich. They also make awesome peanut butter chocolate crisps. Its all about finding an alternative for you that works. I used to not be able to keep this stuff in the cupboards because I would eat it all, but I found that the healthier I eat the more I exercise the less I crave all that stuff. Also putting my food diary on view was very helpful for me. It either gave me accountability of having to admit that I ate a whole box of skinny cow ice cream (cause they completely lose the healthy alternative when you can't eat in moderation) or I would have to lie about it and not lose any weight. Hope any of this helps!!!!!! It does get easier! Really!
  • JVWard98
    JVWard98 Posts: 49 Member
    Great Ideas, I needed this too!
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Oh I have to try that angel food cake and cherries. Thanks!
  • I buy low cal or sugar free pudding and have a ton of dark chocolate in my freezer. Godiva has a program where once a month you can get a free piece of chocolate (Dark chocolate raspberry is to die for!). I've taught myself that sweets are only a treat. I am not exactly sure how a taught myself that its only a treat but I think it has a lot to do with being so consumed in what healthy meal I will eat next that I just forget! Make sure to always have a little something in your house to satisfy your craving. :)
  • Oh I have to try that angel food cake and cherries. Thanks!

    ooo yum yum!
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    I have the worst sweet tooth ever. I crave sugar all day long. Here are my low calorie solutions:

    - applesauce
    - yogurt covered raisins
    - pomegranate infused craisins
    - chocolate shakeology popsickles (ice cubes in my case, lol)
    - frozen berries - I eat them frozen :)

    and when I just need that candy - chewy sprees, I just have to limit them.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I feel your pain! My sweet tooth can become a raging lunatic sometimes...

    I use several things to help:

    1) Skinny Cow products--they have ice cream bars (100-150 calories) and candy (110-120 calories)
    2) Snackwell's products--100-150 calories for cookies, brownie bites, etc.
    3) Dark chocolate squares (this is my new vice!)--I use the Ghirardelli, and today I bought some Dove and Hershey's dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has health benefits for your heart, but don't drink milk with it (studies showed benefits to dark chocolate, but something in milk prevents the body from properly using the plant phenols in the chocolate, which is why milk chocolate doesn't have the health benefits of dark chocolate).

    The key with all of these is to make sure you log them and only eat what your calorie allowance will give you. In other words, you can't eat 25 dark chocolate squares; you have to limit it to what your calorie count allows. The Ghirardelli ones I use are 220 calories for 4 squares, which means I can eat just one for 55 calories if that's all I have left, or I can have 2 for 110 calories, which is about equal to one of the Skinny Cow or Snackwell's items. If I've eaten really low-cal all day, then I can have 4. It's just a matter of logging it all faithfully and disciplining yourself to only eat what will fit in your count for the day.

    Good luck! I understand trying to fight the sweet tooth...it's hard! I'm having much more success this time because I'm not depriving myself.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm new to all this and i have one hell of a sweet tooth. Is there a healthy bad out there??? I'm 4 days in and i feel like pulling my "teeth" out after my dinner meal.

    Fruits, Plums when you can find them..Healthy Heart Nut Mix I love it.. I still eat some sweets just smaller portions and they fit into my calorie limits..I have ice cream, pies, etc. BUT I'm not a pig about it...
  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 99 Member
    As a chocoholic myself, I keep 100 calorie treats and Nutty Buddys are my current favorite.

    I also bought a bag of Hershey bite size candies. No shell, no mess. You can have 15 pieces for 200 calories. I don't eat that many though....3 is just enough to satisfy my craving.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I have a big sweet tooth as well. It has decreased since being vegan (2 years). I find that one small square of a good quality dark chocolate hits the spot. Another indulgence would be a cup of dark chocolate almond milk, heated instead of regular hot cocoa with milk, satisfies my sweet tooth and is just 120 calories for a cup. Or a sliced apple with 2 tbsp of Peanut Butter & Co.'s Dark Chocolate Dreams.
  • I really like low-fat chocolate icecream sticks (like Paddle Pops) or those individual cups of gelato you can get at the grocery store (Gelativo, yum). I have really sensitive teeth so it takes me a lot longer to eat delicious things if they're really cold :P Two or three serving of a Paddle Pop or Gelativo cup have about the same calories as one chocolate bar (and a bit less fat).

    Making hot chocolate with skim milk is also pretty filling, as opposed to eating actual chocolate. I've been gradually reducing the sugar in my hot chocolate and adding cinnamon/rosewater/cloves/vanilla etc for more flavour.
  • I like Quaker Rice Snacks. They have them in a lot of flavors but the Carmel Corn ones are the best. You can have 13 pieces and they are only 110 calories. I drink a glass of water afterwards and I feel full.