50 pounds or more...



  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me, I just for warn you, I will be honest with you exp if you had ur food diary open to friends ill point out things and make ideal suggestions etc or tell you NO when no one else will, if you want a friend like that ADD ME!

    I had someone de-friend me cause they couldn't take advice well :indifferent:

    I mean they where eating nothing but junk & fast food i was just trying to help :grumble:

    Anyhoo if you need a friend that will tell you like it is and you want that kinda support add me

    Somedays I can't get to EVERYONES posts/diary's but I do try :flowerforyou:

    Ive been there done that fallen off the wagon picked myself back up and done it over again

    I gained 195lbs when I quit smoking (I was 135 at the time when I quit smoking, 12yrs ago!) I gained so much lost 156lbs in 19months gained 30 back with stress of buying/selling houses, now getting back on track, we can do this together!
  • NickiR3d
    NickiR3d Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to this site. I have a weight loss goal of 100 pounds. Would really appreciate moral support and reading the success of others as they go through their weight loss journey. Since Dec 19, 2011 I have lost 6pounds to date with much more to go.

    Feel free to add me as I will also become a daily logger!

    Thanks :)
  • Maisietotes
    Maisietotes Posts: 10 Member
    Hello back to you all. This is a terrific website. It's very reassuring to find others who also want to shed the excess poundage, along with a sensible method for achieving it. As we are at the start of a new year, let's help each other through the journey. In addition to the health issues, I have to go on a course for work at the end of June - we'll be videotaped. If you ever wanted to find a reason to slim down, there it is. I hate cameras and I hate the prospect of being videotaped by supervisors - rather puts the wind up. Sufficient motivation all round, I'd say...
  • Hi My name is Adrianne. I have a big weigh loss goal of 60 lbs. I hope to reach this by the end of summer or end of aug. my first goal is 30 lbs by may 1st and then 30 by the end of summer. I have two boys and most of this is weight that i have gained while pregnant and then never lost it. Im looking for weighloss friends to help motivate me as well as help them be motivated. i just found out about this from a friend today and started counting calories and working out yesterday.
  • way to go you are well on your way. congrats on the first 6 lbs.
  • My name is Robin I started the South Beach diet today. I have to lose 100 lbs. I weighed in today 250 even. I am ready for this Journey. I am 50 years old I have I have 3 grown boys. 4 grandchildren and twin grandbabies due in July 2012. Thats not all I got a case of empty nest and me and my wonderful husband became foster parents. We adopted out foster children a sibling group brother and sister age 8 and 6 so I need to be healthy for them and myself. I'm happy to be here if you want to talk I'm here

  • bagoobie
    bagoobie Posts: 6 Member
    started using this site over a month ago
    its helped me lose 6 lbs but my goal is 50 or more!
  • rita74
    rita74 Posts: 7 Member
    I started on Mfp back in may after my son was born. I have about 50 more lbs to loose. I did it before many years ago so I know I can do it again.
  • I have 62lbs to lose. I'm at 211lbs right now and very uncomfortable in my own skin. I've never been under 150, but would at least like to get to 150 and see where I'd like to go from there.
  • Got2believe
    Got2believe Posts: 31 Member
    looking to lose 107 lbs, not an easy goal but I'm tired of this weight. I may settle at 135 (so 97lbs) instead but we'll see. I'll be a daily logger as of tomorrow, with an open diary. I'm also starting 2 exercise plans in addition to my new eating style.
  • ateady
    ateady Posts: 1
    i need to lose about 52 lbs..
  • I am trying to lose 70lbs this yr
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I would like to lose around 50! Add me if you would like and good luck on your journey!!
  • I'm currently 273, I want to start by getting down to 180...but eventually I'd like to be around 120....so I have about 150 lbs to lose.
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    I lost 50 lbs and looking forward to losing 30 more.
  • kristypie
    kristypie Posts: 102 Member
    I have a little more than 50 to lose. Anyone is welcome to add me. We can do it together this year!
  • I want to lose around 75 pounds. I just started this today. Exercise is my down fall. I actually feel depressed when I exercise! Go figure! I also have to travel for work, so finding restaurants with low cal, low fat meals is challenging for me. I would love to be your weight loss buddy and we can be on the journey together!
  • vitahill
    vitahill Posts: 37 Member
    I have 50 (or more!) pounds to lose this year as well. I'm struggling with being patient because I know all the weight won't come off in a week. I need to be content with 1 lb at a time! Feel free to add :smile:
  • 59 to lose here. feel free to add, I'm new to this too :)
  • I would love to gain some more friends on here! I'm a repeative dieter always losing 10ish pounds here and there, but I'm really ready to get serious. My short term goal is to lose 50lbs, but I need to lose 100 long term. I would LOVE to give and recieve encouragement from anyone!! Thanks!!