I'm new...need friends and advice!


My name is Kelly and I am 32. I have always been very active and have been able to control my weight this way. I suffered an injury about a year ago that did some damage to my back and leg nerves. Things are finally healed and I got he go ahead to start exercising again but I am basically starting over again. I need to loose the weight I gained during this injury and start introducing healthier eating habits to offset my decreased mobility. I look forward to meeting everyone and being a support for each other!



  • CalorieArson
    CalorieArson Posts: 32 Member
    The best thing to do to keep your weight under control is keep a food diary. Its amazing the things you dont realize you eat until you record everything. Good luck!
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I had an injury awhile ago after I had already lost a bunch of weight and when i got hurt, I just let myself go. I think this is the first step in the right direction. We don't realize how many calories a day we consume just by snacking. Good luck.
  • best of luck on your new conquest!! the battle can be tough but it is well worth the victory at the end, good luck and if you need any advice or help this is the right place for you!
  • kelpharm
    kelpharm Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all! I am definitely finding that my perspective on what I each changes when I know I have to commit it in writing!