dinner question

mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
I am logging everything I eat in my food diary on here. I usually do really well on breakfast, lunch and snacking throughtout the day. I always have over 1,000 calories left for dinner. My question is, does it matter if I eat something like pizza or a Bic Mac as long as I stay under the calories alotted for me for the day?


  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes, it matters. Maybe not calorie wise but alot of those foods are loaded with sodium, fats, and cholestrol. Maybe once in a blue moon it's fine, but I would pcik something that had good nutritional value to it. A nice lean steak sounds good :tongue:
  • kenne
    kenne Posts: 13
    Yes and no. The theory is calories consumed less than calories burned equals weight loss. However, you should still be careful about the kind of calories you are eating, fast food has a very high fat content (plus others like sodium). It is okay to eat junk every once in a while, in fact I would say it is necessary buyt you should only "cheat" at most one meal per week. It really is a life style change that is necessary certain types of foods can be highly addictive like an alcoholic it may only take one meal to derail your efforts. For extra motivation to stay away from fast food watch Morgan Sperlock's documentary "Super Size Me". He starts out very healthy and eats nothing but McDonald's for 30 days. Extreme I know but he ends up with some serious medical problems including the liver of a lifetime alcoholic.

    My intention is not to scare you but to help you make a better choice.
  • mkoff32
    mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
    Well, for example yesterday I ate very well all day. At dinner however, I had 2 homeade tostadas with shredded chicken, refried beans and a little mexican cheese with a side of spanish rice. Is that considered "cheating"? Because I felt bad afterwards.... LOL .
  • mkoff32
    mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
    And yes, I've seen Super Size me... that documentary made me give up McDonalds for years... until the kids started coming!
  • codykitty
    codykitty Posts: 729
    Well, for example yesterday I ate very well all day. At dinner however, I had 2 homeade tostadas with shredded chicken, refried beans and a little mexican cheese with a side of spanish rice. Is that considered "cheating"? Because I felt bad afterwards.... LOL .

    If you feel bad, then you probably already know the answer to your question. Either you are really making a lifestyle change, or trying to find loopholes...it's up to you!
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    Well, for example yesterday I ate very well all day. At dinner however, I had 2 homeade tostadas with shredded chicken, refried beans and a little mexican cheese with a side of spanish rice. Is that considered "cheating"? Because I felt bad afterwards.... LOL .

    Where the tostadas baked or fried? Because really, that doesn't sound that bad... fairly balanced, a good amount of protein and some fiber from the beans... it could be a lot worse for sure.
  • mkoff32
    mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
    Good question, the shells were pre-packaged from the store, so probably fried.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I would think it would be better for your metabolism if you ate a few extra healthy snacks and consumed less than 1000 calories at dinner time. It depends on your total calorie amount too, I don't think it is good to leave a large percentage of you calories until the end of the day.

    Also, there are a lot better ways to "spend" 1000 calories, and feel a lot more full and fulfilled. I find after eating McDonalds I am still hungry because the food is empty calories kinda.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    what jennifer said.

    I have learned to eat more for breakfast , this tooks some time to work up to.

    I spread my food out for the full day, ending with a protien snack between 7-9 pm.

    You meal didnt sound too bad, lots of protein. Guilt should be saved for ho-hos, not a dinner menu!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Your doing great, keep up the good work:flowerforyou: