Just started training for my first half marathon...

Looking for like minded friends with similar goals (5k 10k, half , full marathon) for support, encouragement and advice!

Feel free to add me!


  • fitnessgal1318
    I am also training for my first half marathon in March. I've been running for awhile but really want to set a goal for myself...which is really to just finish and feel that sense of accomplishment....good luck to us...we can do it!!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I am currently training for a long john jaunt (Half marathon) in February and a leg in a relay race that will likely be similar distance in May.
    Sent you a request.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member

    Just thought of making this one of my goals :)

    I'm going to be going for a half marathon to start. I'm starting my training tomorrow!

    Feel free to add me,

    L :)
  • lilibean01
    lilibean01 Posts: 68 Member
    I replied to another "first half marathon" thread, so I am copying & pasting my thoughts here. Congratulations on signing up for your first 1/2 marathon & good luck!

    Firstly, shoes are important. Get a good, quality pair that specifically addresses your gait -- get evaluated to see if you are a neutral runner, overpronater, or underpronater. And get good socks! All synthetic or 100% wool. You don't want blisters! I personally like Injinji performance toe socks -- they look a little funky, but they keep my foot temperature well regulated, and my feet don't cramp up like they used to.

    Hal Higdon's training program for Novice 1 is a great program. Jeff Galloway also has a great program that combines walking and running. Your goal should be to enjoy the experience itself, soak up the atmosphere, and simply finish. This is going to be a huge accomplishment, so don't put pressure on yourself for splits or a particular finish time!

    Read up articles on proper nutrition and fueling. You will need to carb load especially before the long runs so that you have enough stored up blood sugar so that you don't feel exhausted during your runs. Active.com and CoolRunning.com are great resources for articles on everything from nutrition to gear to training and injuries. Their editorial staff really knows what they're talking about -- they are all pretty much elite athletes!

    On those longer runs, you will need calories (GU/gels or gummies). Experiment specifically to see what works for you. Some gels can cause stomach upset or dizziness. You might find out what kind of sport drink & gels they will provide the day of the race -- try them to see if they work for you. If you don't like them, find something you do like and then take some with you the day of the race. Which brings me to another point... You will need to invest in a good hydration system if you're not running somewhere like a park with water fountains. There are backpack styles and belt systems and handheld water bottle systems. Find something that will work for you and keep hydrated on the run! They also have storage pockets in pretty much all 3 of the styles available, so you can store your gels and take whatever sport drink works for you in case your stomach doesn't agree with what the race is providing. :)

    Don't ignore chronic pain! If you're getting intense foot pain like plantar fasciitis or have knee pain that gets worse as you run, see a doctor. You don't want something seemingly small to wind up being a major injury that sidelines you. Don't try to self-treat at this "novice" stage. Seek an expert out. Also (and it kind of sucks) get used to ice. To avoid really sore muscles after your long runs, do treat your legs to a cold treatment. Use an ice bath if you can stand it, or just ice packs, or do an ice massage (freeze ice in paper cups and then peel the cup away to reveal the ice & then massage muscles with it). You will save yourself a lot of pain in the long run by temporarily "suffering" the pain of ice.

    Congratulations, again, and have a great time! It will be hard work, but the rush of victory feels so great when you complete your first half marathon on race day!
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    I'm getting on board with MFP again after about 6 months off! And I'm aiming for a 10k in March/April (tho I haven't booked one yet) so would welcome all help and support...
  • pjbercot
    pjbercot Posts: 30 Member
    Running the half mafathon in Indianapolis, IN in May. Have not started to specifically train yet but I am making the transition to a lighter shoe with lees heal toe drop. (love how light the are compared to a a more structured shoe.) I will keep everyone updated and will also look for advise. Feel free to add me.
  • ksuper1
    I am currently training for the Ocean City, MD Half Marathon at the end of April. I am excited and terrified at the same time! Currently I am doing a training program from a book I read and it works perfectly for me. I definitely recommend following a training program so you are fully prepared! Good luck and feel free to add me!