Hot momma by mother'sday!

How many of ya'll want to look your best by mother’s day? That is 20 weeks!! I want to lose 50 lb. in 20 weeks that is 2.5 lb. a week. This can be done!! So how many of you want to join me? We will weight in every Monday. We will be allotted one semi bad day a week. By semi bad I mean maybe some chips, a beer or sweet thing all totaling up to 600 calories on Sunday only!! I know if I go strict I screw up so I think if I don’t completely deprive myself I will not fall off the wagon. We will begin January 2nd. I’m gonna weight in Monday morning so who’s with me?


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm in!! I would like to lose it by April 22, but I think that is a big goal for me.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    sure, i'm in. will we all be in a "group" once we get in? My "free" day is usually Friday or Saturday though, i hope thats ok.
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    sure, i'm in. will we all be in a "group" once we get in? My "free" day is usually Friday or Saturday though, i hope thats ok.

    I would LOVE to join!! I would also like to do my "free" day on Friday or Saturday! :D Feel free to add me!
  • YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! Please let me in!!!!
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    I would like to join also! This will be perfect for me, I am about 20 pounds away from my goal weight.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Love it!! Please count me in!! I would like to lose 25-30lbs by my birthday/mother's day (my birthday is on Mother's Day this year!!)
    Looking forward to a great 2012!! :)
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    I would love to be a part of this. Count me in!!! It will be my first mother's day since I had my son so I would love to look good for the special day :)
  • Lost_it
    Lost_it Posts: 290 Member
    This could be a great challenge for there anyway that you are going to break it up into 2 -10 week sessions or is it going to be just 1 long 20 week challenge?.
    Personally I find it easier to keep on track & hit my goals in shorter challenges. Makes me work harder knowing that I only have a few weeks to hit my goal. If it is too long I get board or get the attitude of " I can lose it next week or exercise tommorrow".

    Wiil keep tack of this thread and decide if I want to join before you start
  • emmabee87
    emmabee87 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I've never done a group so I may need a little extra instruction! Not only do I want to be a "hot momma by mother's day" I also want to be a hotter momma for my college graduation in May. I've had a couple of months of slacking so I really need the extra support!
  • I think two ten week challanges is a good Idea.Today I weighted in at 179 :(. So what is everybody's start weight? My goal today is No junk food! Aka cookies, chips ect... and to take me dog for a short walk. What's yours?
  • I have a similar goal - although I wish I could lose 30 pounds in 3 weeks! I started late, considering I turn 50 in January and wanted to look my best. Instead, I'll shoot for Mother's Day. I need to lose 35 pounds. I think this will work - I lost 5 in the past 5 days.
  • Did not stay on track yesterday and to top it off Aunt flow came. I'm not gonna get discuraged, this will only last a few day's.
  • Please count me in! My birthday is the same week as Mothers day so it is a huge motivator. I need to lose 35 lbs by that date and a group will really help. Lets stick to it and make it work. :happy:
  • Please count me in! My birthday is the same week as Mothers day so it is a huge motivator. I need to lose 35 lbs by that date and a group will really help. Lets stick to it and make it work. :happy:
    OMG mine is on May 17th. I will be the big 40. When is yours?
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Please count me in! My birthday is the same week as Mothers day so it is a huge motivator. I need to lose 35 lbs by that date and a group will really help. Lets stick to it and make it work. :happy:
    OMG mine is on May 17th. I will be the big 40. When is yours?

    Mine is on the 13th, which is Mother's day!! I will be 37. I am wanting to lose a bit more than 35 pounds, but by my birthday/Mother's Day i would love to have dropped that amount!!! My starting weight was 245 but i have lost 2 lbs this week so I am already down to 243. I have logged everything consistently for 12 days now, stayed under goal, and worked out 4 days this week!! Hope everyone else had a wonderfully successful week!!

  • I weigh in on Monday but I'm feeling less bloated so I'm crossing my fingers. Congrats on the lose!! I'm so hoping to be in a bikini by mother’s day. We always have a big pool party on mother’s day and I want to look good!! We can keep each other motivated!! Today I plan to work out on my elliptical for 20 min, what is your work out?
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Put me down for 20lbs in 20 weeks. I think if I lose more then that it will be great, but I don't want to be discouraged to the point where I want to quit. Although, considering I think I am doing pretty good this week with food.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Doing well. Down 2.3 lbs since last week.
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    I want to lose 30 lbs by my birthday, which is the day before mothers day! We can do this :)