Looking for ladies who are 40+ and have at least 50lbs to lo



  • rkeffer
    rkeffer Posts: 30 Member
    Well I am 50+ and I have over 60 pounds to lose. I live in Ontario Canada and I would love to be able to add you as a friend so that we can motivate and encourage each other on this journey. I really want to make 2012 the year that I leave these 60 plus pounds behind me and a year that I learn and encourage
  • Hi,
    I'm 48 years old Lisa from Philadelphia. I started my weight lost journey back in April 2012 and have lost about 80lbs, but I still have 30 more to go and thought this blog applied to me. Let me know. I can share and look to receive support and advice from you.
  • Hi! I'm 42 and still have about 90 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me too!
  • ljones01
    ljones01 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 40+ with 49 lbs. to lose to reach my goal weight. I too am an emotional eater. I have been big all my life and have tried every "diet" out there. It is my goal to make this a life change. I'm looking to become stronger, get healthier, and get leaner in 2012. I need all the support I can get and will do my best to support and encourage others in their journey as well. Feel free to add me as a friend. Phil. 4:13 We CAN do this!!!
  • Hi, I'm 54 and plan to lose over 100 pounds. Just started on MFP this week and know that I'm in for a long journey but I'm looking forward to it. Looking for friends who want to trade support and encouragement. Emotional eating has been a big part of who I am (pun intended) and I'm looking to change that. Good luck to everyone!
  • gettinfit29
    gettinfit29 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds as if most of us are in need of buddies for words of encourgement, inpspritation, and motivation on our weight loss journey, or lifestyle change. I have been on my Journey for some time but need to sustain my success! I enjoy cooking and love to share reciepes so I dont get bored. Please add me as a friend and I will cheer you on!
  • Hi! I am 42 yrs old and just joined...need to lose about 25 lbs and I am really stuggling with it! Day two...so far so good.....it just seems harder this time(I have lost weight many times over the years) because I seem to have this mind set that I can't exercise like I want to because I injured my hip... So I have decided to just get over that and quit making excuses! Started small and used the treadmill and elliptical for a half hour yesterday....I just need some encouragment too and would love it if you would add me.....I can do the same for you! :smile:
  • NewCyn
    NewCyn Posts: 153 Member
    I would love the support system of a group too! I am 40 and have 50+ pounds to lose!
  • maryq5
    maryq5 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 44 and starting AGAIN. My goal is to lose 40lbs, but I find myself giving up to easily. Due to conditions from my lupus, the doc says to "keep moving". I move alright but just not excersise. I need an occasional kick.
  • cynthiaellickson
    cynthiaellickson Posts: 6 Member
    I just turned 40 this past fall and need to lose around 75-80 pounds. I recently had some health scares including the removal of a hepatic adenoma (liver tumor, benign) that was over 8 inches long and 3 inches thick. My liver specialist told me "you get smaller, yes" aside from the language barrier, I got the message. Lose weight!!! I work at a YMCA so I have no excuse except I don't really enjoy working out, but hopefully with an arsenal of supportive new friends and my current work out crazed friends at work, I can make a dent in my weight this year. Just started MFP yesterday, and I am feeling positive!
  • pavony
    pavony Posts: 4 Member
    Hi -- I just hit 50 this year and am taking stock of my life. I've never been happy with my weight and need to either come to terms with being fat or do something about it. As the mother of three beautiful girls (one tween, 2 teens) I'm constantly smacked in the face with body image issues and want them to have healthier self-images than I've ever had. So I've decided that I need to develop a healthier self-image -- that needs to be based in reality, not delusional! I'd like to lose between 80-100 pounds. Part of my "taking stock" is also recognizing that I need to put myself first and not be afraid to ask for help. So here I am, asking for help. I've been on and off this site for over a year, but never committed enough to change to actually post. I look forward to working with others to help us all get where we want to be in our lives --- please help!!
  • debrapm
    debrapm Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 60, this is my first day on MFP and I am hoping this will help me get healthy. I need to lower my cholesterol (currently 347) and losing weight and eating differently is the only way that can happen. My beginning goal would be 10% of my current weight but a healthy weight would be 72 pounds less than I carry around now. I am also a teacher - funny how so many of us put ourselves last on our to do lists. I have never joined a message board and am not sure I know how it works but I'll try to check in a couple of times each week. To those of you already losing, hurrah:)
  • jenbooks
    jenbooks Posts: 55 Member
    45 this month, and I need to lose over 150 pounds. I've tried many times, but of course gained back plus that lovely bonus.

    My body hurts. I just don't want to carry this around anymore.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    My name is Kim, 48. I am married, but have no children. I don't work due to health problems. I joined a gym today and start tomorrow. I've lost 67 lbs., but have about 90 lbs. to go.
  • My name is Diane, I am 47 years old and need to lose 80 pounds! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 40+ and hopefully losing 100!! I need all the support I can get!
  • Hi I'm 60 and need to lose a total of about 60 lbs, hope to have at least half off by summer. tired of being tired and hurting, have fibermyalgia for years after a stomach tumor and gall bladder was removed then 5 years ago artery replaced in top of leg which put me back out of everything, so gained it all back, just tired all the time and the weight is the main problem, just need to get my butt on the tread mill, etc and stick to a diet, looking for friends to help:smile:
  • koko65
    koko65 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, only been of board for about 3 days and have, only been lurking. I am 46, married mother of 2 adult children, who is currently helping our eldest raise his 2 young daughters. And, I have over 50 lbs to lose. Until about 5 yrs ago, for the most part of my otherwise adult life, I was able to keep a fairly trim form, unfortunately this came via deprivation/ starvation diets. Then about five yrs ago, a funny thing happen to me, in that I discovered I actually like the taste of food ad to eat. And its been a battle ever since.

    I have tried to change my ways in the past and have known for some time that my feast or famine ways are the wrong way to exist. Any rate, please let me apologize in advance as I do tend to be long worded and winded, too.

    My real goal is to learn to eat healthy as much as it is to lose my unwanted lbs. And I am also looking forward to getting to know and support others also on this journey of rediscovery and reshaping who we are and who we want to be.
  • Hello,

    I am 46 and just joined yesterday. I have over 50 pounds to lose and would love some female friends! I am on this weight loss journey with my husband...He thnks like a guy and his body reacts like a guys. So I too could use some friends!
  • Hi, I'm 40!! My goal is 100 pounds which would take me to 170 (then be happy with even making that goal!! Maintain it for awhile then hopefully make a new goal). I've lost 11 pounds so far in the past 2 months!! Woot woot!! Its such a hard battle and I hope this time is different, I just want to be healthy and live a long life.

    I'm ready to meet new friends to help me on this journey (and vise versa), so add me!...you!!...and you...and you!! :D