Day one and struggling!

Hi everyone,

This is not my first time trying to eat healthily and lose a few kgs (notice my avoidance of the word diet!), but it's my first time using MFP.

Today is first day and I am desperately craving food of any stodgy variety. I can no longer tell whether I'm really hungry or not. I know it will pass as I have lost weight before (only to put it all back on) but don't remember it being this hard right at the beginning.

I don't want to eat any more as I need to make sure I have enough left for dinner.
Thanks for listening :)


  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    When you're hungry you need to eat. It's not about starving yourself, it's about eating healthy.
    Make a healthy choice in a snack and eat it.
    Make sure you drink some water too. A lot of times we confuse hunger for thirst. Make sure you're well hydrated.

    You got this!
  • chippywelsh
    chippywelsh Posts: 23 Member
    Make sure you eat plenty of filling vegetables and keep busy so you aren't thinking about food all the time. You can do this!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    and drink tons of water!
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Besides drinking water, I have found eating a low calorie mint or something to help me out. I hope your not letting yourself feel deprived so that mentally you are craving stuff. Make sure you eat a lot of fiber too. Are you spreading your calorie allowance throughout the day? Hang in there!!!
  • Drinks lots of water.It will get easier. We allhave to start somewhere.
    Best of Luck
  • Im finding it hard too, i have calculated what i will be eating today and im 112 calories over but iv decided its a damn site better than what was eaten over christmas so wont feel too guilty :o) I will attempt to be on taregt tomorrow!

    Have you tried slim cuppa soups or something like that? Doesnt get rid of the crave to eat stodge but has some flavour so you may feel more satisfied until dinner time.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hi everyone,

    This is not my first time trying to eat healthily and lose a few kgs (notice my avoidance of the word diet!), but it's my first time using MFP.

    Today is first day and I am desperately craving food of any stodgy variety. I can no longer tell whether I'm really hungry or not. I know it will pass as I have lost weight before (only to put it all back on) but don't remember it being this hard right at the beginning.

    I don't want to eat any more as I need to make sure I have enough left for dinner.
    Thanks for listening :)
    Make sure your settings are fixed for a half a pound - yes 1/2 pound of weight loss per week.
    Do this for 1 month to help you over this hump.

    Too often people get all hot and bothered come Jan 1st, set unreasonable goals, then starve themselves before failing totally by March. Slow down.

    Go to a half a pound and just hold that pattern for a few weeks, then go to 1 for a month, then 1 and a half, then 2, then back down to a half. The key is always to trend down without starving yourself and messing up your metabolism.

    And make sure you're eating back your exercise calories.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruit along with fresh and crispy vegetables and drink, drink, drink your water:drinker:

    Hang in there, this too shall pass!!
  • I'm starting today too. The way I see it, take it one day at a time. Pad yourself on the back when stuck with it for that day and start over the next day when you haven't. If we stick with it we will break the habit. If your are over a few calories, go for a walk and burn it off!! You will succeed!!
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I agree...water is very important...but also something to eat is important when you are hungry. I find that small portions, with a glass of water help. I try carrots, raisins, a banana, or something healthy. I don't eat until I am full, but usually if I eat a few bites and wait a few minutes, the hunger will ease up....
  • Remeber this isn't just something to do its a life style change and thats never easy! like the others mentioned around 60-70% of hunger pains are accually just dehydration. your body is telling you it needs more water. Keep eating your snacks, set your phone to remind you, I'm sure thers an app for that(LOL)

    EVERYBODY went through this! just starting it is a great accomplishment! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    you need to keep busy and away from the house! join a gym or volunteer somewhere on top of what you already do. eat six times a day and plan out your day..keep a gallon of water within reach and consume it every day. talk to us!! we been in your shoes!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    Ditto on drinking water! Snack on some protein... I usually have 1/4 cup of lightly salted peanut to get me over the hump.
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    Love MaximalLife's advice. I started off with a 1.5 lb a week goal and realized I'd go nuts and fail as soon as I entered breakfast and lunch and had only about 200 calories for rest of the day (and that was with exercise already!!) so I moved it down to the saner 1 lb per week. I haven't made my numbers everyday yet (started on the 29th) but I feel really good that I've not been over even 100 calories yet and that included New Year's Eve.

    Make it easy on yourself - don't beat yourself up - this is about success and any amount down is a success!!!

    Good luck on your journey.
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    All you can do is keep trudging through..what seems impossible can become your victory! DRINK WATER. or have a few nuts of some sort..

    AND persevere! it will pay off.
  • gettinfit29
    gettinfit29 Posts: 11 Member
    When Im hungry I ask myself "Are you really Hungry?" I 99.9% need to drink more water, If Im still hungry go for a piece of fruit, or vegetables. Now my brother who is a personal trainer encourges me to eat protein :)
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    When you're hungry you need to eat. It's not about starving yourself, it's about eating healthy.
    Make a healthy choice in a snack and eat it.
    Make sure you drink some water too. A lot of times we confuse hunger for thirst. Make sure you're well hydrated.

    You got this!

    THIS, exactly! and You CAN do it!
  • atabt
    atabt Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! Welcome! I have been on here for almost a year - I did really well for 3 months, then got busy (although I maintained my loss for several months), then I started gaining some of it back because I was out of the habit of tracking and exercising. But now I'm back at it and it is like a fresh beginning.

    I find that setting a realistic calorie goal (mine is 1400) is very important. MFP can help you set the calorie goal that is right for you. Don't try to set it too low or you WILL be hungry, legitimately.

    A few suggestions that are helpful for me:
    1) Drink lots of water
    2) Make sure you get enough dietary fat, which helps you feel full. I like low-fat cheese (plus I LOVE cheese anyway)
    3) Try to ensure you get a good balance of protien and carbs. Carbs include fruits and veggies - try to avoid the starchy stuff as it has a lot of empty calories. I try to have protien with each meal and snack as it has a balancing effect on your blood sugar and helps eliminate that "OMG I'm starving" carb coma.
    4) Low calorie snacks like nuts, yogurt, popped corn, soy milk, hard boiled egg, etc. can be satisfying.
    5) My biggest success comes when I plan my food ahead of time. This means making a list of the foods I am going to buy when grocery shopping, and making my lunch and snacks the night before. Even planning my dinners the night before helps. During the day, I sometimes enter my foods into MFP before I eat them. Don't ask me why, but I find this helps - maybe it's a control thing. Not sure. :o)

    Lastly, I enjoy a square of chocolate every evening after dinner, or else a bit of wine with dinner. When I am feeling on track, I find that these little indulgences are all I want. It's when I'm feeling stressed or down or out of control that I want to eat a whole back of chips, if you know what I mean. So be glad that you have joined MFP and I wish you all the best of luck on your journey! Feel free to friend me if you like.

  • rkeffer
    rkeffer Posts: 30 Member
    take one hour at a time...drink some water and see if that curbs your urge to can be a struggle but you have to set your mind to it and you have the poer to do anything...just try to stay away from one thing that you are really attracted to food wise today and that will be your success for little step at a time and you will reach your goal
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    My first week was horrible for me!!! I felt like I didn't have enough food ever ! but I just had to find something to keep my mind busy ... chewing bubble gum worked wonders for me .... I guess maybe it was becasue I was tricking my mind to think I was eating... and Water lots and lots of Water!!! Good luck !!! Hope this helps.....