breakfast or not to breakfast

I know breakfast is the most important meal... But I'm bot a huge breakfast fan... I'm also seeing that as I get my hunger under control... I don't wake up starving. Or hungry at all for that matter. So the question is... Does anyone else have this problem? Should I be forcing breakfast anyway? Just don't want to be hurting my weight loss efforts by not eating a meal.


  • krezek
    krezek Posts: 1 Member
    Often that "Starving" feeling upon waking is due to dehydration and a nice big glass of water will suffice!
  • cpow81
    cpow81 Posts: 114
    I do believe that breakfast is an important meal in the day. I usually don't eat breakfast until about 1-2hrs after I wake up. Even if it's just a piece of fruit at least it's something.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member

    When I didn't eat breakfast, I was fat. Since eating breakfast, I've lost weight and have eaten less overall during the day.

    It's just smart to eat breakfast. Force it down if you have to - oatmeal and eggs, and then add fruit for a snack, coffee, etc.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Is it eating breakfast food or just eating anything that you have a problem with? If it's breakfast food, then eat a lunch or dinner meal at breakfast. There's no rule that says you can't eat a turkey sandwich or bowl of chili for breakfast. If it's not the breakfast food issue, then yes, you really should eat something even if you're not hungry. Otherwise, your energy level will be low and you'll be more likely to eat too much when you do eat something. Try yogurt and fruit, or a small bowl of cereal.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I can't really face a large breakfast, but I definitely feel it if I don't eat breakfast at all, so I compromise with a SMALL breakfast-- usually ~140-170 calories--with a good serving of protein. For me, that means either:
    * an egg scrambled with a cup of veg (spinach, eggplant, onion, roasted red peppers and/or mushrooms are my "go to's"); or
    * hot cereal with fruit (2 tbsp dry oatmeal OR Bob's 10 grain, 2 tbsp flax, 1 cup frozen blueberries in the microwave for 3 minutes with 3/4 cup water).
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I eat breakfast every day - for me it's really important to how I function in the morning. My son, however, can't stomach anything until he's been up 1-2 hours. It literally makes him feel ill. So....I think this is one of those cases where you have to listen to your own body - maybe for you just fluids of some kind, or a piece of fruit. Breakfast doesn't have to be a full "meal".
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    I never use to like breakfast, so used to skip it all the time - but for a year now i make sure i have breakfast every morning. Weetabix or porridge is my fav. But i've also heard of people having whatever they fancied fruit, yogurt , even left overs from night b4. I was always told to eat first thing in morning to get your metabolism ( spelling isn't my strong point ) going. Good luck xx
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Yes it's important to eat at least 30mins as soon as you wake up. Even if it's something small like fruit. Just cuz you wake up not hungry does not mean that your body doesn't need the food. And not eating breakfast will slow down your metabolism which will make it harder and ale it a lot slower to lose the weight you like. So do eat a piece of fruit or something when u wake up. Breaksfast isn't suppose to be a big meal but it's the best meal for your body everyday
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    If you're not a breakfast person, perhaps you could try to have a protein shake instead. This way you are still giving your body the nutrition it needs.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    Definitely eat breakfast! I have NEVER been a breakfast eater, in fact, I've only been eating breakfast since I started losing weight. I don't feel hungry in the mornings either, but I'll make a smoothie with greek yogurt, almond milk an fresh fruit or a quick bowl of cereal, you do get used to "forcing" yourself to eat it and it helps!
  • Yes, eat breakfast. Even if just a small glass of juice and half english muffin or fruit. the word is breakfast which means to break the fast from your sleep. very important in getting your body/metabolism going for the day. This is the greatest way I know how to explain it....

    think of your metabolism as a fire and that you have to keep the fire going for it to survive. If you throw on too many big logs (eat too much too fast), you will put the fire (metabolism) out, However, if you tend to the fire often with smaller sticks and kindling, you will keep the fire going constantly. Feed your body in smaller amounts and more often, even if your not hungry. you need to feed the fire (your metabolism). When you wake up after sleeping, your fire is simply embers and you need to feed it. If you don't you will put your fire out and have to start over. Make sense?
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Eat breakfast, even if its something small. Several studies have shown that eating after waking will increase our metabolic rate through the entire day, so it is pretty darn important.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    You should have a little something, even if it's just a piece of fruit. Eating breakfast is a big factor in weight loss (I know people can lose and not eat bf, but you can Google that).
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Yes, eat breakfast. Even if just a small glass of juice and half english muffin or fruit. the word is breakfast which means to break the fast from your sleep. very important in getting your body/metabolism going for the day. This is the greatest way I know how to explain it....

    think of your metabolism as a fire and that you have to keep the fire going for it to survive. If you throw on too many big logs (eat too much too fast), you will put the fire (metabolism) out, However, if you tend to the fire often with smaller sticks and kindling, you will keep the fire going constantly. Feed your body in smaller amounts and more often, even if your not hungry. you need to feed the fire (your metabolism). When you wake up after sleeping, your fire is simply embers and you need to feed it. If you don't you will put your fire out and have to start over. Make sense?

    That's my attitude. I rarely wake up hungry, but I still eat two small meals in the morning. In my opinion it's best to always be comfortably full and never reach the starving stage.
  • Breakfast is ALWAYS a good idea. It's called "breakfast" because it "breaks" the "fast" you've been doing overnight. You haven't eaten in probably over 9 or 10 hours... so your metabolism needs that early boost to get on the right track for the rest of that day.
    If you're not hungry in the morning, try not eating within 3 or 4 hours of bedtime.
  • fond
    fond Posts: 13 Member
    I wonder if a cup of coffee with milk or tea with honey is enough for breakfast. I am not often hungy in the am.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I know breakfast is the most important meal... But I'm bot a huge breakfast fan... I'm also seeing that as I get my hunger under control... I don't wake up starving. Or hungry at all for that matter. So the question is... Does anyone else have this problem? Should I be forcing breakfast anyway? Just don't want to be hurting my weight loss efforts by not eating a meal.

    If you're not hungry, don't eat breakfast. There is no metabolic advantage to increased meal frequency, so it will not hurt your weight loss efforts by skipping breakfast.

    I personally haven't eaten within hrs of waking in months
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I have been known to eat big breakfasts from time to time. I just wake up so hungry on some days, and no water will not suffice. I wouldn't force myself to eat anything, eat when you are hungry. Your body will let you know :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Eat breakfast, even if its something small. Several studies have shown that eating after waking will increase our metabolic rate through the entire day, so it is pretty darn important.

    Can you please provide links to said studies?
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Jenene88 is correct... you should fuel your body within 1/2 hour of waking! This will start your metabolism burning. It is so important to eat breakfast.