
mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
To save me from researching on my own I'm coming to you experts for the answer to my question. (There is ALWAYS someone out there in MFP land who can answer my questions)

I know potatoes aren't exactly the BEST thing to eat, but I like them on occasion in different things. So....what are the best ones to eat? Red? Yukon Gold? Idaho? Is there even a difference between the different kinds, if so - what is it?



  • tech_sarah
    tech_sarah Posts: 91
    Are sweet potatoes an option?
    I dont really think its the potato itself, but what people put on it...
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    We eat sweet potatoes at least once a week. I love them . :heart: I have heard that baby reds are the best. In my opinion though having a small potatoe of any kind now and then is A-OK. You just have to watch your serving size and what you put on it. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • skwhatley
    skwhatley Posts: 156 Member
    I hear a lot about sweet potatoes, but i've honestly never tried them. How does one go about cooking them? What do you season it with?
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    OHH I bake them in the microwave. A spray or two of I cant believe it's not butter sparay and some cinnamon. YUMMO.. I also cut them up like fries toss them in olive oil ,sprinkle with chili powder and bake them in the oven . :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Cindy
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    I usually bake sweet potatoe's in the oven for 1 hour on 350 degree's and put Splenda brown sugar, cinnamon and a little bit of ICBINB on it. I make red potatoe's as well. Bake at 350 degree's for 40-45 minutes. I season them with onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper, paprika, and a little olive oil. I believe you can eat whatever potatoe you want as long as you portion it correctly.
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    Potatoes are not the enemy! They get such a bad rap, but really, they can be quite good for you, especially if you eat them baked and with the skin. They are low in calories and a good source of potassium and fiber. Just be careful how you top them... there's where they can turn to the dark side.

    As for sweet potatoes, I like to slice them into wedges, toss with a little olive oil, salt, and cayene pepper, and bake them in the oven to make sweet potato fries. You can change the spices to match your own taste and what you're pairing them with. They are good in stews too. I'm also trying them in a vegetable curry this week, with chick peas and cauliflower.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Potatoes are NOT the enemy, the sour cream butter, cheese, bacon, etc that usually gets paired with potatoes is the problem!

    *Benefits Of Potato

    Potato is certainly the most extensively grown tuber crop in the world. In scientific terms, it is called Solanum tuberosum. Potatoes are known for being rich in carbohydrates and calories, but have we ever given a thought to this nature’s produce which actually has many benefits. Yes, you’ve read right. Potatoes are beneficial in much more ways than you can think of. Perhaps no menu is complete without incorporating potato. Be it chips, fries, vegetables, snacks or any other food, potatoes find their place in one recipe or the other. In fact, everybody likes the taste of potatoes. If you also love to crunch this tuber, then here are given some extra reasons to savor potatoes even more.

    Potatoes are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, and dietary fiber.

    Sweet potatoes are reasonably low in calories and comprise no fat. They are rich source of beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin A.

    Potato is the most efficient food for energy production. The energy produced through potato gets stored as glycogen in muscle and liver; it functions as a readily available energy during prolonged, strenuous exercise. That’s why; it is an important part of players’ diet.

    Potatoes are low in sodium, nearly fat free and easy to digest. They make active part of any diet.

    Potatoes are beneficial in curing stomach ulcers and inflamed conditions of the colon.

    Potatoes are also beneficial in hemorrhoid due to their high fiber content.

    Potatoes might help prevent cancer in glands and organs with epithelial tissue because of their high Vitamin A content.

    Potatoes make nice food for diabetics because they help to control blood sugar levels.

    Potatoes help to improve resistance to heart attack and stroke. The potassium content, available in potatoes, helps in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body cells.

    Potatoes also help in normal functioning of heart and keeping a check on blood pressure.


    Now go enjoy some taters!
  • healthcounts
    I love a good old fashioned white baked potato with salt and pepper to taste
    Sometimes a low fat cup cottage cheese and tomatoes. Sometimes salsa is a great way to
    eat a baked potatoe with a 4oz grilled breast of chicken on the side which is very filling
    and satisfying for me.

    The best potatoe I have been told by my wellness coach is the sweet potaote.
    You can have a serving of them and mash them with a litttle brownsugar or
    add flavor with low sodium chicken/vegetable broth. If you can slice one potatoe thinly add
    favorite seasoning (italian,mexican and papirka) toast in the oven on broil until crip and brown.

    Experiment with it with all the healthy options you need to stay on track. Maybe you can discover anither way to cook them to share with us too! remeber the skins hold alot of nutrients and keeping them on is a good way to get fiber!
    Smiles for miles!
    Health counts!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I love potatoes and have them sometimes once a week.
    If you are short on time, Publix sells Potatohs in the fresh veggie section, they are plastic wrapped and you just throw them in the microwave for 5-6 minutes with the wrap on them. They even have sweet potatoes in them now too. I spray with some Can't believe it's not butter spray, and put 0% fage Greek yogurt on it, it's delicious!!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Nothing wrong with having some potatoes now and then. Eat them with the skin for added fiber and nutrients.

    We like sweet potatoes a lot in my house. I slice them in thin circles and then drop them in boiling water for about a minute. Add a bit of maple syrup and butter. They should still be crunchy. My kids love them as a snack.