How do I find the time to exercise?



  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    I get up in the morning before work and excercise too. I have 2 kids, so it's hard to find time after work. I do some fitness classes at night, but it's hard to squeeze them in sometimes, so mornings work best for me.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    light house work

    Make it heavy house work
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    Our schedules are very similar, I'm a mother of two boys 9 and 3. My alarm goes off at 3:55am, I get up, brush my teeth, get dressed and I'm there by 4:15am. I stay there for an hour. As a mother I think its definately harder to find time to workout once the kids are out of school or asleep.
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    When my kids were young, I decided that the only time that could not be taken by their needs was early AM. So I get up at 4:45 AM, get the Y by 5:30 and return home by 6:30 to get ready for work. The schedule has fit me for over a dozen years. Just gotta do it....
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    My alarm is set for 4:50 am....get up and JUST DO IT!!! It is finsihed and you can go throughout your day feeling like you have accomplished something and be proud of yourself!! I workout from 5 am to about 6:20.....good luck!
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    As brutal as it sounds i suggest getting up at 4:30ish. You are busy busy busy, but you gotta take time for you.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    You'll fit it in when it becomes a priority. For me I had to have a heart attack and then things weren't so important. I suggest using your lunch break, and then have a snack or lunch during your breaks. Even if you only get 30 minutes, that is enough for a workout 3 times a week. Or you could do Tuesday and Thursday and fit one in on the Saturday or Sunday. You might even do 2 15's.

    Good luck!
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    I'm a working mom as well and I exercise in the mornings before everyone else wakes up (5:30-6:30) or at night after my daughter is in bed. Pick a time of day you feel you will most likely stick with. You could also exercise while they are in practices. for example, run or walk around the parking lot, field, etc.

    You will have to make yourself a priority and make the time to do it - your whole family will thank you for it!

    Good luck~
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    i tried working out in the morning, and realized it wasnt for me. So I would workout in the evenings, after my youngest went to bed (around 8:30).

    Now i switched my work schedule around. I work 7:30-3:30, and go to the gym from 4:30 to 5:30. It helps to go straight to the gym from work. I have no excuses.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Make the time... getting up a bit earlier, say 0530 during the week 3 times a week to get in a hard cardio session isn't exactly harsh or demanding. just go to bed an hour earlier the night before. Sometimes this is what shift workers have to do. And in the military we do. It's not like you'd have to do it every single day necessarily and it is ONLY 1 hour earlier.

    If you want to do it, you'll find the time. I'm a very busy air traffic controller in training. I find time to do 2 workouts a day. I just eat a small lunch on the go and have dinner later.

    When I'm at home home, I get up at 0530-0630 to get out and do a run for an hour and a bit, get back, have brekkie and then do other stuff like go fell walking with the dog or shopping / meeting people... PLUS cooking for seven people. No word of a lie.

    Noone said it would be easy, especially at first, but once you get into a routine, it ain't so bad. x
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Ever heard "if you don't take of yourself,how will you take care of your family!" All reply's have same message please make time for yourself because no one else will! We all have 7 days and 24 hrs each day of the week, not as difficult as you think it is. Think positive and positive results will follow. Good Luck!:wink:
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I hate this phrase, but I do think of it when I'm at home on my butt: "Someone busier than you is running right now" (I think it was like an ad for a gym).

    I walk at work! 20-30 mins during lunch and then you can always try to find an extra 5-10 min throughout. No gym (just shoes you can walk in) required. I also do wall push-ups and squats in the bathroom stall every time I take a "break" lol. Log those small amts of exercise and it will add up. Instead of an hour every 2-3 days, you can do small bits throughout and stack up even more.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Like a lot of others that posted, I workout at 5am before my family is up. I only do 20 to 30 minutes and then try to fit in another 15 minute round or 2 during the day. There are some great phone apps with quick workouts that I do in my office, the airport, hotel room, wherever. Good luck!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    u have to want it, and then u will make it happen.

    as a working mom the only time i find that works for me is early morning, so i am at the gym when the gates open at 5am.

    I dont know if you have the flexibility to go to the gym when your kids are asleep , but there are many smart phone apps, web sites, tv channels and ofcourse dvds that offer great workouts.

    just slot it into your day and make it happen, you will be happy u did!
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    I get up early to work out - it's the only way that works for me. I also cook ahead so meal prep times are shortened. There have been so many good suggestions ahead of me, but I agree that if it's important and if you want it you can find the time. :smile:
  • cmrace17
    You said that you sit at your desk doing paperwork. Try fitting in some core or something while your at your desk. At the very least try getting a ball that you can sit on which will help with some core exercises!!!

    Good luck!!
  • Luv2BMommy
    Another option besides waking up early or staying up a little later is, maybe 3 times a week, get in a workout instead of doing housework. It stinks, but sometimes those dishes just need to sit in the sink for a day. :-) Another option would be to get in longer workouts on the weekends when you have a little more time. Although I do try to exercise everyday, I would definitely suggest getting in 3x/week. So, maybe you can get in two good workouts on the weekends and exercise in the middle of the week when you would normally do housework.

    I do agree with whatever everyone else has said, though…you definitely have to make it a priority and find time to fit it in, otherwise it won’t happen. :-)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    wake up earlier.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    one day you'll find the time. until then, eat right and you'll still lose weight.
  • Elfinmajic
    Elfinmajic Posts: 20 Member
    I'm sure being a Mom, and working that everyone comes before you. When it comes to your health, if you don't take the time and schedule some "you" time, no one else will. If this is truly important to you, put your foot down and schedule the time and make it happen. I'm working out in the early am, because as my day goes on, too many life distractions get in the way, or my mood changes, or what not. Even if it's just a quick hitter 20 min. workout, gotta find the time. :) I sincerely wish you luck.