P90X... how fit do you need to be for it?

Just wondering, just how fit do you need to be to be able to do P90X?


  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    heres the fitness test, tke this, It will help you decide if the program is right for you.

  • I decided to do JM 30 Day Shred first. I thought I was fit and ready to do p90X, but I learned quite quickly I was NOT as in much shape as I thought after JM kicked my butt!
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    Have you done any at-home programs? What kinds of exercise have you done in the recent past?
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    I decided to do JM 30 Day Shred first. I thought I was fit and ready to do p90X, but I learned quite quickly I was NOT as in much shape as I thought after JM kicked my butt!

    JM is actually harder, in my opinion, than Tony's workouts, more because of the pacing and the modifications provided in Tony's as opposed to Jillian's. Jillian's workouts are shorter, so there's less time for warming up and cooling down, which means you're more sore after doing her workouts, even if Tony's workouts push you for a longer period of time. Don't get me wrong, P90X is hard, but the pace is much slower than any of Jillian's workouts, so you can take your time and master the moves over time.
  • Do the fitness test, if you can get though that, then you should be okay to do P90X. Just try your best, and don't burn yourself out in the first 2 weeks. I'm finishing off week 1 and I'm going at about 75%, I'm not giving 100% yet because I am being cautious to not hurt myself. I'm sore afterwards, but keep going at it.

    I also did another 30 day workout challenge beforehand that helped me "ease" into this one, but the results will be worth it. I promise! :)
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    I would also highly, highly recommend either (or both!) Debbie Sieber's Slim Series or Tony's Power 90 Master Series. They will prepare your cardiovascular system and your endurance for the workouts in P90X.
  • Seriously - if you're just starting it - I would recommend doing only a few of each excercise, really, like maybe a quarter of each excercise he is doing and building up from there. I tried keeping up with all the excercises just from the ab cd and I couldn't move the next day. I plan on using it again, but this time I will work up to the full amount!!!
  • Relatively fit but not super fit -as that's the goal. P90X is great especially if you are or were an athlete ever in your life. All the workouts can be modified to some extent. After this tax season is done, I plan on doing again in the spring/summer. The hardest part of P90X is dedicating the hour or so to each workout daily in my opinion.
  • I have completed P90x, but I was doing other workouts before P90x like the total gym, biking and other stuff. I never tried the fit test, I figure if P90x is all about muscle confusion then let's just jump into it. Yoga can be a bit of a struggle as it requires 1 hr and 30 min of your time. I LOVED THE PROGRAM!!!!I was 276 lbs when I started P90x. I had went from 320 to 276 before I dove into it though. P90x I loved it and then dove right into Insanity. P90x does what it says it will do. I'm about to dive back into a P90x/Insanity Hybrid now. I've lost 110 lbs overall and will keep going. Good luck if you decide to embark on this journey!

    LIke hlshubert said. I started two weeks doing the Cardio X for 3-4 times a week to get my body adjusted, then took the plunge! Having accountabilty is key as well to making this possible.
  • I did a few rounds of P90X and still use a few of the videos on a regular basis. Personally, I found that many of the exercises could be modified to accommodate different levels of fitness. That being said, the length of the workouts is intense. You will be moving for 45 minutes + (except for ab ribber which is only 16 minutes of very effective HELL :smile: ) with only a few breaks.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    If your not in shape any program will be hard. I started P90x and I could not move for a week. By the end of the 2nd month I was going rep for rep on every workout including Plyometrics.

    Just start doing something but I suggest you do one of the workouts geared towards women first. I don't think they are any easier.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    There are modifications for the push ups and pull ups. You also can do lower reps in the strength training with lighter weight until you build strength to do more reps or use heavier weights with lower reps. Plyo is hard out the gate, but you can start with Cardio X first and work up to it. I would say try it and do your best. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. Work it at your own pace and don;t worry about what the amounts of reps, weight or intensity they are doing. In time it will come. I had to do the first 4 weeks over before starting the second block, it did not bother me one bit, and when I did move on I was ready. I am not physically strong to begin with, but I am getting stronger every day. 2 months ago I could not do 5 push ups on my feet, I had to go to my knees, now I can do the various ones, on my feet and up to between 15 and 20 depending on what ones they are. It takes time, you just have to want it and work hard. And boy does it feel great when you know you are progressing.
  • p.s. I also really like the JM 30 Shred and/or Shred with weights (says w/ kettleball but can just use hand weights instead). I love them because they are only 20-25+ minutes long. I usually do one or the other on weekends while my kids are eating breakfast. By the time their done, I almost am too. My 8 yr old likes doing the 30 day Shred with me!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Its not how fit do you have to be but more about dedication! Its going to be hard but as long as you push yourself and stay motivated you will do awesome
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    With anything...you will get out of any program by what you put into it.

    I have done my fair share of programs and typically they are all the same. As with any program, there are days when you give 100% and days you give only 10%.

    What's important is that you understand where you're at when you start (fit test, measurements, pictures) and then keep an accurate log of your progress (weekly/monthly), whichever interval works best for you. This will often dictate the level of effort you put into the program (if you see results, that typically sparks a fire within us to push harder...when we do not see results, we get frustrated and just show up and not give 100%).

    Also, with any good program, you can modify. Therefore the ability in being able to modify removes the (which program is harder talks). As if you modify and challenge yourself, any program you can make super duper hard or easy peasy).

    For me personally, I enjoy programs that I can do at home...programs that focus on strength and endurance. Programs that my wife and I can do at the same time, while she gets out of the program what she needs and I get what I need. For us, P90X has been just that.

    You can do any program you want...just find your intensity level and push yourself to get there day in and day out. Don't get too crazy at first, as after the first day of P90X my wife and I could not lift our arms over our head for 2 days. As Day 1 was Chest and Back and did more pullups and pushups then either of us have ever done before and we were all jacked up on the hype that our ego was sayin', "Yes you can" and then our body were saying, "oh no you cant". Our ego won that battle...but our body won the war by getting its' way for the next couple of days...SORE! lol pace yourself, but find your intensity level and get there and stay there.

    Cheers to you!
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    As with anything, the harder you work the better the results. I started P90X a couple of months ago and felt like I was going to die but I kept with it and saw awesome results. Then I got side track with family issues and got out of the routine. I just started back yesterday and although I am extremely sore I am pumped and ready to go at it again tonight! Just think of it as a challenge! I started with P90X lean, a lot of cardio.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Seriously - if you're just starting it - I would recommend doing only a few of each excercise, really, like maybe a quarter of each excercise he is doing and building up from there. I tried keeping up with all the excercises just from the ab cd and I couldn't move the next day. I plan on using it again, but this time I will work up to the full amount!!!

    resepectfully and totally disagree with this advice...push yourself hard but not hurt yourself...do as much as you can every time
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    You just need the willpower to do it. As Tony Horton says…, “Do you best & forget the rest.”

    PS: I love P90X. I suck at first, but it’s a cake walk now.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    They key to P90X is to MODIFY!! I did my first round at my heaviest and was VERY unfit! I couldn't get through Plyo without taking twice and many breaks and sometimes just running on the spot when there were moves I just could not do. But I pushed play every day and felt awesome after it.

    Don't be afraid to push yourself, P90X is hard but you bring it to a level that tests you but is still manageable.

    "Do your best and forget the rest"
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I've done P90x in the past and am starting again this week. I'm 300+ lbs but am going to do my best and forget the rest. The best advice I can give though, because your going to be sore for a few weeks......drink a glass of chocolate milk right after each workout. I know it flies in the face of everything MFP stands for, but do some research on the web. Chocolate milk is a great recovery drink after intense workouts and aids in muscle healing.