Funny, fat and frustrated mommy of two...

Hello all,

As you can see from my heading, I'm a funny, fat and frustrated mother of two!

After having two children back to back and gaining over 120 pounds as a result (you read that correctly), I am trying to find a way to get it off! My problem is that I have a pin in my right foot that is broken and my physical activity is limited until I can loose enough weight for them to fix it (double edged sword, I KNOW!) So I am here looking for help... Not just the "You can do it", "Get off your fat a## and work out" or the "It takes time" BS, I need real, helpful tips on how to get in shape without intense work outs (I don't fear them, they are just too painful right now) so that I can get my foot fixed and continue on with my weight loss goals.

I appreciate any help, suggestions and tips you can give.




  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Its hard to work out when you are in pain.. I have problems with my knee sometimes, where it is hard to do high impact.. I dont know what kind of excerises you can do, but if you are able to doing some walking, Leslie Sansone has wonderful walking dvds that you can do right in your home.. At your pace.. When i started my weight loss journey last year after having my son in 2010 via c-section, i did her dvds, because they were low impact.. Plus the one dvd i got came with a band that goes around your ankles and at the end of the workout you did some floor excerises with that which help trim off the hips, thighs and butt..

    I hope that helps a little.. Good luck!
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I have knee issues and I found when my knee is hurting Pilates is a great thing to do. It works my core and helps my flexibility so that other exercises are easier once my knee is feeling better.

    Do NOT try to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred - PAIN like I have never felt in a very bad way! After 5 days of doing it my knee hurt so much I had to quit all exercise for a month to let it recover. I wish someone had told me how bad that was on your joints before I endured that pain so I am forwarning you ;-)
  • Lmkbmiller1234
    I don't know what your eating habits are like but coming from a carbaholic it makes a huge difference just changing your eating habits. My husband wanted to do a low-carb diet and I thought "this is never going to happen" but we tried it anyway!

    We just cut out white flour foods and anything fried. So we would eat all meats all veggies as well as fruits and after about 2-3 weeks we started adding organic brown rice a couple times a week ( I also continued to drink milk) . Even though there were a couple meals snuck in there that didn't follow our guidelines I still was able to drop 14 lbs in about a month and a half which was incredible for me because I havent lost any weight for over 4 years! I was working out but on the olyptical at the gym a couple days a week so it wasn't real vigorous excercise.

    The truth is I felt amazing too and wasn't hungry all the time like I thought I would be. I hope this helps because all I really have to share is my personal experience ;- )