30 day shred



  • tonielcock1983
    tonielcock1983 Posts: 25 Member
    Received my dvd in the post this mornin and will be starting day 1 in about an hours time...not looking forward to it after hearing how much hard work it is but hey, i want a bikini body so i'll have to just get on and do it :)
  • dravenangel
    dravenangel Posts: 39 Member
    Day one of the dreaded shred completed, I can tell you now...me and that jillian aint gonna get a long lol. I never thought I'd have to stop 3 or 4 times to catch a breath in just twenty mins of exercise! Think the worst part for me was the press ups, I couldn't even do it in easy mode lol. Feeling it already with my decent down the stairs and I've got 40 mins of cross training to go yet!

    With you on the press ups! I just do them as well as I can - I'm improving as I go along but I'm still a little way off from being able to do them 'easy' way :ohwell:
  • MRudman
    MRudman Posts: 63 Member
    I also tried this back in the summer, and didn't stick with it because it was "too hard" (in a whiny voice) lol. My hubby and I are going to start it together tonight, so maybe with both of us doing it we will keep each other motivated! Good luck everyone! Hard work = results :)
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    hello ladies.. im on level 2 day 4 of the shred.. cant speak for level 2 yet (cause it has not gotten any easier) but as far as level 1 goes i saw a major major difference in my endurance and in how sore i was from days 1-2 to days 5-6.. its definitely worth it to push through and not skip even though you're sore and you're dying to.. i find the two days i had to skip a workout (from packed schedule not pain) it was even more exhausting to go back to it the day after.. i definitely recommend sticking to it everyday.. and i have a really hard time justifying missing one since they are so short (maybe 25 mins?).. anyways best of luck and it does get more do-able with each day!!!
  • ChristineNicole81
    I am on Day 8, Level 1 (gonna try to do 10 days each level) and I thought I was going to die the first few days. The top of my thighs and my butt hurt so bad I had to hold on to the sink to sit on the toilet lol. Here I thought I was in shape running 3mi 4x a week and doing the p90x cardio dvd 2x a week. JM will kick your butt!! I can't wait to get the full 30 days in but after just viewing level 2 and 3 and I scared!!! lol.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I am on Day 8, Level 1 (gonna try to do 10 days each level) and I thought I was going to die the first few days. The top of my thighs and my butt hurt so bad I had to hold on to the sink to sit on the toilet lol. Here I thought I was in shape running 3mi 4x a week and doing the p90x cardio dvd 2x a week. JM will kick your butt!! I can't wait to get the full 30 days in but after just viewing level 2 and 3 and I scared!!! lol.

    Ooooo you're brave looking at them in advance I was too scared......
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    There is a MFP group of people who just started the shred yesterday. Feel free to join, even if you'll be a day or two behind! The motivation of other people has already helped me out a lot.

  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I have seen others posting about the 30 day shred. I'm really curious about it and am thinking about trying it.

    Can you answer some questions for me? What is it like - meaning what do you do in it? How long does it take to do? Where did you get it and how much does it cost?

    I'm looking for something that I can do at home, that will work and is not very expensive. I'm hoping to get my teenaged son to do it with me - he really needs to get more exercise and is self-conscious about going to the gym. I was hoping that if it was something that he could do at home that it might be better for him.

    any info you can provide is appreciated! Thanks.
  • stephfree3
    stephfree3 Posts: 14 Member
    I am on Day 13 of this. I started doing it when my kids got off for Christmas break because my workout buddy and I had to alter our schedule with kids home. My knees were sore the first week, but I took 2 separate days off over the holiday and just walked the dog instead, now my knees are fine. Just to let those who just started know, my jeans feel a little looser EVERY DAY I do the workout (even with monthly bloating)! This is the hardest workout I've ever done, but if I can do it, so can you. I'm 40 and have only been exercising since Nov. 14th. I've got 35-40 pounds to lose and at least 3 sizes. I can't wait to do measurements after Shred.
  • melrd21
    melrd21 Posts: 5 Member
    That is the same thing I am planning on doing except I will be on the treadmill as I don't have an elliptical
  • rubyeskimo
    rubyeskimo Posts: 18 Member
    I've tried this before and have like some people, never got out of Level 1! Started it again today and could only do 15 minutes before my legs turned to jelly! I am determined to go all the way through. Today was just a practice one hehe.
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    With out sounding so cliche, I am starting it again today! :)
  • Kris31280
    Good luck with this! I did it about 3 years ago and enjoyed fantastic results with shaping and toning!
  • shantastic1
    shantastic1 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on day 3 of the 30 day shred, I really like the DVD's. I belong to a gym and love the classes but I wanted something at home to do. The only part that bugs me is when she says "Pain is weakness leaving the body". LOL.
    I wear a Ironman fitness tracker watch and the Level 1 burns 250 calories.. that's GREAT!!
    I'm getting married in March so I'm SHREDDING FOR THE WEDDING <3
  • Padao
    Padao Posts: 15 Member
    you've all motivated me!! I'm going to buy it tonight!
  • Kelico528
    I'm on day 3 of the 30 day shred, I really like the DVD's. I belong to a gym and love the classes but I wanted something at home to do. The only part that bugs me is when she says "Pain is weakness leaving the body". LOL.
    I wear a Ironman fitness tracker watch and the Level 1 burns 250 calories.. that's GREAT!!
    I'm getting married in March so I'm SHREDDING FOR THE WEDDING <3

  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    The workout is broken down into 3 sets of strength training (two exercises each set - level 1 has lunge/bicep curl, push-up's, squat/military press, side lunge/lateral raise, and chest press), 3 sets of cardio (again, two exercises each set - jumping jacks, "jump rope" - no rope, shadow boxing, butt kicks), and abs (variations of crunches. I like it because it only takes 20 minutes, so you really push yourself, and then it's over with! Go to amazon.com to find them...I forget how much it was. The only equipment needed is hand weights, although I suppose you could substitute other things for them.

    And yes, I started it again this morning! I got up to about Day 10 the first time, and just lost motivation as the holidays were upon us. But hey, it's a new year!
  • ChrystalF
    ChrystalF Posts: 42 Member
    Just finished day one level one!!! I plan to do it the full 30 days in a row (that is if I can even walk tomorrow!!). I completed it about a year and half ago and had great results!
  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    Did day 1 yesterday....feeling it in my thighs this morning!
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    There is a 30 day shred group on here. We all started the Shred together yesterday. It's better when you can do it with a group of people instead of on your own. keeps you more motivated. :)