100 pushup challenge



  • I will join, i struggle to do 30 !!!!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Inital test: 25 "knee pushups"

    I know you are tracking on a spreadsheet but how often do we check in? I'm sure it's already been said but I missed it.


    Iamkim73 - I want everyone to check in at the end of every week (SUNDAY), with the top number of consecutive pushups done. I'll be checking in myself randomly...
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    If its not too late, I'm in too. I was thinking of doing this on my own but I think the motivation of a group will help me stick with it.

    Initial test - 9
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    If its not too late, I'm in too. I was thinking of doing this on my own but I think the motivation of a group will help me stick with it.

    Initial test - 9

    =) Not too late, glad to have you! Good luck!!
  • mish4
    mish4 Posts: 5
    Can I join?
  • amy041976
    amy041976 Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    just curious for the ladies-

    are you doing MAN or WOMAN style?!?!? I usually do the woman version- but thinking of really pushing myself to do MAN STYLE!?!?
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Sure ya'll can join! Just email me or post here your initial test score, and make sure to follow the program at:


    Jojowink - There are people doing both 'man' and 'woman' here. I'm doing the harder version, but if you want, you could always complete the program doing 'woman' then do it again doing 'man'? Basically we're just a support group to help us all get through the challenge. =)
  • Inital test: 25 "knee pushups"

    I know you are tracking on a spreadsheet but how often do we check in? I'm sure it's already been said but I missed it.


    Iamkim73 - I want everyone to check in at the end of every week (SUNDAY), with the top number of consecutive pushups done. I'll be checking in myself randomly...

    According to the program you shouldn't do the "exhaustion test" every week. You should just be doing the pushups for days 1,2, and 3 according to the program. At the end of week 4 then you will do another test to see how many pushups you can perform so that way you will know what level to be in for week 5.
  • mrkp
    mrkp Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in!

    Initial test 15.
  • Stick with it and you'll get there.

    I've finally reached the point that I'm doing 100 every other morning. I don't think I kept track of when I started but I'm pretty sure it's taken me more than six weeks. Of course, I started out only being able to barely squeek out 1 with really bad form. Now it's 100 with good form!
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I've been doing the pushups app on my phone for a few months now and it really works. I started out only being able to do 10 in a row and now I can do about 50 in a row. ("man" style. haha) Do it every other day and you will see results!
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I am in. I have always needed to work on upper body strength...this should be a good challenge. thanks
  • Add me to that list but I will need to do 'girl' ones to start off with too!!! :happy:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Inital test: 25 "knee pushups"

    I know you are tracking on a spreadsheet but how often do we check in? I'm sure it's already been said but I missed it.


    Iamkim73 - I want everyone to check in at the end of every week (SUNDAY), with the top number of consecutive pushups done. I'll be checking in myself randomly...

    According to the program you shouldn't do the "exhaustion test" every week. You should just be doing the pushups for days 1,2, and 3 according to the program. At the end of week 4 then you will do another test to see how many pushups you can perform so that way you will know what level to be in for week 5.

    Well, yes James, that's when you do the 'exhaustion test', but your fifth rep is the max amount of pushups you can do. That's what I'm asking for... Whatever day you do the most. Get it?
  • It seemed like you were asking for a "max # of pushups" every week. To me that is an evaluation instead of what your final number of pushups is on the end of your sets.
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    Count me in.... getting app now! This is perfect. I was wanting to do more strength training and what a perfect way to do it with pushups! So simple! getting app now too! Please add me as friend!

    Initial test: 15
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Just downloaded the app. I can't do push-ups to save my life!
  • I am in too! I got this app about 2 months ago on my phone and never did it.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    It seemed like you were asking for a "max # of pushups" every week. To me that is an evaluation instead of what your final number of pushups is on the end of your sets.

    Sorry, my bad! Should have specified =)