Trying this again...

Hi everyone!

My name is Amy and I'm a Mama of 2 wonderful little girls. This is my 2nd time around on MFP...I dropped 30lbs while on my maternity leave after having my 2nd baby, but after going back to work, the stress and crazy hours caught up with me and I gained it all back. Now I'm ready to start over and get my body back on track, and I am looking for some friends to support/be supported along the way. I look forward to getting to know you all!


  • Hi Amy,
    This too is my 2nd go around started last year sometime and fell off the wagon. I am going to try and stick to it this time have not tried the message board thing before for support. Hope it works this time. Always get so inspired when biggest loser comes on then loose steam later on. Good luck to the both of us!
  • Welcome back.:flowerforyou: This is my first time around. I'm a mother of 1 handsome son. My body is slowly making me realize that 40 is around the corner and the weight is slowly creeping up on me. Its time for me to do something. I love the ease of this website and how it makes me accountable for everything I put in my I'm just taking it day by day. Good luck and stay strong.
  • pteach
    pteach Posts: 9
    Hi Ladies. I've been on and off of FitnessPal for a while now. Using my iphone to record food has been so easy and really has worked to keep my on track.

    I love to exercise --- usually clocking 6 -7 hours per week in the pool or gym. But....I'm scheduled for hip replacement this spring and the pain is once again intense. Therefore, the walking, running, eliptical and spinning are all off my circuit training. It's going to be tough, but I'm going to weigh 150 by surgery in mid March.

    Let's work together to support each other on this healthy journey. Pam.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    My second time round too. Must do it this year. I always fall off the wagon after summer holidays as from sept i just think oh winter soon i can just put a big coat on and cover it all up. I really have to stop that as i would like to wear nice fitted coats in winter too and high boots etc but still too big. i want to be slim for summer and autumn and winter!!!!