Do your siblings share your body type?

My sister and I are both in our 40s, are the same height and have had two children each. She is a UK size 24-26 and has been for many years. She has joint problems due to being so overweight. I think her boobs probably weigh 10lbs each. By contrast, at age 18 I was a UK size 6-8 and even now am only size 10, heading back towards 8-10 with 6lbs to go. My mother says she always fed us the same as children. No-one seeing us side by side now would even think that we are related.

Does body shape run in your family, or do you have the contrast that my sister and I do?


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    We are complete opposite. Growing up, she was chubbier (not fat), I was rail thin. Now, she carries all her weight in her mid section, with thin legs and I carry most of the extra weight in my hips and legs with a smaller waist.
    I never realized but even when we were both very thin, she says her stomach was never flat, I always had abs. But I was always self conscious of my legs because I thought they were big (although looking back now...). She always had thin legs.
  • sportsforfun
    My brother and I definitely have different body types. He gains very easily and is about a size 38 waist while I cannot pack on weight at all and am a 32 waist. We are around the same height (me 6'4, him 6'2) which is definitely bad for my sister who go the short gene at 5'1.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Completely opposit sister can eat whatever she wants and stays really skinny....I have to watch everything that goes in my mouth and i have always been bigger than her.
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    Nope, my sister has always been a skinny mini... I have always been the bigger one. She eats whatever she wants and stays between 115-125!
  • abetterliv
    abetterliv Posts: 50 Member
    My sister is 12 years old and very underweight for her age and height, and has always been that way. When I was her age, I probably weighed 140 at 5'3".... so not at all, haha.
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    I wouldn't say that I am vastly different than my siblings, but they all seem to have inherited more of my mom's metabolism where I guess I got my dad's. He had to work to keep the weight off, and that's how I am. My other 3 siblings struggle to gain weight. I know it's easy to wish I had their problem, but for my brothers who want to bulk up it's really tough. My sister is 5'11" and at times she's been just over 100 lbs. I do wish I could eat as much as they do without having to worry, though. :)
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    I am 5'11, been overweight my whole life, Im around 280 now, and my older sister, is about 5'6, and 130lbs.
    People give us the weirdest looks. She takes after my mom, and I take after my father.
  • rebeccaME207
    rebeccaME207 Posts: 90 Member
    :laugh: No my brothers boobs arent as big! Probably a good thing 4 him(-:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    My younger brother used to be short and plump while I was averageish in highschool. Now that we've bother graduated, he's now tall and skinny while I'm still short and plump. -____-
  • cherrytulips
    nope, me and my sister are totally different. and my mom and her sister are totally different too.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    My sister is shorter than me at 5'4 and she was always chubby but still smaller than me and she lost weight, getting to a UK 12/14 in her last year of school whilst I was always a UK 16/18. Interestingly though, when I lost my first 20lbs, she started losing the rest of her weight and now weighs the same as me! She does, however, have short legs and a longer torso whereas I'm just quite long all over!
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    Im jelous of my sister, she has a great body! Me on the hand complete oppisite!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Although my sisters (I have two) and I all share a "sturdy" German build complete with thick legs (mine are not at all fat, but they are thick), that's about the extent of our body similarities.
    My sisters are 5'2" and 5'6" and I am 5'10" - yes, we have the same parents.
    My short sister has short legs and a long torso, the middle height sister has about even legs and torso, and I have long legs and a short torso.
    My short sister and I both have large busts, but we carry them much differently. Our other sister is average-endowed in that area.
    Size wise, we are all within a handful of sizes of one another, but at different weights and fitness levels. Because of our height disparities, it's hard to make a good comparison.
    I think that, in most cases, siblings do share more similarities but my family is just not like that.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    My sister and i share the fat gene, she has conquered it where i am halfway through the battle. Since i have lost weight we are starting to look alike.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I'm 5'10' / 199 and my sister is 5'4" and maybe 130. I was always the bigger one. I am also taller than both my parents. My sister may have gotten the body, but I got the personality.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    nope all my siblings are very very skinny my sister can eat what she wants she has chips for lunch everyday at school and sweets then goes home and has a massive dinner and eats after dinner but yet dosnt do anything im the only one who has to watch their weight! always have had to watch what i eat .......maybe they are all alien hmmmm :laugh:

    altho they may all be skinny i have the curves were as my sister has no boobs hips or bum :happy:
  • emaline614
    emaline614 Posts: 86 Member
    my brother and i are bother short, and that's pretty much where the similarities stop. he can gain weight pretty easily but then as soon as he starts becoming active, it flies off of him. not fair!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    me and my maternal brother are opposites, i'm tall he's short, i have a brother and sister on my fathers side that i've never met in person, i know my brother is tall like me but he is super thin... i use to be thin until i started dating my wife, i dont think my sister is built like either one of us though
  • onehotgirl
    My sister is a skinny wee thing, but she has always been that way her whole life was super fussy as a kid (but now ironically she is a chef and eats a lot of different things now), she'll be one of those people who give birth then walk out of hospital in her pre pregnancy jeans lol.

    Although I have never been obese, I have always been overweight or at the high end of the bmi charts, we just have different body builds but that's cool cos I got the curves :happy:
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    My sister and I have diff't dads, but she's got the smaller frame for sure. I took my biological dad's side re build - the women are all "sturdy" lol, like me, but definitely overweight if it's not managed. My sis is pregnant now and will bounce back from baby weight so fast it'll annoy me, but what can you do? I have to work at it, her? Not so much.