confused about MFP's calorie count on a mealplan

well i am going to prepare mussels in wine sauce and the calorie count for 12 of them state 500+ calories......for 12 ?!?!?!?! how inthe world is that possible?these r a list of my ingredients

- mussels
-1 onion
- baby tomatoes
-pinot grigio

the only thing i can think that can add THAT many calories is the wine? but when i do a google on the wine i bought it isnt that much calories and nor r the mussels....i am confused and need opinions!! help!


  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    how much wine are you adding?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Enter the ingredients separately. You may be using somebody else's listing and they may have made it differently. Alternately, there are sites out there that you can enter your recipe on and it breaks out the calories for you.
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    Many wine sauces are loaded with butter. The dish you found in the database was likely entered by another MFP user, using a very different recipe. Your best bet in this case is to save your own recipe and enter your ingredients individually. I have to do this all the time for my home cooked meals.
  • ragingwoman
    thank you i am going to try doing the seperate recipe thing. (and ty for the link!)
    i went and bought specifically lowest cal pinot so i could simply make a large patch(no i wont be eating it all) LOL but obv to feed numerous ppl. never made it before was just gona poor what i thought looks best?lol
    Chef Jean Pierre is my inspiration. (he doesnt give accurate numbers......LOL ahh the french! lol
  • bethie0828
    bethie0828 Posts: 35 Member
    Try using SparkPeople's recipe calculator. I have used it several times.
  • RL100less
    RL100less Posts: 15 Member
    Just pay close attention to food weight and measurement. Use different sources of informatio, this one is very good to compare:
