Are vegetarians thinner than meatatarians..



  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    O M G !!!!!!!

    I never expected these types of responses! When I think of a vegetarian, I think "picture of health" and "thin!"

    Boy, was I wrong!!!

    One can overeat no matt what food group is being restricted! :laugh:
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I think everyone has answered your question with an "nope - not necessarily!" I went from eating an omnivorous diet to being vegan and didn't gain, but didn't lose either.

    As with everything, it depends on your diet. Even still, I have always (in my adult life) eaten a "whole foods" type diet - very little processed foods, very little refined sugar, etc. But it wasn't until I started to MOVE my body that I started to lose weight.

    Now, I definitely FEEL better eating a vegan diet than when I ate a typical American diet. I discovered I'm lactose intolerant and since eliminating dairy from my diet, my myriad tummy troubles have completely disappeared. I've also reduced my over 200 since age 25 cholesterol level to 168. So even if I didn't lose any weight, my health improved drastically by cutting out animal products. Exercise is what has made me LOOK better in addition to feeling better.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eating a vegetarian diet won't guarantee that you'll be thinner than someone eating meat. It depends on what and how much you eat.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    Not necessarily. It really depends on what you eat and how much you eat. I knew a vegetarian who was overweight because all she ate was junk food.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I've known a lot of vegetarians who eat nothing but junk. If you cut out meat, but eat a well balanced, healthy diet, I think you'd be thinner... but if you cut out meat but eat more french fries, cookies, potato chips, soda, and other junk, you will obviously gain weight!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Just wondering because I just finished reading the meat thread and being a vegetarian seems so much more healthy with fewer fatty foods. What do you think????

    Why would eating less fatty foods make you healthier, when fat is an essential macronutrient? Also eating fat does not make you fat, eating in a consistent caloric surplus makes you fat

    Your beating your head against the wall................people are so fat phobic because of the ingrained messages that has been sent to us for years, it is virtually impossible to deprogram.
  • shannonichole
    I've been vegan 12 years and I'm chunky :blushing: But when I do eat a healthy, vegan diet (compared to a junk food vegan diet) I lose the most amount of weight. It just depends if you eat broccoli or Tofutti cuties (soy ice cream) for dinner.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If that were true there wouldn't be so many of us veg*ns on here who are overweight. Regardless of whether you are veg*n or omni, you can eat junk and be unhealthy (or just overeat and gain weight).

    I'm afraid this is true. You can be a vegetarian and still get a huge amount of calories from the snack aisle. Might be slightly harder as a vegan, but that's partly because to be healthy a vegan must be extremely mindful about nutrients and combinations. Even so, I'm sure there are vegans who take a multivitamin every day, then still get their calories from junk.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I like to think so.

    But I'm probably wrong.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    not really...though all the vegetarians and vegan girls i know are really skinny...maybe there's something to it that omnivores just don't see.
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    Untrue. No matter what the people who say this is true are saying. I knew two vegetarians, one was thin as all get out, the other was larger than me at my highest weight. Same thing for two vegans I knew. Same thing for two omnivores. I tried going vegetarian for a week and gained three pounds. I added meat back in (lean meats, occasional red meat for iron needs) and lost the three vegetarian pounds AND THEN SOME. What works for one person does not always work for another one.

    It all depends on the person.

    I agree completely. I'm a vegan(90% of the time) in a home of meat eaters. When my husband tries to go on a vegan/vegetarian diet, he is miserable. He feels awful and tends to gain weight. Mind you, I'm not doing a vegan diet on chips and soda. We do eat actual green vegetables and balanced meals. If I try to eat a high protein diet where most of the sources are from meats, I feel awful and tend to gain weight. Therefore, we have struck a balance. Most of my vegan dishes are easy enough to add a meat course. If he is home for dinner, he has the option to do that. It totally depends on the person.

    If you are interested in trying it, is a great website to learn how to do Vegan meals the right way.

    Again, if you want to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you put in your mouth.