Greek yogurt sheds pounds?



  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've suffered from anorexia before and subsequently fell into binge eating. I feel like i have no control over myself or what I put into my mouth. I need a go-to breakfast and lunch to have or else all goes to hell.

    Then I don't think limiting your calorie intake so much is helping. There is a happy medium in between eating too much and starving yourself. You may find you binge less if you are able to eat a little more throughout the day.

    If it's really a serious problem, then you may need to seek more professional help.
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    I've suffered from anorexia before and subsequently fell into binge eating. I feel like i have no control over what I put into my mouth. I need a go-to breakfast and lunch to have or else all goes to hell. Any suggestions?

    I think you would benefit more by talking with a nutritionist and counselor who specializes in food control issues than by severely limiting your food intake.
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    At 550 cals/day you will quickly lose fat, lose muscle, burn out, and feel like *kitten*. Statistically, you will rebound and gain everything back.

    You will greatly increase your odds of long term success by following a healthy balanced diet with a moderate calorie deficit.

    Eta: no food "sheds pounds"; eating a calorie deficit sheds pounds. Doing it at a good pace and starting good sustainable habits is what keeps the pounds off.
    They also stated they would still have 650 cal. left for dinner, total of 1200... Just saying
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I've suffered from anorexia before and subsequently fell into binge eating. I feel like i have no control over what I put into my mouth. I need a go-to breakfast and lunch to have or else all goes to hell. Any suggestions?
    You need food that will help you feel full and stick with you. Yogurt and almond or peanut butter in the morning is good. I like oatmeal with a handful of dried cranberries. Eggs in the morning also fill me up. I don't have a cholesterol problem so I eat the whole egg.

    Lunch over the summer was often a salad. A hard boiled egg and avocado are good, filling, healthy fats. Since it's cooler I've been doing sprouted bread or tortilla with veg and low fat cheese.

    Figure out what foods you like and write down a weeks worth of meals. This will also help with shopping.Then make them and set them in the fridge, I've seen on Pinterest people pre-making meals and storing either in glass jars or ziplocs.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    At 550 cals/day you will quickly lose fat, lose muscle, burn out, and feel like *kitten*. Statistically, you will rebound and gain everything back.

    You will greatly increase your odds of long term success by following a healthy balanced diet with a moderate calorie deficit.

    Eta: no food "sheds pounds"; eating a calorie deficit sheds pounds. Doing it at a good pace and starting good sustainable habits is what keeps the pounds off.
    They also stated they would still have 650 cal. left for dinner, total of 1200... Just saying
    She didn't clarify that until later. Also, just sayin'.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    Has anyone lost weight eating plain Greek FF yogurt?

    My plan is to eat an 18 oz container with 1 T almond butter(for fat), a sprouted English muffin, and a handful of berries over the course of the day which comes out to 550 calories. This allows me 650 cals for dinner (lean meat, veggies, whole grains). Has anyone eaten similarly?
    i love Greek yogurt! but make sure you find one with plenty protein and not so much of the "bad" stuff..
    i usually have it for breakfast with blueberries, strawberries, bananas, flax seeds and sometimes i add granola cereal! :tongue:
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    GY is nothing magic but if it helps you stay in a calorie deficit, great. You/ll have bubble guts if you eat too much of it
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    i would be so damn SICK of greek yogurt after a week (if not less).
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    What is your pound/week goal set at? With so little to lose I would set it at 1 pound or 0.5 pound per week. That might give you some more calories so you can eat more :)
  • EnjoyTheSpin
    i would be so damn SICK of greek yogurt after a week (if not less).

    You'd think so, but I can't get enough of the stuff!
  • EnjoyTheSpin
    What is your pound/week goal set at? With so little to lose I would set it at 1 pound or 0.5 pound per week. That might give you some more calories so you can eat more :)

    I'd like to lose a pound a week
  • BarbelleBaby
    It sounds as though you just need to plan ahead more: if you're hungry, it may be because you're not eating sensibly. Eating loads of carbs and very little protein can have this effect.

    Try buying in plenty of cuts of lean meat and fish and have low fat and sugar yoghurt in your fridge rather than the normal, like you suggested. But focussing on a whole pot of greek yogurt won't be the answer, you need to feed your body what it NEEDS

    Think it over again and plan ahead :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    What is your pound/week goal set at? With so little to lose I would set it at 1 pound or 0.5 pound per week. That might give you some more calories so you can eat more :)
    I'd like to lose a pound a week
    You may want to, but you will likely have more success if you aim for 0.5 a week, and eat a healthy amount of calories. This may also help you resist the temptation to overeat.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    What is your pound/week goal set at? With so little to lose I would set it at 1 pound or 0.5 pound per week. That might give you some more calories so you can eat more :)

    I'd like to lose a pound a week

    I started with that. However, when I got closer to goal I bumped it to 0.5 pound per week. I know it doesn't seem to make much sense, but sometimes you need to eat more to lose the weight. I hit a plateau and then started losing again when I bumped my goal and started eating more calories. :) I, too, felt really hungry when I first started MFP. I worked out like a fiend just so I could eat more, ha ha. That worked for me.

    Other than that, another poster had some good suggestions with filling foods (eggs, salads, etc.). Also remember not to deny yourself everything, you will be more likely to binge then (or at least that is the case for me). I tried to work a 1/2 cup of ice cream into my calories most days as a treat. It is all about portion control and not about just eating "diet food." It is a lifestyle change. I personally could NOT do the rabbit food or super healthy whole grain route. I heavily dislike whole grains and while I like salad a lot, I couldn't eat it every single day.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Nope, I would eat a well rounded dinner. I'm having a horrible time watching my calories and I feel like this is sort of a last resort to keeping my calories low. This is so hard

    With only 13-14 lbs to lose, you don't need to eat so little to lose weight.

    I second this. Why are you eating 1200 calories? Are you absolutely sedentary? Really really short and old? Hypothyroid?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i love plain greek yohurt and i add my own honey and fresh strawberries... mmm, i refuse to eat the low fat version because it tastes terrible... it's like a luscious desert for taste and flavour to me.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Are you willing to eat that diet the rest of your life? Because if you don't, you'll regain the weight as soon as you stop eating it.

    I do have a breakfast I eat every day that is nonfat dairy, and I am comfortable with that being permanent. It works for me. But I'm eating both lunch and dinner. I don't do "hungry. "

    You should think about what foods you really like, foods that you aren't really willing to live without. Then plan out how much and how often you will eat them. Make it part of your plan, not a binge. If you feel you are off your diet, you may lose all control.
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    I would use Greek yogurt more as a replacement in recipes as a way to cut calories. If you are going to eat a whole large container you will burn yourself out on it super quick!